purpose. It may be possible to restore accommodation to presbyopic human eyes by refilling the lens capsular bag with a soft polymer. In the present study, optical changes were measured that occurred in a pig eye model after the refilling of the capsular bag.
methods. The optical power and spherical aberration in 10 isolated pig lenses were measured under different conditions. They were first determined by using a scanning laser ray-tracing technique over an effective pupil size of 6 mm. Second, the contours of the anterior and posterior lens surface were photographed, and a mathematical ray-tracing was performed by using a polynomial fit through the digitized surface contours, to determine optical power and spherical aberration. Third, the lenses were refilled with a silicone oil until their preoperative lens thickness was reached, and scanning laser ray-tracing, contour photography, and mathematical ray-tracing were repeated. Comparisons between the measurements were made to determine how the change from a gradient refractive index to a homogeneous refractive index influenced spherical aberration. The influence of the change in lens contour on spherical aberration after lens refilling was also studied.
results. The natural lenses had a higher lens power than the refilled lenses (49.9 ± 1.5 D vs. 36.8 ± 1.5 D; P < 0.001). Moreover, there was a change in sign from negative spherical aberration before lens refilling (−3.6 D) to positive spherical aberration after lens refilling (7.9 D; P < 0.001). The comparison between scanning laser ray-tracing of the natural lens and mathematical ray-tracing of the photographed surface contours of the natural lens to determine the effect of refractive index substitution (i.e., replacement of a gradient refractive index by a homogeneous refractive index) showed a significant change in spherical aberration from −3.6 ± 2.0 to 11.0 ± 2.1 D (P < 0.001). The change in lens contour did not result in a significant change in spherical aberration (P = 0.08) before and after lens refilling with an equal refractive index.
conclusions. The lower lens power of refilled pig lenses compared to natural lenses was due to the lower refractive index of the refill material. Refilling pig lenses with the silicone oil used in this study resulted in an increase in spherical aberration. This increase was mainly caused by the change from a gradient refractive index to a homogeneous refractive index. The change in lens curvature after lens refilling did not result in an increase in spherical aberration. The influence of lens refilling on spherical aberration of human lenses must be determined in similar experiments in human eyes.
Surgical restoration of accommodation after the onset of presbyopia has received considerable attention lately. To the authors’ knowledge, however, none of the published procedures are capable of restoring more than 1 D of accommodation in the living human eye. Because presbyopes usually need reading glasses with a power of 2 to 3 D, an accommodative amplitude of 1 D is insufficient for prolonged reading.
According to the classic Helmholtz theory of accommodation,
1 the emmetropic eye is focused for distance when the ciliary muscle is relaxed. Under this condition, the zonular fibers, which are attached to the periphery of the lens, have a resting tension that maintains the lens in a relatively flattened state. On accommodation, the ciliary muscle contracts, causing a reduction in the ciliary body diameter and a release of the zonular fiber tension. This action allows young lenses to regain their unstretched shape, which is characterized by an increase in the anterior and posterior lens curvature. This results in an increase in lens power, and objects near the eye are focused on the retina. All the structures involved in accommodation (lens capsule, lens nucleus, and cortex, zonular fibers, ciliary muscle, and choroid) show age-related changes that may explain the onset of presbyopia at the approximate age of 45 years. Many investigators, however, consider a hardening of the lens nucleus and cortex to be the most important factor causing presbyopia. This seems to be an intuitively logical explanation, since the lens changes its shape during accommodation. Pau and Kranz
2 , for example, described the simultaneous increase in lens sclerosis and decrease in accommodative ability. Heys et al.
3 showed that the increasing stiffness of the human lens with age is most pronounced in the nucleus. Further, by placing lenses on a rapidly rotating table, Fisher
4 demonstrated that older lenses are more resistant to deformation than are younger lenses. Glasser and Campbell
5 established that older lenses, when exposed to equatorial stretching forces, show less change in focal length than do younger lenses. Thus, if the lens nucleus and cortex are responsible for presbyopia, then replacement of the hardened lens substance by a suitable soft, transparent polymer should restore the accommodative range.
6 was the first to describe a surgical method to replace the contents of the capsular bag of the crystalline lens with a soft refill material. He removed the lens cortex and nucleus by means of a small capsulorrhexis and injected a flexible polymer into the bag. He then used a plug to prevent leakage of the polymer from the capsular bag. Later in vitro studies of refilled human eyes
7 and in vivo studies of nonhuman primate eyes
8 9 10 found accommodative changes in the refilled lenses, indicating the potential for this procedure. Replacement of the natural lens content by a silicone polymer, however, influences the optical properties of the lens. To begin with, the gradient refractive index that exists in the natural lens is changed to a homogeneous refractive index. Studies have shown that such a change in refractive index clearly influences spherical aberration. For example, the optical analysis by Smith et al.
