+-induced microvascular cell death. (
A) Cell death detected by trypan blue dye exclusion in retinal microvessels exposed for 24 hours to various concentrations of NAD
+. For NAD
+ concentrations ≥2 nM, cell death was significantly (
P < 0.001; Student
t-test) increased. In the group of microvessels exposed to solution A without NAD
+, 67 vessel-containing coverslips were assessed; for each of the other groups, 6.3 ± 1.3 vessel-containing coverslips were used. (
B) Time course of cell death during exposure of retinal microvessels to solution A with (▪) or without (▴) 10 nM NAD
+. Cell viability value at time 0 was determined from 82 vessel-containing coverslips. The 24-hour value for the no NAD
+ group was determined from an assessment of 67 vessel-containing coverslips. For the other time points, 7 ± 2.4 microvessel-containing coverslips were assessed. (
C) Microvascular cell death under a variety of experimental conditions: (1) solution A only (no additives),
n = 67; (2) 10 nM NAD
n = 8; (3) 10 nM NAD
+ plus 100 nM brilliant blue (BB), which is a P2X
7 antagonist,
n = 5; (4) 10 nM NAD
+ plus 300 μM oxidized ATP (oxATP), which is another P2X
7 antagonist,
n = 5; (5) 10 nM NAD
+ plus 100 μM UTP, whose activation of P2Y
4 purinoceptors prevents pores from forming during P2X
7 activation
4 ,
n = 4; (6) 1 mM ADP-ribose, which is an NAD
+ catabolite,
n = 4; (7) 1 mM nicotinamide, which is another NAD
+ catabolite,
n = 3; (8) 100 μM etheno-NAD
+ (eNAD
+), which is an analog of NAD
n = 6; (9) 10 nM NAD
+ plus 100 μM etheno-NAD
n = 7; (10) the P2X
7 agonist benzyolbenzyol-ATP (BzATP, 100 μM) plus 100 μM etheno-NAD
n = 6. The null hypothesis that the means of the 10 groups were identical was rejected (
P < 0.001) by ANOVA. Using the protected least significant difference approach to adjust for multiple comparisons, post hoc testing of the difference between pairs of means showed that the mean of the NAD
+ group differed significantly from that of all other groups (
P < 0.001) in each paired comparison, except for the BzATP/eNAD
+ group (
P = 0.4); similarly, the no additives group differed significantly (
P < 0.001) from the NAD
+ and BzATP/eNAD groups but was not significantly different (
P > 0.3) from the other groups.