This study has demonstrated that HSV-1 infection can induce a proapoptotic response in HCE cells, as shown by activation of caspase 8 and 3, cleavage of cytokeratin 18, and translocation of phosphatidylserine to the outer membrane. The induced apoptotic response did not involve the intrinsic pathway, as there was no caspase 9 induction, nor was there a reduction in mitochondrial membrane potential. There was no terminal apoptotic response as there was no increase in DNA condensation. The response was not considered to be necrotic, as there was only minimal PI staining (in both HSV-1 infected and sorbitol-treated cells), and PI is a stain that can penetrate only cells without intact membrane structures. We have reported that HSV-1 infection of HCE can induce an initial increase (at 1 hour) and then subsequent suppression (4–8 hours) of mRNA levels for several apoptosis-associated genes such as caspase 8, TNFRp55, TRADD, FAS-associated protein factor, and FADD and that this occurred in HCE cells but not Vero cells.
In the current study, we found that the induced proapoptotic response was subsequently downregulated by the virus. Downregulation of caspase 3 and phosphatidylserine translocation occurred in both primary and transformed corneal epithelial cells. This finding is important, as transformation of cells with the T antigen of SV40 can block apoptosis.
26 It is possible that the small differences in the timing of caspase 3 downregulation between transformed and primary cell lines during HSV-1 infection
(Fig. 3)may be due to differences in cell growth rates, which can affect metabolic events within the cell. The suppression of components during HSV-1 infection occurred on the same order as the stimulation. Caspase 8 activity was significantly reduced at 1 hour. Caspase 3 activity and phosphatidylserine translocation were significantly reduced at 2 hours. Finally, CK18 cleavage was suppressed at 4 hours. Stable mitochondrial transmembrane potential and caspase 9 activity were observed during HSV-1 infection
(Fig. 2) .
This response is similar but not identical with that produced by HSV-1 infection in (HeLa)-HEp-2 cells, where induction of apoptosis occurred after infection with HSV-1 and in the presence of the protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide.
27 28 HSV-1 appeared to trigger apoptosis independent of de novo protein synthesis before 3 hours after infection, but between 3 and 6 hours after infection, apoptosis was prevented.
25 29 In our experiments using HCE cells, part of the apoptotic machinery is triggered as early as 30 minutes after infection, but either mammalian cell proteins or viral proteins subsequently shut off this initial apoptotic response. Differences in the apoptotic response triggered by HSV-1 between cell types has been noted previously.
28 During infection of a human promyelocytic leukemia cell line, HSV-1 was unable to reverse or inhibit phosphatidylserine translocation.
25 The exposure of phosphatidyl serine on the surface of apoptotic cells can trigger their specific recognition and removal by macrophages.
22 The apparent reversal of phosphatidylserine translocation in HCE cells infected with HSV-1 may indicate that this effect rescues cells from potential phagocytosis. In a neuronal cell line, others have shown that a mutant HSV-1 activated the apoptotic machinery independent of caspase 3 via the mitochondrial membrane
10 and a similar activation of the intrinsic pathway was seen with (HeLa)-HEp-2 cells.
28 This activation of the intrinsic pathway is directly opposite to that in the current investigation where the extrinsic pathway only is activated. Indeed, Galvan et al.
10 found no evidence that wild-type HSV-1 by itself could activate apoptosis in their neuronal cell line. However, in the (HeLa)-Hep-2 cell line, HSV-1 can induce caspase-dependent apoptosis, but primarily through the intrinsic pathway.
11 These differences may result from the use of different cell lines and differing strains of HSV-1 mutants.
In general, the apoptotic response of HCE cells during infection with HSV-1 was distinct to that induced by osmotic shock (sorbitol). Sorbitol treatment appeared to activate the apoptotic response through the intrinsic and extrinsic pathways. This activation of both the intrinsic and extrinsic pathways may explain why there was no effect of caspase 8 or 9 inhibitors on caspase 3 activation during sorbitol treatment. The suppression of caspase activity (caspase 8, 9, and 3) and CK 18 cleavage during sorbitol treatment may result from the many regulatory mechanisms that are present in the cell.
29 This phenomenon appears to be independent of the apoptotic trigger. The reversal of phosphatidylserine translocation that occurred with HSV-1 infection but not osmotic shock could indicate a more specific downregulation of the apoptotic pathway by HSV-1. However, there can be a reversal of the translocation of phosphatidylserine in the absence of HSV-1 infection.
14 The suppression of caspase 8, 9, and 3 activity occurred at a later time in sorbitol-treated HCE cells than in HSV-1-infected HCE cells. The reason for the apparent caspase 9 suppression observed at 12 hours could be the amount of cell death that occurred at this time point.
Viral entry could be the stimulator of the apoptotic pathway. However, Aubert et al.
9 have reported that the initiation of apoptosis by the HSV-1 KOS1.1 strain in Hep-2 cells was not dependent on viral binding to the cells, although that had to induce apoptosis of the cells in the presence of the protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide. Further investigations are warranted to determine the molecular nature of the stimulator of HSV-1-induced apoptosis and the inhibitor(s) of the apoptotic response in HCE. It is possible that the cellular protein kinase B (PKB) is responsible for the inhibition of apoptosis. Phosphorylation of PKB occurs early during infection of Hep-2 cells and is responsible for preventing apoptosis in this cell line.
30 Whatever the mechanism, the suppression of the apoptotic response appears to allow continued HCE cell survival and so may be a mechanism for ensuring a viable host cell for viral replication.