11 showed that the gradient refractive index is responsible for the negative spherical aberration of the crystalline lens, whereas Koopmans et al.
7 demonstrated that refilled ex vivo human lenses had predominantly positive or zero spherical aberration, but never the negative spherical aberration of natural human lenses. These latter researchers did not, however, quantify the spherical aberration. A second optical factor that changes after lens refilling and that could influence spherical aberration is the curvature of the surfaces of the refilled lens. It is not yet clear how the lens curvature changes after the lens capsule has been refilled. Lens curvature is influenced by the amount of material that is injected into the capsular bag.
12 To make a useful comparison between the optical properties of natural and refilled lenses, it seems logical to compare natural lenses with lenses that have been filled to a level that re-establishes the original lens dimensions. The purposes of the present study were to establish the amount of spherical aberration before and after lens refilling and to determine whether the change in spherical aberration was caused by the change in lens curvature or by the change from a gradient refractive index to a homogeneous refractive index. To do this, the optical properties of 10 pig lenses were measured before and after lens refilling. The use of lenses from a species with a sturdy lens capsule (e.g., from a pig) was advantageous because several measurements and associated manipulations were needed for each lens. Furthermore, pig eyes were easily available. Lens thickness is a parameter that can be measured and influenced during surgery, and so the lenses were refilled to a predetermined thickness similar to that of the natural lens.
Condition 1.
Condition 2.
Condition 3.
Condition 4.
The anterior and posterior radii of the lenses were assessed with digital lens surface contour photography. A rectangular glass tank with a volume of 10 × 5 × 5 cm was filled with saline solution. The glass tank was placed on a revolving stand equipped with a circular scale graduated in 1° steps. A monochrome video camera (CV-M50; JAI, Yokohama, Japan) equipped with a macro lens (Cosmicar 75 mm; Pentax, Hamburg, Germany) was installed 30 cm in front of the glass tank. The video images were fed to a personal computer. The pixel-to-millimeter conversion was calculated from a picture of a steel calibration ball (0.5 in. in diameter), that was placed in the glass tank at the position where the pig lens would be photographed. The two inferior sutures were detached from the plastic ring, whereas the top of the lens remained attached via the other two sutures. The ring was then placed flat on top of the glass tank, so that the lens could hang freely and vertically in the saline solution
(Fig. 1B) . The lens was photographed with the optical axis perpendicular to the axis of the camera to determine the anterior and posterior surface contours.
To do this, the optical axis was first positioned perpendicular to the axis of the camera, as judged by observation. Then, a picture was taken and the area within the lens contour was determined using image-processing software (Optimas; Media Cybernetics). The lens was rotated in 5° steps until the smallest area within the lens contours could be determined. At this time, the optical axis of the lens was considered to be perpendicular to the camera axis. Four pictures of the lens were then taken. The glass tank containing the lens was rotated 180° between every picture so that each side of the lens was photographed twice. The digital image files were processed with custom image-processing software (using MatLab ver. 6.0; The MathWorks, Natick, MA). After the lens contours were detected, a circle was fitted, using a least-squares method, to the central 6-mm chord span of the anterior and posterior lens surfaces to determine the radius of curvature. The software corrected for the tilt of the lens: the position of the optical axis was defined by the line passing through the centers of the two circles fitted to the anterior and posterior surface contours.
Refractive Power of the Lens.
Spherical Aberration.
Mathematical Ray-Tracing.
To determine the influences of the contour changes of the lens and the change from a gradient refractive index to a homogeneous refractive index on refractive power and spherical aberration, we used mathematical ray-trace software (MatLab ver. 6.0; The MathWorks). The program fitted a 10th-order polynomial to the lens contour data from the lens contour photographs and calculated the refraction of 51 parallel light rays evenly distributed over a 6-mm aperture through the contour, assuming a homogeneous refractive index within the lens. From these data the focal length and spherical aberration were calculated similar to the SLRT method. This method was called mathematical ray-tracing (MRT).
The equivalent refractive index of the natural pig lens was needed to compare between the data obtained by MRT and SLRT in natural pig eyes. The equivalent refractive index was established as the refractive index at which the mean refractive power in MRT of natural lenses equaled that of the mean refractive power obtained with the SLRT method. This equivalent refractive index (1.4686) was then used for subsequent calculations.
