The multifunctional glycoprotein clusterin is a novel component of XFM, as reported (Ovodenko B et al.
IOVS 2005:46:ARVO E-Abstract 3763) and recently confirmed.
62 Under our experimental conditions, clusterin was identified by both, Q-ToF and LC-MS/MS experiments and its prevalence in the deposits was suggested by the number of hits obtained in LC-MS/MS, by its recovery in XFM proteolytic fragments visible in standard gel electrophoresis and by the consistently strong immunoreactivity of the deposits. Clusterin, a ubiquitous molecule also known as apolipoprotein J, has been implicated in a wide variety of physiological and pathologic processes, including lipid transport, apoptosis, stabilization of cell–cell and cell–matrix interactions, prevention of complement activation and stabilization of protein folding following stress-induced denaturation.
63 64 It is mainly a secreted glycoprotein although nonglycosylated intracellular forms, both cytoplasmic and nuclear, originated by alternative splicing mechanisms have also been described.
65 66 Clusterin mRNA is present in almost all mammalian tissues
67 68 and protein expression occurs in nearly all body fluids.
68 69 70 In the eye, clusterin is expressed in most ocular cells and tissues
62 including corneal and conjunctival epithelium,
71 72 corneal endothelium,
73 ciliary body, and retina.
74 75 76 It is also localized to extracellular structures such as ocular basement membranes and stromal fibers
62 and present in both aqueous and vitreous humors.
62 75 In plasma, clusterin is preferentially located in high-density lipoprotein particles, actively participating in the mechanism of reverse-cholesterol transport.
77 As discussed earlier, secreted clusterin also acts as a fluid phase inhibitor of the MAC formation,
49 50 51 a mechanism that may have relevance in XFS (Ovodenko B et al.
IOVS 2005;46:ARVO Abstract 3763). However, the most important and puzzling biological function of clusterin appears to pertain to its enhanced expression during cellular stress. It participates in apoptosis signaling and oxidative stress mechanisms
63 and is an extracellular chaperone with the ability to bind a wide variety of partly unfolded stressed proteins and several hydrophobic ligands through its unstructured, molten, globule-like regions of the molecule.
78 79 As some of the multiple examples of this activity, clusterin interaction with soluble Aβ Alzheimer’s amyloid in vitro has been shown to preclude its typical fibrillization and neurotoxicity, a protective effect seen also with other amyloid molecules and prion fragments (reviewed in Ref.
63 ). Paradoxical to its protective chaperone activity, clusterin has been found codeposited in all amyloid lesions tested so far, irrespective of their location
63 including forms restricted to ocular tissues.
80 Because of its widespread presence in all amyloid deposits, clusterin is considered one of the so-called amyloid-associated proteins, a heterogeneous group of unrelated components that includes, among others, SAP, vitronectin, ECM proteins, GAGs, and complement proteins. These molecules colocalize with the amyloid lesions but are not a structural part of the final fibril, and it is still debatable whether they are innocent bystanders or their presence plays a key role in the mechanism of protein aggregation and fibrillogenesis. Interestingly enough, all these molecules are also components of XFM, suggestive of related mechanisms in the formation of XFS and amyloid deposits.