Haplotype pattern in the
HGF locus was partitioned according to the CI of D′ in this study. On the basis of the LD map
(Fig. 1) , three SNPs—HGF5-5b, HGFe9, and HGFe10b—were selected as the markers for subsequent association test. SNP HGFe9 was categorized as a “hole” inserting in the haplotype block, a type of departure from strict haplotype criteria,
48 and should be tested individually in association study. Simply selecting markers for a genetic association test may substantially decrease the efficacy of the TDT test, as TDT crucially depends on the LD between the markers and disease loci.
49 The “hole” HGFe9, as categorized by the LD pattern, could be missed if selecting markers for analysis was arbitrary. It is also desirable to select markers based on homogeneous ethnic population as ethnic population heterogeneity for high myopia could confound the results of genetic analysis.
50 We also calculated the LD for these three marker SNPs in the parents of high myopic nuclear families. The SNP pair of HGF5-5b and HGFe10b showed a higher LD level but still remained “uninformative,” whereas SNP HGFe9 still behaved like a “hole” (data not shown). The results were in agreement with those
(Fig. 1)for random population. The similar LD pattern in the parental population suggests the homogeneity of the populations in our study and the usefulness of establishing LD patterns in advance. A recent Japanese study also showed a similar LD pattern in the
HGF locus.
51 Moreover, online data of the Human Haplotype Map Project also showed that LD patterns in the
HGF locus for the Chinese, Japanese and European populations (http://www.hapmap.org) are largely similar to the LD patterns reported herein. No coding SNPs in the
HGF gene were identified in our random Chinese population, and the SNPs identified in the 5′ upstream region were not involved in the promoter region and regulatory sites documented in ElDorado. We speculate that other potential common polymorphisms of interest may give rise to the variation of gene regulation, but not amino acid substitution in the Chinese population.