To verify that as Cx46 replaced Cx50, the only physiological changes would be in gap junction coupling conductance, we first examined other lens biophysical properties.
Figure 2 compares the radial distribution of intracellular voltage in the various types of lenses. The data are a scatter of recordings of steady state voltage, measured with respect to the bathing solution, at several radial locations from several lenses of each type. The lens radius is
a (in centimeters) and
a is the normalized distance from the lens center. The smooth curves were generated based on a model of circulating current flow causing the radial gradients in voltage.
15 The voltage appears to be flatter in the KI lenses, as one would expect, since the values of R
MF are significantly smaller in the KI than WT lenses (see
Fig. 4 ). Thus, for the same ionic current densities, one expects there would be smaller voltage gradients in the KI than WT lenses. Indeed, the three theory curves were generated using the same parameters except for the average voltage at
r =
a (−70 mV for WT, −69 mV for KI[50/46], and −60 mV for KI[50/46]) and the values of R
MF, which are given in the legend to
Figure 4 . The fits suggest that the circulating ionic currents are quite similar in the three types of lenses. Moreover, because resting voltage depends on the transmembrane Na
+ and K
+ gradients, which are established by the Na/K ATPase, as well as the selectivity of the membranes for Na
+ and K
+, these transport properties seem to be similar in the three types of lenses. Last, the resting voltage in the KI(50/46) lenses is somewhat more negative than in KI(46/46), even though the KI(50/46) lenses have the cataract, so the cataract does not appear to be due to compromise of any of the ion transport systems mentioned earlier.