This study was approved by the ethics committee for animal rights (no. 2006/08; March 30, 2006) of Ondokuz Mayis University and was conducted in accordance with the ARVO Statement for the Use of Animals in Ophthalmic and Vision Research.
Given that drainage is not supposed to be conducted by lymphatic channels, we intended to evaluate the drainage of such large molecules after injection into the orbit. The rationale behind using three differently sized colloids was to assess the effect of molecule size on this supposedly altered absorption and to assess to which extent orbital drainage deviated from that of other tissues in the body. Twenty-one orbits of 11 rabbits in three groups (seven rabbits in each group) received intraorbital injections of labeled colloids under general anesthesia.
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Three different kinds of colloidal pharmaceuticals were used. Group 1 received human serum macroaggregates (TechneScan LyoMAA; Mallinckrodt, Hazelwood, MO) with particle sizes of 10 to 100 μm, labeled with 10 mL of 1480 MBq (40 mCi) 99mTc (MAA). Group 2 received human colloidal albumin particles (Nanocoll; Amersham Sorin, Saluggia, Italy) with particle sizes of 50 to 80 nm, labeled with 5 mL of 740 MBq (20 mCi) 99mTc, which is a frequently used molecule in lymphoscintigraphy and sentinel lymph node scintigraphy in daily practice (nanocolloid). Group 3 received colloidal tin (Amerscan Hepatate; GE HealthCare, Little Chalfont, Buckinghamshire, UK) with particle sizes of 300 to 600 nm, labeled with 9 mL of 1665 MBq (45 mCi) 99mTc.
Each of these molecules has different methods of preparation, indicated in the corresponding data sheet, in which the volume and the concentration of the 99mTc used are different. To achieve a similar scintillation response, however, the total dose delivered was the same (400–600 mCi) for each group.
Rabbits were anesthetized by intramuscular injection of ketamine (50 mg/kg) and xylazine (2 mg/kg). The depth of the anesthesia was determined by the observation of somatic reflexes.
A 27-gauge dental needle mounted on a 1-mL tuberculin syringe was used for the injections. A tuberculin needle was used to draw the colloidal radiopharmaceuticals into the syringe, and then the needle was replaced before intraorbital injection with a fresh 27-gauge dental needle to prevent dermal contamination during injection. The volume of each injection was 0.1 mL. Colloids were injected into the inferolateral orbit between the globe and the orbital rim, with gentle pressure over the globe to displace it anterosuperiorly to prevent any possible ocular penetration. Inferolateral injection was preferred because superolateral and inferomedial orbital spaces are occupied by the lacrimal gland and lacrimal sac, respectively, and the superomedial orbit is shallow to preclude the delivery of radiotracer into peribulbar and retrobulbar spaces. When the needle was within the orbit, a gentle vacuum was applied through the pistol of the syringe to rule out any possible intravascular access. When in proper position (21–23 mm in depth; 10–12 mm from the orbital apex), injections were performed with simultaneous recording of the radioactivity of the orbit, lungs, and liver by a gamma camera (e-Cam; Siemens, Erlangen, Germany). The first pilot injection was performed with a tuberculin needle instead of a dental needle. After this first injection, colloidal material was observed to reflux from the interpalpebral aperture, leading to our conclusion that the injection was performed to the conjunctival fornix transcutaneously instead of through the retrobulbar space. The tuberculin needle was then substituted by a dental needle for the rest of study.
Each orbit was used for only one injection to prevent traumatic alteration of the physiology of the microvascular environment, which would, consequently, change the rate and the route of the colloidal absorption. Each rabbit received only one intraorbital injection each time. Injection into the other site was performed at least 1 week later, when the activity of the first injection was totally eliminated; this elimination was demonstrated by a control reading before the second injection. The second injection was not necessarily of the same particle or size, and each injection was considered an individual sample. Intradermal, subdermal, intramuscular, and intravenous injections at periocular regions were performed as control cases.
A pinhole collimator with a pinhole aperture of 3 mm in diameter was used for dynamic imaging (5 seconds, 120 frames, 128 × 128 matrix). The central field of view of the pinhole collimator was adjusted to include the injection site, the lungs, and the liver of each rabbit. Acquisition occurred immediately after the injection and after the absorption pattern of radiolabeled colloids was assessed. Late images (5 seconds, 24 frames, 128 × 128 matrix) were acquired at the second hour to calculate the percentage of residual activity retained in the orbit (R), which was calculated by the formula R = B/A × 100, where A is the maximum activity in the orbit at early dynamic imaging and B is the maximum activity in the orbit at late dynamic imaging.
Statistical analysis was limited to calculation of the mean residual activity (R) and standard deviation. Intergroup or intersubject comparisons were not deemed necessary because the objective was to demonstrate the systemic absorption of each molecular size separately but not the comparison of absorption patterns of different molecules.