The pattern presentation (approximately 4 minutes) was preceded by an unmodulated uniform field (approximately 1 minute) of the same mean luminance (blank), which was used to evaluate the background noise level. In the control experiment shown above, the cycle blank-pattern was repeated three times to show reproducibility. To minimize transients at the onset of pattern presentation, the first five sweeps of the first packet were discarded. During the pattern presentation, the PERG amplitude was much larger than the noise and had a stable phase. During blank presentation, the phase assumed random values within the modulo. The interpacket variability of PERG amplitude was of the same order as the noise variability, indicating that the noise was the major source of amplitude variance with time. Even with a limited averaging of 50 sweeps, however, the signal-to-noise ratio and variance were adequate to evaluate dynamic changes of the PERG amplitude, in particular after interpolating data with a suitable function. The major feature of
Figure 1is that, during pattern presentation, the PERG amplitude slowly decreased with time and tended to level off after eight packets (∼2 minutes). We defined this response decline with time as
habituation, in accordance with previous reports of pattern visually evoked potential (VEP) amplitude diminishment with repetitive stimulation.
48 49 To have an objective evaluation of the dynamic changes of PERG amplitude, data were fitted with an exponential decay function,
y =
p +
d ·
e (−n/τ), where
y is the PERG amplitude at any given packet,
p is the plateau amplitude,
d is the Δ between the peak amplitude and the plateau amplitude,
e is the exponential symbol,
n is the packet number, and τ is the time constant of the decay function. Using a double exponential function did not improve the fitting of the data. To normalize data among subjects, dynamic changes of PERG amplitude were expressed as the ratio
r between the peak amplitude and plateau amplitude [
r = (
p +
p]. As shown in
Figure 1 , pattern-evoked dynamic changes of PERG amplitude were repeatable and did not show apparent signs of fatigue when an unmodulated blank field was interleaved between pattern presentations for approximately 1 minute (five packets).