purpose. In the mammalian lens, the expression of the β- and γ-crystallin families is thought to be limited to fiber cells. However, several studies detected these proteins or their mRNAs in human lens epithelial cells. To resolve this apparent discrepancy, 14 crystallin mRNAs were examined and the expression and subcellular distribution of selected crystallin proteins in lens epithelial cells determined.
methods. Transcript levels were analyzed by quantitative real-time PCR using mRNA from P3 rat lens epithelia cultured for 0 or 20 hours or 4 or 7 days in basal medium or with added FGF2. Antibodies to βB1-, γS-, αA-, and αB-crystallins were used for Western blot analysis of proteins extracted from adult mouse, human, bovine, rabbit, and rat lens epithelial and fiber cells. Rat lenses or lens epithelia were rapidly fixed in situ, 30 minutes after death, or after dissection from the lens, and the intracellular distributions of crystallins were examined by immunostaining and confocal microscopy.
results. Four patterns of crystallin gene expression were detected in cultured lens epithelia. Transcripts encoding most β- and γ-crystallins were detectable and, in some cases, abundant at the time of explantation. Changes in crystallin protein levels in P3 epithelia cultured in basal or FGF-supplemented medium generally reflected the changes in their mRNAs. βB1- and γS-crystallins were abundant in adult human, mouse, rat, rabbit, and bovine lens epithelial cells. The α-, β- and γ-crystallins were found in distinct subcellular locations in adult lens epithelial cells. These proteins dramatically relocalized during fiber cell differentiation and after death and/or dissection of the lens epithelium.
conclusions. βB1- and γS-crystallins are normally abundant in adult mammalian lens epithelial cells. Complex programs of transcription and degradation regulate the accumulation of crystallin mRNAs in lens epithelial cells after stress, at different ages, and during cell differentiation. Because crystallins selectively localize in distinct subcellular compartments during differentiation or stress, they may function to protect lens cells from injury. After stress, most αA- and αB-crystallin subunits are not in the same macromolecular complexes.
All vertebrate lenses express high levels of crystallins belonging to two protein families. There are two α-crystallins, αA and αB, and a larger number of β- and γ-crystallins that are members of the family of small heat shock proteins. Members of the β- and γ-crystallin families share the same core tertiary structure and are often referred to as belonging to the βγ family, which includes a diverse group of non-lens proteins with a similar tertiary structure.
1 The lenses of many species also express taxon-specific crystallins, which are enzymes that have been recruited during evolution for high-level expression in the lens.
Crystallins mainly function as structural proteins, accumulating to high concentrations in the lens fiber cells, thereby generating the high refractive index and transparency needed for lens function.
3 Recently, targeted gene deletion revealed that αA-crystallin also protects lens epithelial cells against apoptosis in vivo
4 and in vitro
5 6 and that αB-crystallin appears to be important for maintaining the stability of the epithelial cell genome, at least in cultured lens cells.
7 Nonrefractive functions for members of the βγ family have not been identified in lens cells.
There is a long-standing view that, in mammals, the α-crystallins are expressed in lens epithelial and fiber cells, whereas expression of the β- and γ-crystallins is restricted to fiber cells.
3 This view originated with the pioneering immunocytochemical studies by McAvoy,
8 who found that, in neonatal rat lenses, antibodies to α-crystallin stained both epithelial and fiber cells, but antibodies to β- or γ-crystallins stained only fiber cells. Many subsequent investigators used antibodies prepared against β- or γ-crystallin fractions to define fiber cell differentiation from cultured lens epithelial explants that had been stimulated to differentiate with growth factors.
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Other studies showed that mRNAs encoding β- and/or γ-crystallins were not detected in neonatal lens epithelial cells, but increased greatly when these cells were stimulated to differentiate into lens fiberlike cells by treatment with fibroblast growth factors.
15 17 18 19
In spite of the prevailing view that β- and γ-crystallins are expressed only in lens fiber cells, investigators in prior studies have reported detecting β-crystallins in primary cultures of neonatal human lens epithelial cells and in cultures of immortalized neonatal human lens epithelial cells.
20 21 However, because crystallins were only examined after culture of these cells for at least 2 weeks in serum-containing medium, it is possible that β-crystallin expression was initiated in vitro. More recent analyses detected β- and γ-crystallin mRNAs and proteins in preparations of adult human lens epithelial cells.
20 22 23 24 25 Because these later studies were not designed to address crystallin localization in the intact lens, it is possible that the samples examined were contaminated with small amounts of fiber cell cytoplasm or that the antibodies used for protein detection were not specific.
