Data were analyzed with a generalized estimating equation, random-effects, population-averaged model (Stata ver. 8.0; Stat Corp., College Station, TX). This multivariate statistical model was obtained by using the xtreg command that uses the generalized least squares (GLS) random-effects estimator, which produces a matrix-weighted average of the between-subjects and within-subject results. Level of significance was set at
P = 0.05. Factors of interest were incorporated sequentially and the significance of the three- and four-level factor was tested by using a likelihood ratio (χ
2) test after dropping individual factors from the model. Significance between two particular conditions (e.g., dual tasking versus normal) was determined with Wald χ
2 tests. All appropriate interaction terms were included in the model. Factors with
P < 0.1 were provisionally retained, whereas those >0.1 were dropped. The probabilities quoted are those associated with the specific terms in the final regression model which were:
Trial spectacles: a fixed factor with three levels (single-distance vision, bifocal, and PAL).
Repetition: a fixed factor with three levels (trials 1, 2, and 3).
Step height: a fixed factor with four levels (low, medium, medium-dual task, and high).
The effect of trial spectacles on within-subject variability in minimum toe clearance was examined by using the variance ratio test. The effect of prescription (distance, intermediate and near) on visual function (high/low contrast visual acuity, contrast sensitivity and depth perception) was examined using a two-way repeated-measures ANOVA.