Determining whether there was an interaction between corneal and conjunctival sensory channels was the objective of this study. The relatively strong sensation evoked from the cornea seemed to “suppress” the relatively weaker conjunctival sensation. The conjunctival stimuli preceded by corneal stimulation were perceived to be less intense than conjunctival stimuli applied alone. This finding has not been reported before, and the mechanisms responsible for it are not clear. We believe that it may be related to the following phenomena.
Adaptation refers to a neural response with decreased firing rate and attenuated magnitude in responding to a repeated application of a stimulus.
13 22 23 It is an intrinsic characteristic of sensory pathways and occurs in both peripheral and central nervous systems.
14 24 25 26 In the present study, the sensations evoked from the cornea were discomfort or irritation with both mechanical and chemical stimulation, suggesting that mechano-nociceptor or polymodal nociceptors mediated the response. In cat, the receptive fields of corneal central polymodal neurons cover approximately one fourth of the corneal central area, whereas the peripheral neurons extend to the adjacent episclera.
13 Although humans may share similar receptive field characteristics on the received field of corneal sensory nerves, it is unlikely that the nerves at the temporal conjunctiva, 5 mm away from the limbus, would be affected by central corneal stimulation. Therefore, peripheral nerve adaptation does not seem to be solely responsible for the phenomenon found in this study.
The afferent information of the ocular surface sensory system is delivered by corneal and conjunctival Aδ and C nerve fibers to the trigeminal ganglia, which convey nociceptive information to the spinal trigeminal nucleus that descends as far as the second cervical level. In lamina I of the dorsal horn, nociception-specific neurons and polymodal nociceptive neurons respond to the nociceptive stimulation conveyed by Aδ and C sensory nerves. The nociceptive information is then integrated by wide-dynamic-range neurons in lamina V.
27 The second-order corneal responsive neurons in the spinal trigeminal nucleus (Vsp) have been identified as nociception-specific or wide-dynamic-range neurons.
15 16 17 18 Electrophysiological studies have shown that one of the characteristics of neurons at the transition between the subnucleus interpolaris and caudalis (Vi/Vc) and the most caudal portions of Vc at the spinomedullary junction (Vc/C1) is that they have large receptive fields. These so-called corneal-cutaneous neurons may extend their receptive fields to the adjacent cutaneous tissue, such as conjunctiva, eyelid skin, and other facial skin.
13 16 18 In addition, they exhibit fatigue or adaptation to repeated stimulation. If these nerves were processing the stimuli in our experiment, the corneal-cutaneous neurons may also have responded to conjunctival stimulation and, when the paired stimuli were presented to cornea and conjunctiva, these neurons may have adapted to the corneal stimulation and become less responsive to subsequent conjunctival stimulation.
These corneal responsive neurons at the Vi/Vc transition region may also play an important role in integrating the descending antinociceptive control.
18 Diffuse noxious inhibitory control involving descending inhibition from the brain stem on the dorsal horn neurons
28 29 30 may be one such possible mechanism to account for the findings in our experiment. This effect has been demonstrated in the trigeminal nerve,
31 32 and the depressive effect is especially apparent at high stimulus intensities.
33 If this mechanism were operating in this experiment, it would result in the noxious corneal stimulation regulating the conjunctival response.
When fitted with power functions, corneal mechanical and chemical sensory transducer functions were similar to previous reports,
20 34 35 as might be expected based on the Stevens power law.
36 Compared with other non-nociceptive sensory modalities such as vision, warmth, and pressure in the skin,
37 the exponents in the present study were high, perhaps because, in the cornea, both mechanical and chemical stimuli evoke nociceptive responses. This effect is similar to the transducer functions generated by other nociceptive stimuli, such as electrical shock, painful cold, and labor pain, each of which has been shown to have a high exponent of their respective transducer power functions.
37 38 39
In summary, this study demonstrated that mechanical and chemical stimulation of the human cornea could suppress conjunctival sensation. This “negative interaction” may occur because of adaptation within the sensory system, diffuse noxious inhibitory control, or other inhibitory mechanisms. At some level, corneal and conjunctival sensory channels are not independent.
The authors thank the subjects who participated in this experiment.