purpose. Vernier displacement thresholds can be measured with swept-parameter visual evoked potentials (sVEPs) and may therefore be useful in pre- or nonverbal subjects. This study was conducted to test whether sVEP vernier thresholds are valid measures of the visibility of vernier offsets in two different settings.
methods. Vernier acuity thresholds were measured psychophysically and electrophysiologically using square-wave gratings containing vernier displacements modulated at 3.76 Hz. The detectability of the vernier alignment cue was degraded by introducing either gaps or standing offsets in the stimulus. These manipulations were performed in normal-vision observers. In a second experiment, psychophysical and sVEP vernier acuity were measured in amblyopic observers.
results. sVEP thresholds and overall amplitudes in normal observers were strongly affected by the introduction of gaps or standing offsets, as were psychophysical thresholds. Psychophysical and sVEP vernier offset thresholds were significantly correlated in the amblyopic eyes, as were sVEP and optotype interocular threshold differences. sVEP amplitudes of patients with strabismus were lower than those of patients with anisometropic amblyopia, even though optotype acuities were the same in the two groups.
conclusions. Vernier acuity thresholds derived from the sVEP tap mechanisms that are specific for the relative position of stimulus elements, and they correlate with perceptual visibility in normal and amblyopic observers. Because of this correlation and because sVEP thresholds can be measured without the need for instruction or behavioral responses, they may be useful in assessing visual function in pre- and nonverbal patients.
Vernier acuity, the ability to discriminate the relative positions of features, is one of the visual hyperacuities and can be measured psychophysically
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and with visual evoked potentials (VEPs).
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Several psychophysical studies have reported that vernier acuity is more strongly affected in amblyopia than is grating acuity,
1 2 3 21 22 23 24 and it has also been reported that vernier acuity correlates more precisely with optotype acuity than does grating acuity.
1 24 Vernier acuity assessment is thus an alternative method for detecting and quantifying amblyopia.
VEPs have the desirable property that they can be recorded in pre- and nonverbal subjects. However, a necessary prerequisite for any nonverbal test of visual function, including vernier acuity, is that its results correlate with visibility in verbal subjects who can reliably report their perceptual experience. Several studies have reported VEP techniques for measuring vernier acuity. Levi et al.,
10 using transient VEPs, reported that VEP vernier thresholds are similar to psychophysical thresholds measured with the same stimulus. This initial work was later confirmed and expanded.
11 12 Steinman et al.
11 showed that introducing gaps and interfering lines reduces vernier VEP responses in a fashion similar to the effects that these manipulations have on psychophysical thresholds. A similar effect of interfering lines was also found in another study.
12 These early VEP studies of vernier acuity used time-domain methods, in which it is difficult to separate the vernier onset–offset responses from responses to simultaneously presented motion cues. To avoid this problem, Norcia et al.
14 used a combination of the frequency-domain analysis method of Zemon and Ratliff
25 26 and a swept parameter presentation (sVEP). Norcia et al. showed that sVEP vernier acuity correlate well with psychophysical vernier acuity from the fovea to the near periphery and VEP amplitude decreases with increasing separation of features.
14 However, psychophysical data was not presented for this comparison. Using a similar sVEP paradigm, Chen et al.
20 reported significant vernier acuity differences between the amblyopic and fellow eyes of a group of children whose thresholds were measured shortly after refractive error correction but before the initiation of occlusion therapy. Amblyopia was diagnosed in most of their patients based on optotype acuity (Lea chart), but vernier acuity was not assessed psychophysically.
To assess further the validity of sVEP vernier thresholds as neural correlates of perceptual thresholds, we measured the covariation of sVEP and psychophysical thresholds over a range of vernier acuities in normal-vision and amblyopic adults. A range of thresholds was obtained in normal subjects by degrading vernier sensitivity either by increasing the separation between features or by introducing standing offsets in the position of the elements composing the targets. Both these manipulations produced systematic decreases in sVEP and psychophysical vernier acuity. We also compared psychophysical and electrophysiological estimates of vernier acuity in a group of patients with amblyopia who had a large range of optotype acuity. We found that sVEP and psychophysical thresholds were similarly affected in patients with amblyopia.
The research protocol was approved by the Institutional Review Board of the California Pacific Medical Center and conformed to the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki. Written informed consent was obtained from the observers after the VEP recording and psychophysical procedures were explained.
Eight normal-vision observers between 24 and 52 years of age (mean, 42.5 ± 8.5) and 36 patients with amblyopia between 18 and 68 years of age (mean, 41 ± 13.8) participated. All participants underwent refraction refracted under noncycloplegic conditions by a pediatric ophthalmologist (WVG or CH) before the experiments. Visual acuity was evaluated with a constant crowding logMAR (logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution) chart (Bailey-Lovie) and was measured with best optical correction. Stereo acuity was measured with Randot stereotests (Stereo Optical Co., Inc., Chicago, IL). All normal-vision observers had 0.0 logMAR (20/20) or better optotype acuity in each eye and stereo acuity of at least 30 arc sec. They also had no prior history of strabismus, amblyopia, or any other eye diseases. The mean optotype acuity in normal-vision observers was −0.05 ± 0.03 logMAR in the dominant eye and −0.025 ± 0.02 logMAR in the nondominant eye.
In the observers with amblyopia, horizontal, and vertical angles of deviation were quantified with a prism cover test at 0.3 and 6 m, with and without optical correction. During unilateral and alternating cover tests, each eye was covered for at least 5 seconds. The presence of eccentric fixation in the amblyopic eye was determined with a visuoscope while the fellow eye was occluded. Monocular fixation of more than 0.5° from the center of the fovea was classified as eccentric fixation. Stability of fixation was also judged during visuoscopy. Inclusion criteria for observers with amblyopia included: (1) 0.1 logMAR (20/25) or worse acuity in one eye, with the other eye being 0 logMAR or better; (2) no history of visual deprivation (e.g., cataract, ptosis); and (3) no other eye disease (e.g., cataract, glaucoma, lens implant). We recruited patients with a large range of optotype acuity from 0.1 (20/25) to 1.2 logMAR (20/300). Mean acuity was 0.54 ± 0.05 (SEM) logMAR in the amblyopic eyes and −0.06 ± 0.01 (SEM) logMAR in the fellow eyes. The observers with amblyopia were classified, based on clinical criteria, into anisometropic or strabismic groups. Patients with anisometropia and strabismus were grouped with those with only strabismus for analysis. Amblyopic observers with unequal refractive error between the two eyes of at least 1 D in any meridian and with no constant ocular deviation or history of strabismus surgery were classified as having anisometropic amblyopia (
n = 20). Amblyopic observers with a constant ocular deviation or a history of prior strabismus surgery, with or without anisometropia were defined as having strabismic amblyopia (
n = 16). The mean optotype acuity in the anisometropic group was −0.07 ± 0.02 (SEM) logMAR in the fellow eye and 0.56 ± 0.07 logMAR in the amblyopic eye. The mean optotype acuity in the strabismic group was −0.06 ± 0.02 logMAR in the fellow eye and 0.51 ± 0.06 logMAR in the amblyopic eye. There were no significant differences in optotype acuity between anisometropic and strabismic groups (
P = 0.72 in the fellow eye and
P = 0.58 in the amblyopic eye). Refractive errors were fully corrected for the testing distance (150 cm) in all observers during the experiments. Details regarding the patients are shown in
Table 1along with their logMAR acuity.
Gap Stimulus.
Standing-Offset Stimulus.