These experiments show that refilling the pig lens capsule with silicone oil to the same thickness as before surgery resulted in significant changes in the optical properties of the lens. First, the lens power (comparison A) and the lens radii of the refilled lens (comparison E) were lower than those of the natural lens. One would expect a higher lens power when the sphericity of the lens increases. This contradictory relationship can be explained by the lower refractive index of the refill material. The material used in our experiments was made with the intention of refilling human lenses, which have a lower equivalent refractive index than pig lenses. Second, there was a change in the sign of the spherical aberration of the lens from negative (−3.6 ± 2.0 D) to positive (7.9 ± 2.3 D; comparison A). This change can be explained by the replacement of the gradient refractive index in the natural lens by the homogeneous refractive index in the refilled lens. Comparison C showed that even if the lens contours are identical, the change from a gradient refractive index to a homogeneous refractive index results in a significant increase in spherical aberration. Third, the sphericity of the lens contours increases after refilling (comparison E). This could also be responsible for the increase in spherical aberration. However, comparison D showed that the increase in sphericity of the refilled lenses did not influence spherical aberration significantly, even though the same homogeneous refractive index was used.
One must remember that the lenses used in these experiments were removed from the eye. It is quite plausible that this had some influence on our data, especially if one considers the 0.4 ± 0.1-mm increase in mean natural lens thickness when the lens was removed from the intact pressurized eye and mounted in a plastic ring without stretching
(Fig. 3) . To estimate the changes in anterior lens curvature after an increase in lens thickness of 0.4 mm, we performed a calculation. The radius of the anterior lens curvature appeared to decrease from 11.1 to 7.0 mm (Appendix). This means that our conclusions are based on experiments with pig lenses with experimentally induced decreased radii of the lens curvatures. Under our experimental conditions, the change from a gradient refractive index to a homogeneous refractive index had the largest effect on spherical aberration. Even though the refractive index of the lens did not change, the additional changes in lens curvature due to refilling only resulted in a 2.0 ± 2.5 D (
P = 0.08) change in spherical aberration.
The changes in spherical aberration in our experiments were assessed by directing parallel rays at the samples. In the real-eye situation, the cornea converges these parallel rays. To estimate this effect on the spherical aberrations in our experiments, we performed some calculations on an eye model in which the cornea was represented by an ideal lens with a power of 40 D and placed 4.2 mm in front of the lens. Under all four conditions, the resultant spherical aberrations in this “real eye” were approximately 40% of the values reported in
Table 1 .
Another item of consideration is that our conclusions were based on a comparison between the direct measurement of lens power and spherical aberration using SLRT and the lens power and spherical aberration calculated using MRT of the fitted surfaces derived from lens surface contour photography. The latter method may be sensitive to errors resulting from improper fit. Comparison B compared the datasets of refilled pig lenses measured by SLRT and by MRT. Because a refilled pig lens has a homogeneous refractive index, the two datasets should not differ significantly from each other. This was confirmed by our results and shows that the MRT method does not induce significant systematic errors.
Refraction of the eye will be the preferred endpoint for lens-refilling in a clinical setting. In the present study, however, the endpoint for refilling was the same axial thickness as before refilling. Koopmans et al.
12 showed that a 100%-refilled pig lens correlates with a lens thickness of approximately 7.0 mm. A change in mean lens thickness of 0.54 ± 0.16 mm (±SD) results in a change in lens power of 1 D, which is the predictive error of biometry in conventional cataract surgery in 85% of all cases.
15 Measurement of axial lens thickness with A-scan ultrasonography has an accuracy of ±0.1 mm and should, therefore, be an accurate endpoint for refilling. Moreover, it is easy to perform.
In human eyes, spherical aberration and the possibility of correcting it have received considerable attention recently.
16 17 18 It is the third major type of aberration after sphere and cylinder aberrations. Spherical aberration of the eye increases depth of focus, but decreases modulation transfer at high spatial frequencies at optimum focus.
19 Correcting spherical aberration in pseudophakic patients by implanting an intraocular lens with an aspheric design results in an increase in contrast sensitivity at optimum focus.
20 21 22 These influences of spherical aberration on the optical performance of human eyes make it relevant to predict the effect of lens refilling on this parameter. Based on our experiments and previous studies,
7 12 it can be concluded that there is an increase toward a positive value of spherical aberration after lens refilling. It is not clear, however, whether lens refilling in human eyes will result in the same large changes in spherical aberration seen in pig eyes. Pig lenses differ considerably from human lenses. They are more spherical and thicker than human lenses. It could be that the contributions of the gradient refractive index and the surface curvatures to the total amount of spherical aberration differ between the two species.
Jones et al.
23 showed that the refractive index profile in the central region of the human lens becomes flatter with age. Consequently, the spherical aberration changes from negative to positive when the human lens ages. Our refilled lenses had a homogeneous refractive index with a positive spherical aberration, quite similar to the optical qualities of an older lens. Therefore, it can be expected that refilling the lens in a younger individual induces a larger change in positive spherical aberration of the eye than in an older individual.
In conclusion, we found that refilling pig lenses with the silicone oil used in these experiments resulted in an increase in spherical aberration. The change from a gradient refractive index to a homogeneous refractive index played an important role. The change in lens curvatures after refilling did not result in a significant increase in spherical aberration. The influence of lens refilling on the spherical aberration of human lenses has to be determined by similar experiments in human eyes.