Two lines of evidence in recent studies have demonstrated the dynamic expression pattern of different NOS isoforms in the CNS. First, knockout mice carrying targeted mutations in the nNOS genes display residual NOS in the brain.
24 Second, eNOS, once thought to be present only in vascular endothelial cells, has now been found to be expressed by neurons and glial cells in the CNS.
7 8 9 These results suggest that eNOS plays a role in neural functions, in addition to the regulation of vascular activities. In this study, we provide the first evidence showing that, in addition to vascular endothelial cells, eNOS is expressed in a small population of retinal cells in the developing human retina. Our immunohistochemical data demonstrate that eNOS may have a dual role in both vascular and neuronal development of the human fetal retina.
Except for the demonstration of eNOS expression in retinal neurons, our findings on the expression pattern of eNOS in the developing human retinal vasculature are in general agreement with previous observations.
25 26 When eNOS-labeled amacrine cells were first detected in the incipient fovea-surrounding area at 12 WG, eNOS expression associated with retinal vasculature was restricted to the optic nerves. As development proceeded, when eNOS expression in amacrine cells had spread to the temporal and nasal retina, retinal vessels were still primarily localized to the area surrounding the optic disc, mainly at the superior and inferior retina. The fact that eNOS-expressing cells coexpressed NeuN but not CD34, a vascular endothelial cell marker, suggests that eNOS is expressed in retinal neurons and not in vascular endothelial cells during early fetal development. The results revealed that the onset of eNOS expression in developing amacrine cells preceded the invasion of retinal vasculature in human fetal retina, indicating that eNOS may play a role in retinal development. Furthermore, the continued expression of eNOS in syntaxin-positive cells and the subsequent increase of eNOS-expressing amacrine cells in late development suggests that eNOS plays a more prominent role in terminal differentiation and/or cell maintenance rather than in initial differentiation of amacrine cells. The correlation of eNOS with GAD67 expression in amacrine cells indicated that GABAergic amacrine cells may also require eNOS expression for terminal differentiation and maintenance of the GABAergic phenotype. The absence of expression of the proliferation marker Ki-67 in eNOS-containing amacrine cells suggests that expression of eNOS occurs only in postmitotic cells in the developing retina. These findings are consistent with the observations that NO may be essential in the differentiation of neural precursor cells during neurogenesis.
27 Perhaps one of the physiological roles of eNOS in developing retina is to contribute to the terminal differentiation and maintenance of amacrine cells through the release of NO. Further studies are necessary to test this hypothesis.
There are some disagreements about the cellular location of eNOS in the retina. Cheon et al.
12 and Ju et al.
13 demonstrated that eNOS-IR could only be detected in retinal vessels, but not in neurons, in the normal rat retina. These findings are consistent with our observations in the rat retina. Only after ischemia–reperfusion injury could eNOS expression be induced in the cells of the GCL.
12 Other investigators have also detected eNOS mRNA in cultured RGCs and amacrine cells.
28 In contrast, Tsumamoto et al.
14 reported that all RGCs in the normal postnatal rat retina immunohistochemically express eNOS protein and that NO can be detected in cultured RGCs. In their studies, however, eNOS-IR in the retinal vasculature, which should be present at the age they investigated, was not demonstrated. Goureau et al.
15 localized eNOS-IR in the photoreceptors, amacrine cells, and RGCs of the developing chick retinas. Differences in sensitivity between the antisera, differences in experimental conditions, or differences in species perhaps explains the discrepancy.
In the present study, we used the most stringent controls in immunohistochemistry to verify the specificity of the eNOS antibody, by performing the preabsorption with a peptide specific to the eNOS antibody, or with a peptide specific to the distinct sequence of nNOS, which is the closest related molecule to eNOS in structure and function. Preabsorption of the eNOS antibody with eNOS peptides but not peptide specific to nNOS, completely abolished eNOS-IR. Furthermore, the eNOS antibody used in this study intensively labels blood vessels on the vitreous surface, in the retina, the choroid, and the optic nerve head of both human and rat tissues. In addition, the spatiotemporal pattern of eNOS expression in the developing human retinal vasculature in our study conformed completely with observations in previous studies.
25 26 The results from the control experiments established the validity of our immunohistochemical data.
We demonstrated that, at 17 WG, eNOS-IR was primarily localized in amacrine cells in the INL and displaced amacrine cells in the GCL and processes in the inner and outer plexiform layer (OPL) at the incipient fovea-surrounding area and eNOS-IR spread peripherally with increasing age (28 WG was the latest gestation age examined). The appearance of eNOS-expressing cells coincided with synaptogenesis in the IPL and the proportion of these cells increased concomitantly with synaptic maturation, consistent with previous findings in humans. In the developing human retina, eNOS expression was observed in a temporal-to-nasal and central-to-peripheral gradient, confirming the sequences of retinal maturation in many species, including humans.
21 29 30 eNOS-IR photoreceptors, with immunolabeled cell bodies in the ONL and synaptic formation in the OPL, appeared in a similar manner and proceeded in a temporonasal and central peripheral sequence. On the whole, our results suggest that a wave of eNOS-positive cells appears at the incipient fovea at ∼17 WG and advances in a central–peripheral pattern across the retina as development progresses. Significantly, our results also suggest that this wave of eNOS-expressing cells is coincident with a central–peripheral pattern of synaptic formation in the IPL and OPL. This strongly suggests that eNOS expression in the INL, GCL, and ONL is associated with the formation of synaptic contacts by amacrine cells, displaced amacrine cells, and photoreceptors in the IPL and OPL, respectively. It has been shown that NO mediates the refinement of visual projections during development.
