The results of this study show that the limbal stem/progenitor cells can be successfully transfected with a microinjection system to deliver plasmid/liposomal complexes into the basal layer of the limbal epithelial cells.
Previously a variety of gene transfection methods have been used on the corneal epithelium. There are two examples that report successful gene transfection into corneal epithelial progenitor cells.
11 17 These involve transducing keratolimbal tissue ex vivo and regrafting the explants onto the limbal region or shaving the superficial cells of the limbal epithelium and inoculating the viral vector into the basal cells. However, while of great potential, ex vivo methods are necessarily complex, whereas mechanical shaving of the epithelium to access the basal cells increases the risk of infection. In addition, viral vectors have some disadvantages, including an acute immune response, potential mutagenesis due to random insertion of viral genome, and limits in the size of DNA transfected.
23 24 25 Nonviral methods require a plasmid vector for the delivery of the genes of interest into the cells. Several methods have been developed, including mechanical, electrical, and chemical approaches. Some investigators have delivered DNA into rabbit and mouse corneal epithelial cells in vivo with gene gun technology.
12 13 15 16 In this method, plasmid DNA is mixed with gold microparticles and transferred into the target tissue with a gene gun. This approach successfully delivers the marker gene into the target cells without ocular irritation. However, poor efficiency and low target specificity were the main limitations of this method, and limbal stem/progenitor cells were not specifically examined. We experimented with a gene gun, but even with maximum pressure were unable to achieve penetration of the vector into the limbal stem/progenitor cells (Zhao B, Fullwood NJ, unpublished results, 2007). Other workers have reported successful gene transfection by intrastromal corneal injection using naked DNA.
26 We also experimented with injecting naked DNA but were unable to observe any gene expression in the basal limbal epithelium. In another report, the uptake of naked DNA into corneal epithelium was achieved by using adjunctive electroporation.
Liposomes are efficient and relatively simple to use, with low toxicity. Positively charged cationic lipid binds to the negatively charged DNA and forms a lipid-DNA complex. Cellular uptake of the cationic-DNA complex involves nonspecific interaction with the cell surface, followed by endocytosis into endocytic vesicles, trafficking and release of DNA from the endosomal compartment, nuclei uptake the DNA and gene expression.
27 28 However, their main disadvantage is that they have not been proven for long-term gene expression.
In our experiments, Lipofectamine 2000 was the most efficient in the cell lines used in the study. Microinjection allowed the complexes of plasmid/liposome to infiltrate around the basal cells, as the tight junctions of the corneal epithelium are located only between the most apical cells, and such a barrier does not exist in the deeper layers of the corneal epithelium.
29 30
To confirm the identify and location of the bovine epithelial stem cells we used keratin markers. These included the high levels of labeling for K5/14 and the absence of labeling for K3/12 in the limbal stem/progenitor cells. Our immunohistochemical results demonstrate that the bovine limbal basal layer of cells was positive for K5/14 and negative for K3/12, this is in agreement with previous work.
31 Other studies have independently confined the location of bovine
20 32 and human limbal stem/progenitor cells
33 in the cornea using recently developed microspectroscopic technology.
Our study clearly demonstrates that precise stem cell transfection can be accomplished with the method of microinjection, although liposomes would not be suitable for the treatment of conditions requiring long-term gene expression. As far as we are aware, this is the first study to confirm by electron microscopy the expression of the transfected gene product within the limbal stem/progenitor cells.
In the past few years, changes in adult stem cell activity have become linked with an increasing number of diseases,
35 36 so that interest in modifying stem cell behavior through transfection has intensified. We believe that microinjection of liposomes has potential for clinical use. We realize that many obstacles must be overcome before this method can be used for clinical applications, but our results show that targeted transfection into limbal stem/progenitor cells using a nonviral vector is possible.
The authors thank John Dent for his assistance with the confocal microscopy.