It was also of interest to investigate the size distribution of proteins at certain locations in lenses of control and O
2-treated animals. A size distribution analysis was conducted in one lens each of 12 control and 9 experimental animals at 2 of the 50 in vivo lens measurement locations, in the nucleus at a point 2.0 mm from the anterior capsule and in the anterior cortex 0.5 mm from the capsule. Protein size data were averaged for control and O
2-treated lenses after dividing the sizes into small-diameter (<50 arbitrary units) and large-diameter (>50 arbitrary units) proteins
(Table 2) . In the nucleus, at the 2.0-mm location, lenses of control animals showed 90% of the total protein intensity clustered into the group of small-diameter polypeptides (mean diameter, 18 arbitrary units). A second, less prominent control group, making up 10% of the total intensity, had a size approximately 16 times that of the major group (mean diameter, 279 arbitrary units). Results for the O
2-treated lenses at the 2.0-mm location
(Table 2)showed two prominent groups of proteins. The O
2-treated small-diameter proteins, making up 68% of the total intensity, had a size (mean diameter, 29 arbitrary units) 1.6 times that of the major control group (
P > 0.001), and the O
2-treated large-diameter proteins, accounting for 32% of the total intensity, had a size (mean diameter, 528 arbitrary units) 30 times the control small proteins and nearly twice the control large proteins (
P = 0.03). Thus, at this one location in the lens nucleus, the oxygen treatment produced a threefold increase in intensity and a twofold increase in size of the large, aggregated proteins. In the anterior cortex at the 0.5-mm location
(Table 2) , there were no significant differences in the intensities and apparent sizes of the two groups of proteins, control versus O