Our laboratory detected β- and γ-crystallin mRNAs in a microarray study of the transcripts present in neonatal and adult rat lens epithelia, again raising the possibility that β- and γ-crystallins are expressed in lens epithelial cells. To resolve this question, we examined the expression of 14 crystallin genes and the levels of four crystallin proteins in cultured neonatal rat lens epithelia, in adult rat lens epithelial and fiber cells, and in the epithelial cells of several species of adult mammals. The results of these studies showed that several β- and γ-crystallin mRNAs and at least two proteins from the βγ family are present and usually abundant in adult mammalian lens epithelial cells. Studies of explant cultures demonstrate that the 14 crystallin genes are regulated in one of four distinct patterns in response to culture in basal medium or medium supplemented with FGF2. Changes in the expression and subcellular distribution of the crystallins during fiber cell differentiation or after death were consistent with the possibility that these proteins protect lens epithelial cells from stress.
Animal use conformed to the ARVO Statement for the Use of Animals in Ophthalmic and Vision Research, and the Washington University Animals Studies Committee approved the animal protocols. Human lenses were obtained from a local eye bank. Use of human lenses conformed to the Declaration of Helsinki, and the Washington University Human Studies Committee approved the human tissue protocols.
P3 rats were killed by decapitation, and lens epithelia were isolated by dissection in CO
2-independent medium (Invitrogen Corp., Carlsbad, CA) and spread out and pinned on 13-mm round plastic coverslips (Sarstedt, Inc., Newton, NC). The epithelial cells readily separated from the fiber cells, usually leaving an intact fiber mass. The edges of the epithelial explants were carefully trimmed with a scalpel to remove any lens fiber cells that remained attached at the margin of the explants.
26 RNA was isolated immediately (T0) or after culture in 5% CO
2 and 95% air for 20 hours or for 4 or 7 days in Dulbecco’s minimal essential medium (DMEM) containing 0.1% bovine serum albumin (BSA) (basal medium; Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO) or in the same medium supplemented with FGF2 (100 ng/mL; PeproTech, Inc., Rocky Hill, NJ).
Adult rat, rabbit, bovine, human, and mouse lenses were removed from the eye and placed epithelium side down on a dry plastic coverslip. A small drop of basal medium was applied to the lens to keep it from drying out. The posterior capsule was grasped with sharp forceps and the forceps were used to peel segments of the posterior capsule to the lens equator. After the equatorial epithelial cells had been separated from the fiber mass, the fiber mass was removed, and the epithelial sheet was flattened on the coverslip. The peripheral epithelial cells were removed with a scalpel to avoid contamination with fiber cells. The absence of contamination by fiber cells or fragments of fiber cells was confirmed by confocal microscopy and Western blot analysis for the fiber-specific major intrinsic polypeptide (MIP). Groups of four lens epithelia were lysed in radioimmunoprecipitation assay (RIPA) buffer containing a protease inhibitor cocktail (Complete; Roche Diagnostics, Indianapolis, IN) and sodium orthovanadate (0.2 mg/mL), and the lysates were stored at −80°C.
Protein concentration was measured with a protein assay reagent (DC; Bio-Rad) in microtiter plates with BSA as a standard. Equal amounts of protein (5 μg) were loaded in each lane. Blots were stained with ponceau S to confirm equal protein loading. Proteins were separated on 12% Tris-glycine gels (Novex; Invitrogen) and transferred to nitrocellulose membranes by standard methods. To test whether the epithelial explants from adult lenses had detectable contamination by fiber cells, blots of proteins extracted from epithelial explants and fiber cells from the same lenses were probed with a rabbit polyclonal antibody to the lens fiber–specific membrane protein MIP. These samples were also tested to determine the distribution of γS-crystallin in these tissues. To determine the distribution of crystallins in lens epithelial and fiber cells, we probed blots with primary antibodies to αA- (mouse, 1:1000), αB- (rabbit, 1:2000), βB1- (rabbit, 1:250), and γS- (rabbit, 1:5000) crystallins, and bands were visualized using horseradish peroxidase-labeled anti-rabbit or anti-mouse secondary antibodies and chemiluminescence detection (Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Inc., Santa Cruz, CA). After each reaction, the blots were stripped (Restore Western Blot Stripping Buffer; Pierce, Rockford, IL) and reprobed successively with each primary antibody to assure that the protein levels could be compared directly. Each experiment was performed a minimum of three times.
To estimate the relative abundance of each crystallin in lens epithelial and fiber cells, serial dilutions of fiber cell total proteins and an equal amount of epithelial cell total proteins from the lenses of 8-month-old rats were prepared and analyzed by Western blot analysis. The blots were scanned, and the intensity of the bands obtained at each dilution of the fiber cell extract was compared to the intensity of the band in the epithelial cell extract. Larry David (Oregon Health Science University) kindly provided us with the percentage composition of each crystallin in adult rat cortical lens fiber cells. Using these data, we calculated the approximate percentage composition of each crystallin in adult rat lens epithelial cells.
