In tissue culture, 5-CU at a concentration of 10 μg/mL inhibits 23% of the fibroblast proliferation. In vivo, we have found that 5-CU sequestered within POE maintains low IOP levels for up to 5 months after filtration surgery in the rabbit eye. Previous studies on animal models using other antiproliferative agents in a single-dose application have not yielded such promising long-term results.
50 Single application of antiproliferative agents and subconjunctival injections are the only methods currently available. Earlier studies on 5-FU in tissue cultures showed that the inhibition of fibroblast proliferation was still observed after the discontinuation of treatment if exposure to the drug was sufficiently long or if its concentrations were sufficiently high.
8 Corneal epithelial cell toxicity induced by high concentrations of 5-FU limit their routine use in patients. Subconjunctival injections of 5-FU maintain an ID
50 level up to 24 hours at the injection site and 180° around it. However, the corneal levels are also high (20 μg/g at 1 hour, 5 μg/g at 24 hours).
51 With frequent topical administration, therapeutic levels can also be maintained. Unfortunately, they are accompanied by toxicity to the corneal epithelium. More recently, Chaudhry et al.
52 showed no significant benefit of a single perioperative 5-FU application over placebo. Given this, it became evident that slow-release devices are needed. Nonbiodegradable polyanhydride discs were used and improved the outcomes of filtering surgery. However, a high rate of complications was also observed and included surgical wound dehiscence, disc extrusion, and Tenon cysts.
53 Fluoroorotate has been delivered during glaucoma filtration surgery using a liposomal formulation, but the liposomes are cleared rapidly from the eye.
54 Hostyn et al.
55 described a semisolid biodegradable implant with 5-FU that constantly released drug for 18 days and was biodegraded in less than 86 days. Topical 5-fluorocytosine, a prodrug of 5-FU, can be delivered to the subconjunctival space and adenoviral vector.
56 In the present study, we found a high in vivo efficacy using POE loaded with 1% 5-CU. In this slow-release system, we obtained a drug release of 8 μg/d for up to 40 days without any evident corneal toxicity in the treated eyes. The reduced corneal toxicity may be the result of localized slow and controlled release of the drug and of the fact that 5-CU is less toxic to proliferating corneal epithelial cells. Moreover, our study shows that 5-CU–induced cell death is carried out through an apoptosis mechanism, whereas 5-FU tends to involve necrotic pathways. Histologic analysis of surgical sites 3 months after surgery showed that in POE/5-CU–treated eyes, functional filtering blebs were associated with preservation of the conjunctival epithelium and without any severe anatomic changes of the underlying sclera. We have previously demonstrated that POE biocompatibility is good in different ocular implantation sites.
28 Sequestering the 5-CU within POE does not reduce the excellent biocompatibility of POE. Thus, development of the POE-based delivery system may allow the use of less toxic agents with enhanced efficacy.