For S1 and S2, binocular eye and target position feedback signals were processed with anti-aliasing filters at 200 Hz using six-pole Butterworth filters before digitization at 1 kHz with 16-bit precision (Labview Software and DAQ board [National Instruments, Austin, TX]). Unit activity was recorded with epoxy-coated tungsten electrodes (1–5 megaohm; Frederick Haer, Brunswick, ME). Action potentials were identified using a windowing method (Bak Instruments, Rockville, MD), and time stamps were stored. In addition, raw unit data were acquired at 25 kHz (CED 1401 and Spike2 software [Cambridge Electronic Design, England]). Spike sorting was also performed offline, and spike times were calculated with the use of an offline template-matching algorithm (Spike2 software; CED). Because of a change in data acquisition systems in the laboratory, eye, target, and unit data for animal S3 were acquired differently (AlphaLab system; Alpha Omega Inc., Nazareth, Israel). Binocular eye and target data were acquired at 781.25 Hz, and raw unit data were acquired at 25 Khz. A time stamp representing isolated unit activity was generated by an online hardware spike sorter (AlphaLab Spike Detector; Alpha Omega Inc.). In addition, the raw unit data were saved, and an offline template-matching algorithm was used for spike sorting (Spike2 software; CED) as in animals S1 and S2. Generally, the online and offline sorting methods were in close agreement.
Data analysis was performed with custom software built in Matlab (Mathworks, Natick, MA). Velocity arrays were generated by digital differentiation of the position arrays using a central difference algorithm. Unit response was represented as a spike density function that was generated by convolving the spike times with a 10-ms Gaussian.
23 We used a model estimation procedure to calculate position and velocity sensitivities of the motoneurons. Similar procedures have been used with success by us and other investigators in various parts of the ocular motor system, including the motor nuclei.
24 25 26 27 28
Eye position and velocity data were filtered using an 80-point finite impulse response (FIR) digital filter with a passband of 0 to 50 Hz. Saccades were identified using a 50°/s velocity criterion and were removed from the sinusoidal tracking eye data. Corresponding spikes were also removed after adjusting for an average motoneuron lead time of approximately 10 ms.
24 Desaccading the data was important because it has been shown that motoneuron position and velocity sensitivities may be different during saccades and smooth pursuit.
24 Averaged data from multiple trials in which the animal was judged to be tracking the sinusoidal target were then used to identify coefficients in the following model:
t) denotes the eye position at time
t) denotes the eye velocity at time
t, and
t) is the estimated value of the unit spike density function at time
t. Coefficients
K and
R are the position and velocity sensitivities of the cell, and
C is a constant that represents unit firing rate when the animal is fixating straight ahead. We did not include latency because the data used for the model estimation was low-frequency sinusoidal tracking, and adjusting the neuronal response by 10 ms would have made little difference in the model fits. We estimated the parameters
R, and
C in each of the four tracking conditions for every cell. The regstats function available through the statistics toolbox in Matlab was used for this purpose. We also calculated goodness-of-fit based on the coefficient of multiple determination (
CD). This is equivalent to an
R 2 measure for linear regression. Repeated-measures ANOVA on ranks and multiple comparison tests were used to compare the estimated parameters (
C) in conditions of purposeful tracking and during conditions that elicited cross-axis movements.