Adult rats were anesthetized with ketamine and medetomidine. To examine the distribution of crystallins in epithelial and cortical fiber cells, the cornea and iris were carefully removed, and the anterior of the lens was fixed in situ for 5 minutes with 10% neutral buffered formalin. The lens was then removed from the eye, fixed for an additional hour in the same fixative, and washed in PBS. The posterior of the fixed lens was punctured with fine forceps, and the hard ball of central fiber cells was carefully dissected from the softer cortical fibers and discarded. The remaining lens cortex and epithelium were then cut into 100-μm sections parallel to the visual axis using a tissue slicer (OTS-4000; Electron Microscopy Sciences, Fort Washington, PA) and stained with antibodies to βB1 or γS-crystallin.
To examine the distribution of crystallins in the isolated lens epithelium, adult rats were anesthetized, the cornea and iris of one eye were removed rapidly, and the anterior surface of the lens was flooded for 30 seconds with a non–cross-linking fixative (Histochoice; AMRESCO, Solon, OH), This fixative was used because it allowed the lens epithelium to be dissected from the fiber mass after fixation. We were not able to perform this dissection after even brief fixation with formalin. The lens was removed from the eye and the epithelium isolated as described. The animal was then killed by CO2 inhalation, and 30 minutes later the contralateral lens was fixed and the lens epithelium isolated in an identical manner. In a third group, animals were killed by CO2 inhalation, the lens was removed and the lens epithelium isolated. The epithelial explant was immediately fixed for 30 seconds with the fixative (Histochoice; AMRESCO). After isolation, explants were fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin (Fisher Scientific, Fairlawn, NJ) for 1 hour.
For immunostaining, lens sections or epithelial explants were washed in PBS, incubated with 10% goat serum in PBS containing 0.1% Triton X-100 for 30 minutes, and incubated overnight at 4°C with primary antibody. After three 10-minute washes in PBS, the sections were incubated with Alexa Fluor 633 goat anti-rabbit or anti-mouse IgG (Molecular Probes, Eugene, OR) at a dilution of 1:1000 for 2 hours. Sections and explants were washed with PBS, mounted in a 1:1 dilution of PBS and anti-fade medium (Vectashield; Vector Laboratories, Burlingame, CA) and viewed with a confocal microscope (Carl Zeiss Meditec, Inc., Thornwood, NY).
Primary antibodies used included a monoclonal antibody to αA-crystallin (1:500; antibody kindly provided by Usha Andley from hybridoma cells isolated by Paul FitzGerald), a polyclonal rabbit antibody to αB-crystallin (1:200; StressGen Biotechnologies Corp., Victoria, British Columbia, Canada), a rabbit polyclonal antibody to βB1-crystallin (1:100; gift of Joseph Horwitz, Jules Stein Eye Institute, University of California Los Angeles), a rabbit polyclonal antibody to γS-crystallin (1:500; kindly provided by Graeme Wistow, Section on Molecular Structure and Function, National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD)
27 and a rabbit polyclonal antibody to MIP (kindly provided by Alan Shiels). Nuclei were visualized after staining with TOTO-1 (100 nM; Molecular Probes, Inc.).
The Subcellular Distribution of α-, β-, and γ-Crystallins in Adult Lens Epithelial Cells
The distributions of selected crystallins in adult rat lens epithelial and fiber cells were determined using immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy on sections of whole lenses and in wholemounts of isolated epithelial explants
(Figs. 8 9) . Because Western blot analysis for βB1- and γS-crystallins indicated these proteins should be present in adult lens epithelial cells, we tested their distribution in sections of whole lenses
(Fig. 8) . Rats were anesthetized, the cornea and iris were removed, and the lens was fixed in situ. Lenses were then removed from the eye, sectioned and stained with antibodies to βB1- and γS-crystallins. βB1-crystallin was present in the cytoplasm of cells throughout the lens epithelium, with low levels of staining detectable in the nuclei. A striking redistribution of this protein occurred as the epithelial cells began to differentiate into fiber cells at the lens equator. Nuclear staining for βB1-crystallin increased greatly, so that the nuclei of the fiber cells stained more strongly than the cytoplasm.
Staining for γS-crystallin in epithelial and fiber cells followed a reciprocal pattern to that observed for βB1. Epithelial cell nuclei were strongly stained by the antibody to γS-crystallin, whereas levels of this protein were lower in the cytoplasm. At the lens equator, γS-crystallin staining decreased markedly in the nuclei, and nearly all the staining became cytoplasmic. These observations show that the subcellular distribution of these crystallins is differentially regulated during lens cell differentiation.
