Visual field progression is often the only clinical sign that a change in the patient’s vision has taken place. It is therefore usually regarded as a strong indication that the treatment regimen should be intensified. Many recent clinical trials in glaucoma have yielded important scientific information and jointly have the potential of dictating strong practice guidelines throughout the spectrum of the disease, from suspected to advanced glaucoma. However, one impediment of translating the results of these trials into clinical practice is the large difference in visual field endpoints that had been specified. This lack of standardization is understandable, given the extent of knowledge about the longitudinal behavior of visual fields and their variability when the trials were designed and executed. Newer and potentially better methods of analyzing visual field progression may, however, allow standardization of progression criteria, such that information from different studies can be compared and translated to clinical practice.
One of these new tools is the glaucoma progression analysis (GPA) which is based on pattern deviation values which compensate for changes in the GH of the visual field, thought to be caused primarily by cataract.
20 Important glaucoma-related clinical trials, such as the Early Manifest Glaucoma Trial,
6 have used similar analyses for defining endpoints. To date, however, the performance of the GPA has been evaluated in surprisingly few studies
21 and a comparison with the GCP analysis, based on total deviation, has been reported in only one published study.
22 The specificity of the GPA has not been published. Therefore, our objectives in this study were to investigate the differences between total and pattern deviation analyses of visual field progression in subjects without clinical evidence of increasing media opacity, as well as to estimate the specificity of the progression analyses over time.
Our results indicate that between 10% and 15% of glaucomatous eyes show evidence of progression with the total deviation but not the pattern deviation analyses. In individual eyes, on average, total deviation analyses also classified more test locations as having progressed. Both these findings were similar with event and trend analyses. They agree with those of Katz
22 which showed a lower incidence of progression with the pattern deviation event analysis (GPA) compared with total deviation (GCP). One possible explanation for these findings is the confounding factor of concurrently progressing cataract, which would have been reduced with pattern deviation analyses. However, we feel that progressing cataract is unlikely to be the sole explanation for the differences between the total and pattern deviation analyses. We excluded patients whose visual acuity had deteriorated by more than 2 lines over the course of the study, as well as those who had undergone cataract surgery. Moreover, recent evidence established in the same population suggests that cataract surgery, despite a mean improvement of 2 lines of visual acuity, results in only a very small and statistically insignificant improvement in total deviation.
23 Almost all eyes which changed in
either MD or GH changed with
both indices, indicating that glaucomatous visual field progression comprises both focal and diffuse components. Moreover, in patients with moderately advanced damage, even purely focal changes (had they existed) would have affected GH
24 and therefore would have led to a systematic underestimation of change with the pattern deviation analyses. In patients with advanced damage, the pattern deviation calculations often produce obviously misleading results.
Although, in most glaucomatous eyes, the total deviation analyses revealed a larger number of locations as progressing than did the pattern deviation analyses
(Fig. 4) , the opposite was true in a small number of eyes. This finding can be explained by the fact that pattern deviation analyses may compensate for overall improvements of the visual field, which may partly mask concurrent progression in the total deviation analyses. Overall improvements in the visual field may be due to learning
26 27 28 but may also occur as an artifact of inappropriate age adjustment if the true age changes in an individual are different from those observed in a population. For example, visual fields that change relatively less would show increasing (i.e., more positive) total deviation values over time. Even though we had excluded the first visual field test of each subject from our analyses, statistically significant positive slopes of MD and GH with time occurred in a significant number of patients as well as healthy control subjects
(Fig. 5) . In these subjects, pattern deviation analyses may have advantages over those based on total deviation.
Although computer simulations have been used to investigate and compare the performance of different criteria to determine progression,
16 29 such simulations depend largely on comprehensive models for glaucomatous visual field change that are difficult to validate. We were interested primarily in the specificity of the progression analyses (i.e., the likelihood that a given visual field was classified as having progressed although no real change had taken place). To obtain estimates of specificity from real clinical data, we derived two independent proxy measures of specificity. First, visual field progression was analyzed in a group of healthy control subjects. The rationale for using the rate of progression in the normal control eyes as a proxy index of specificity in patients with glaucoma is based on the assumptions that: (1) normal ageing effects are accounted for by both total and pattern deviation analyses, (2) visual field progression is specific to glaucoma, and (3) both analyses compensate for the different levels of variability observed in patients with glaucoma and control subjects. Any deterioration observed in the healthy control subjects should therefore be due only to random variability. With any of the analyses performed, the progression rate in healthy eyes was low; after 10 years of follow-up, only between 2% and 6% of control eyes had met the criteria for progression. Second, the rate of visual field improvement was determined in the glaucomatous eyes, based on the rationale that genuine visual field improvement in glaucoma is rare. Although learning effects, which manifest as visual field improvement, occur to varying degrees and over various time periods,
26 27 28 30 31 they would lead us to underestimate, rather than overestimate, the specificity of the progression analyses. With both event and trend analyses, the improvement rates were below 10% after 10 years of follow-up, suggesting that the true specificity of the progression analyses was high. Although the differences between the proxy indices of specificity (rates of progression in control eyes, rates of improvement in both groups of subjects) with the event and trend analyses were not statistically significant, we cannot be confident that the specificities of the criteria are truly similar. To obtain sufficient statistical power to detect a real difference between two low rates, very large sample sizes are necessary. For example, a sample size of approximately 500 would be necessary to obtain 80% power to confirm the 5% difference between specificities of 90% and 95%. Because these rather small absolute differences in specificity can be clinically important, the lack of statistical power for comparisons of diagnostic tests is an important, though not easily addressed, problem.
In summary, the pattern deviation analyses generally yielded a smaller number of progressing eyes than did the total deviation analyses. Although the average differences in time-to-progression were small (earlier detection with total deviation by approximately 6 months, or one examination), the spread of differences in individual patients was sufficiently wide to be of clinical importance. If the clinical evidence is not suggestive of increasing media opacity, pattern deviation analyses may significantly underestimate visual field progression in glaucoma. Because, in individual eyes, either total or pattern deviation analyses can have distinct advantages, we argue that clinicians should have access to both methods for clinical decision-making in glaucoma.
The authors thank Chris Johnson and colleagues at Discoveries in Sight (Portland, OR) for providing a large part of the test–retest visual field data used to estimate the variability limits in the event analyses.