In the current study, we demonstrated that the TonoLab rebound tonometer can monitor rat and mouse IOP accurately and reproducibly. In the validation studies, the measured IOP values were similar to the actual pressure within the eye. Using procedures recommended by the manufacturer, no correction factors are needed to calculate the actual IOP. The instrument uses a minimal force to propel a very lightweight probe, whose impact with the cornea is almost imperceptible by human subjects, such that local corneal anesthesia is not necessary.
12 In rodents, we also found that the animals appeared to tolerate the procedure very well in the absence of any corneal anesthetic agent. There were no observable ocular or systemic untoward effects either during the IOP measurement or at various time points afterward. The IOP values of conscious Wistar rats and various strains of mice recorded by the rebound tonometer were consistent with those reported using other techniques.
9 10 14 The reduction in IOP induced by general anesthesia described previously
15 was also easily identified by the rebound tonometer. We further confirmed mouse-strain differences in IOP that closely matched previously reported literature values.
14 Compared with other techniques, use of the rebound tonometer was much easier to learn and did not require lengthy practice before satisfactory data were obtained. In addition, because of the very light force used by the tonometer when impacting the cornea, the rat or mouse IOP appeared not to be affected by multiple repeated measurements. There was no hint of IOP decline even after up to 90 consecutive IOP measurements within several minutes (data not shown). Overall, this rebound tonometer is convenient, accurate, and therefore practical and useful in the assessment of rodent IOP.
Although the TonoLab rebound tonometer is designed and advertised to be handheld, we found that unless it was steadied and fixed with clamps connected to a ring stand, the derived IOP values were more variable. It is likely that manual holding allows slight movements of the instrument during the measurement procedure, especially at the time when the trigger button is activated, which may introduce additional errors. Furthermore, its accurate assessment of IOP relies on a horizontal orientation of the probe, and handheld operation obviously cannot always guarantee such orientation.
In general, IOP measurement using this apparatus required only one researcher. With the rat, the animal could be satisfactorily restrained with one hand, while the other hand was free to operate the tonometer. However, the same procedure was not effective for the mouse; the smaller body size relative to the human hand permits too much free play of the head to provide an acceptable constant distance and angle between the probe and the cornea. To overcome this problem, we constructed a custom-designed restrainer to stabilize the head of the mouse during IOP evaluation. Care was taken not to exert pressure to the neck or head of the animal, lest this produce an artificial change in IOP. As indicated by the results, this restraining device worked well, and assessment of mouse IOP could be easily achieved by a single operator.
In addition, we found that IOP values obtained by the rebound tonometer were very sensitive to various factors. For example, the IOP of an even slightly agitated animal will be significantly higher than normal. Consequently, we recommend multiple practice sessions to familiarize the animals with the handling and measurement procedure so as to minimize their excitement. A quiet and serene environment in the laboratory where IOP is studied is also crucial. Disturbances in the surroundings tend to upset the animals and cause irratic IOP readings. Most important, for accurate IOP measurement, it is highly critical to aim the contact point of the tonometer as close to the apex of the cornea as possible and to carefully align the tonometer tip with the optical axis of the eye. Misalignment does not necessarily trigger an error message from the equipment, but it often caused the reporting of a lower IOP reading than the actual value. This error in underreporting is especially obvious in mouse eyes with higher IOP, much more so than in normotensive eyes. Thus, misalignment of the tonometer probe will generate false-negative data in ocular hypertensive treatments and false positive results in hypotensive studies. Consequently, vigilant care and meticulous attention to the placement and alignment of the tonometer are essential to avoid this drawback. With these precautions, reproducible and meaningful IOP values can be routinely generated with the rebound tonometer.
Recently, many rodent glaucoma models have been developed and characterized. In rats, ocular hypertension can be induced by surgical procedures that damage the aqeuous outflow pathway, such as by injecting hypertonic saline into one of the episcleral veins,
16 by lasering the trabecular meshwork and/or the episcleral vessels,
17 18 19 20 or by cauterizing the extraocular veins.
21 Moreover, an increasing number of mutant mice and rats that spontaneously develop glaucoma have been discovered in the past years. For example, the DBA/2J mouse strain exhibit symptoms of pigmentary glaucoma due to iris atrophy and iris pigment dispersion.
22 A similar but not identical substrain, the DBA/2NNia mouse, also shows ocular hypertension with analogous etiology.
23 The AXKD-28/Ty mouse shares the iris stromal atrophy phonotype and glaucoma.
24 The
Col1a1(r/r) mutant mouse develops open-angle glaucoma associated with an impaired degradation of type 1 collagen, an extracellular matrix protein, in the trabecular meshwork.
25 Finally, a newly described rat strain acquires increased IOP associated with a ciliary body hypertrophy.
26 These rodent glaucoma models did and will continue to contribute to our increasing understanding of the mechanisms involved in the development of the disease. An improved capability of expedient and precise assessment of rat and mouse IOP will allow us to take full advantage of these experimental models.
Furthermore, applications of molecular biological techniques and genetic manipulation in rodents have also been instrumental in furthering our knowledge of the etiology and pathology of glaucoma. The discovery of glaucoma genes,
27 28 coupled with the ever-expanding capacity in manipulating these genes in vivo in rodents by enhancing or suppressing gene expression,
29 30 31 32 33 will help in identifying the critical glaucomatous molecular and cellular pathways involved for each glaucoma gene, as well in ascertainment of the final common pathways of the disease. The availability of a convenient, reproducible, and accurate rodent IOP assessment will be extremely helpful in determining the role of elevated IOP in glaucoma pathogenesis.