31 In addition, NO appeared to participate in learning and hippocampal synaptic plasticity.
8 9 It is plausible that eNOS and NO in the retinal cells also function as retrograde messengers in the refinement of synaptic connection and modulate neuronal transmission from photoreceptors to ganglion cells in the developing human retina. In this study, eNOS-labeled cells, apart from the endothelium of the blood vessels, can be found only in human retina, not in rat retina. There may be species variation in eNOS expression in the developing retina.
Expression of NOS in the photoreceptors is still controversial. Immunochemical and NADPH-diaphorase (NADPHd) histochemical staining failed to detect NOS in photoreceptors. Other investigators have localized NOS in bovine photoreceptor inner segments. In contrast, NOS activity was said to be present in the outer segments in another report. Our study revealed the expression of eNOS in a small quantity of photoreceptors expressing 7G6 in the ONL, suggesting that eNOS expression may identify early cone photoreceptors. NADPHd reactivity has also been reported in a subpopulation of cone photoreceptors in adult human retina, possibly representing the blue cones. Furthermore, NADPHd histochemistry also identified the short-wavelength-sensitive (SWS or blue-sensitive) cone in the cone-dominated retina of the tree shrew.
32 33 34 35 36 Thus, the eNOS-IR photoreceptors detected in this study may contribute to the NOS activity detected with NADPHd histochemistry in the previous studies. These findings are consistent with the morphologic characteristics and expression pattern described for the SWS (S cones) in human fetal retina. Colocalization experiments are needed to elucidate further the identity of the eNOS-expressing cones.
This is the first report to describe the presence of eNOS in subsets of neurons in the developing human retina. The spatial and temporal sequence of eNOS expression correlates with the period of amacrine cells and photoreceptor differentiation and synaptogenesis, consistent with a role for eNOS in retinal development, in addition to the regulation of retinal circulation. NO acts as a modulator of neuronal transmission in the mature nervous system, including the retina.
37 38 Recent studies have suggested that in addition to their roles in synaptic communication in the mature brain, neurotransmitters and neuromodulators have a trophic role in neuronal maturation at an early developmental stage. Thus, a neurotransmitter–neuromodulator can take multiple forms and exert several actions at different developmental stages.
39 40 Therefore, it is conceivable that NO produced by retinal cells behaves in a similar manner. It is, however, thus far unclear how NO participates in neuronal development. It has been proposed as a retrograde messenger that acts downstream of the
d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor on presynaptic terminals during development.
3 41 It has been suggested that NO is important in the regulation of neuronal progenitor cell proliferation, migration, differentiation, and neurite outgrowth
42 43 and in brain plasticity.
42 Furthermore, the expression of NOS may be crucial to the establishment of the appropriate pattern of synaptic connections in the visual target.
31 44 Our results showing the presence of eNOS expression in the amacrine and cone photoreceptor cells raised the possibility that NO, released by these cells and their processes in the extracellular space, could act as a diffusible tropic factor for the growing axons to make synaptic contacts, or could serve as a retrograde signal in the shaping of terminal arbors to match their dendritic targets. Therefore, a diffuse signal like NO could play a central role in the formation and stable maintenance of synapses during retinal development.
Our data demonstrate that eNOS is present predominantly in subpopulations of GABAergic amacrine cells. GABA and NOS have been colocalized in the brain.
45 46 Previous studies have shown that the vertical glutamatergic flow of visual information from photoreceptors to ganglion cells is modulated by GABAergic inputs from horizontal and amacrine cells in the ONL and INL, respectively.
47 48 In this respect, it is important to note that GABAergic amacrine cells receive glutamatergic input from bipolar cells. These bipolar cells, in turn, are modulated by negative feedback from GABAergic amacrine cells.
49 Thus, interactions between GABAergic and glutamatergic systems are functionally important in establishing a coherent micronetwork in the retina, and eNOS could be involved in this synaptogenesis. In addition to GABA, it has been demonstrated that the NMDA receptor is localized in NOS neurons in the retina.
50 The colocalization of NOS and NMDA receptors suggests that NOS-expressing amacrine cells participate in glutamatergic circuits in the retina and that NOS may be triggered by the activation of the NMDA receptor. The increase of intracellular calcium, mediated by both L-type Ca
2+ channels via GABA receptors and by ligand-gated Ca
2+ channels by NMDA receptors, is believed to be involved in a variety of developmental events in CNS, such as neuronal migration
51 and neurite outgrowth.
52 53 It is reasonable to speculate that mobilization of intracellular Ca
2+ ions by both types of channels plays a role in activating eNOS in developing retinal cells and that the spatiotemporal mobilization of the intracellular Ca
2+ mediated by different signaling pathways could influence eNOS activity in a variety of developmental events in the retina.
A significant finding in our studies was the apparent association of eNOS expression with the development of retinal neurons. Whether there is indeed a causal relationship between these two phenomena cannot be concluded from our data. However, our data suggest that with the prenatal detection of eNOS expression in human fetal retina and with the newly discovered role of neurotransmitters–modulators as early signaling molecules for CNS development, the potential involvement of eNOS in neuronal development and differentiation should be considered to be one of the possible functions of the eNOS/NO system.
The authors thank Phillis Kau for assistance in the experiments, Johnny Leung for assistance with the figure preparation, and Tony Chan and Alla Li for assistance with the confocal microscopic imaging.