Erratum in: Cover legend in January 2005 issue on page 3 of the table of contents (Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2005;46(1)).
The cross-reference line was not included in the cover legend. The legend should read:
Cover: CLSM image (left side) and 3D reconstruction (right side) of palisade endings in extraocular muscles. In the CLSM image, the nerve fiber supplying the palisade ending around the muscle fiber tip is double positive for antibodies against neurofilament (red) and choline acetyltransferase (green). The muscle fiber is stained with phalloidin (grey). In the 3D reconstruction, the overall morphology of a palisade ending is shown. The nerve fiber is green, nerve terminals are red, and the muscle fiber is grey. See Konakci et al. on page 155 of this issue.