We used wholemounts of lens epithelia to explore further the subcellular localization of the α-, β-, and γ-crystallins. In preliminary studies, we detected variable distributions of some of these crystallins between the cytoplasm and the nucleus. At least part of this variability was traced to differences in the interval between death and fixation and to the stress associated with the isolation of epithelial explants. To address these sources of variation, we anesthetized adult rats, removed the cornea and iris of one eye rapidly, and fixed the lens epithelial cells while the lens was still in the eye. The animal was then killed by CO2 inhalation, and 30 minutes later the contralateral cornea and iris were removed, and the lens epithelial cells were fixed in situ. After fixation, the lens epithelia were dissected from the lens and prepared for immunostaining. In another group of animals, death was induced by CO2 inhalation, the lens was removed from the eye, the epithelium was dissected, explanted onto a plastic coverslip and then fixed. These protocols provided sheets of lens epithelial cells that were fixed immediately in situ, 30 minutes after death, or after death and dissection.
Significantly different intracellular distributions of the four crystallins were seen after these treatments
(Fig. 9) . In epithelial cells fixed in situ in the living animal, αA-crystallin immunoreactivity localized predominantly at the plasma membrane and in a fibrillar distribution throughout the cytoplasm, with little nuclear staining. Thirty minutes after death, αA-crystallin was distributed in a pattern that was similar to cells fixed before death, although the cytoplasmic staining was less fibrillar and more granular. When lens epithelia were fixed after dissection, most of the αA-crystallin immunoreactivity was at the plasma membrane. The remainder of the staining was in coarse cytoplasmic granules. In epithelial cells that were fixed in the living eye, the distribution of αB-crystallin immunostaining was similar to that of αA-crystallin, with fibrillar cytoplasmic staining, moderate staining at the plasma membrane, and little nuclear staining. Thirty minutes after death, αB-crystallin immunoreactivity increased at the plasma membrane and became granular in the cytoplasm. There was a marked redistribution of αB-crystallin in epithelial cells fixed after dissection, with staining diffusely distributed throughout the cytoplasm and in large, intensely stained globules. In epithelial cells fixed before death, βB1-crystallin was predominantly found in the cytoplasm in fine granules against a background of diffuse, uniform staining. A substantial amount of staining for βB1-crystallin was also evenly distributed within the nuclei. After death, βB1-crystallin showed fibrillar and fine granular distribution in the cytoplasm. Most nuclei had little staining. When epithelial cells were fixed after dissection, βB1-crystallin immunoreactivity appeared in fine cytoplasmic granules, in a distinct perinuclear distribution, and in the nucleus as fine granules against a diffuse background. In lens epithelial cells fixed in situ, most of the γS-crystallin immunostaining was present as fine granules in the nucleus. A smaller number of granules were distributed uniformly throughout the cytoplasm. After death, most of the γS-crystallin localized to the nucleus, with only a few coarse granules remaining in the cytoplasm. When explants were dissected before fixation, γS-crystallin staining was found entirely in the nucleus.
We detected major changes in the subcellular localization of crystallins during fiber cell differentiation and after death. Although the mechanisms responsible for and the significance of the changes in intracellular protein localization must await further analysis, several conclusions can be drawn from our observations.
The subcellular redistribution of βB1- and γS-crystallin during fiber cell differentiation raises the possibility that these proteins play distinct roles in epithelial and fiber cells. This observation also suggests that there are specific mechanisms that regulate the transport of these proteins into and out of the nucleus, even though neither protein has a nuclear localization signal that can be identified by sequence analysis.
The existence of mechanisms to regulate the subcellular distribution of crystallins is also supported by the observation that each of the α-, β- and γ-crystallins studied were differentially distributed in lens epithelial cells that were fixed in situ. These proteins then changed their subcellular distributions after death or after the dissection of epithelial explants. Therefore, there appear to be distinct mechanisms that govern the distribution of different crystallins within adult rat lens epithelial cells after stress. The dissection of the lens epithelium is likely to subject the epithelial cells to physical and biochemical stresses. Signals generated by these stresses may cause the selective redistribution of the crystallins. The application of defined physical or biochemical stimuli to lens epithelial cells in situ, followed by rapid fixation, could uncover the signaling pathways that underlie the redistribution of crystallins in stressed lens epithelial cells.
α-Crystallins associate with the plasma membranes of normal lens fiber cells and in increasing amounts during cataract formation.
44 45 46 47 48 49 In the present studies, a substantial amount of αA- and αB-crystallin associated with the plasma membranes of lens epithelial cells fixed immediately or 30 minutes after death, indicating that α-crystallin also has a propensity for associating with the membranes of lens epithelial cells. In lens cells fixed after dissection, most of the αA-crystallin was associated with the plasma membrane, whereas the majority of the αB-crystallin was distributed in the cytoplasm. These results suggest that αA- and αB-crystallins have different affinities for plasma membranes in stressed lens epithelial cells. They also demonstrate that, under these conditions, most of the epithelial αA- and αB-crystallins are not in the same aggregates.