Each selected eye was imaged with anterior segment optical coherence tomography (The Zeiss Visante OCT Model 1000; Carl Zeiss Meditec, Dublin, CA). The Visante OCT is a noncontact, high-resolution tomographic and biomicroscopic device designed for anterior segment imaging and measurement. The imaging principle is based on low-coherence interferometry, with a 1310-nm superluminescent light-emitting diode (SLD) as the light source. Analogous to an ultrasound B-scan, the Visante OCT acquires multiple A-scans and aligns them to construct two-dimensional images. The scanning of the anterior chamber angle is a noncontact procedure during which the subject fixates on an internal fixation target (wavelength of visual aiming beam is 845 nm). The Visante OCT allows real-time imaging of the anterior chamber with scan speed of 2000 A-scans per second. The scan acquisition time is 0.125 second per line for the anterior segment single scan (limbus to limbus; eight frames per second). To capture the dynamic change of the angle configuration in response to dark–light changes, video recording software (CamStudio 2.1; Rendersoft Software; Singapore) was installed in the Visante computer with one frame recorded every 5 msec (the default recording rate). OCT imaging was performed with the protocol anterior segment single 0° to 180° (6 mm deep × 16 mm wide, with 256 A-scans per line). The scan line was manually adjusted to bisect the pupil. Video recording began once the subject had been dark adapted for about 1 minute. The room light was then turned on (light intensity measured at the subject sitting position = 368 lux). The change in pupil size, from dilation in darkness to constriction under room light, and the associated changes in angle configuration, were recorded in a video file, which was subsequently exported for editing. Each video file was reviewed with video editing software (Video Edit Magic version 4.21; Deskshare, Plainview, NY). Depending on the recording time, which varied among subjects, each video file contained 600 to 1000 images. Only the portion of images showing the smooth transition of pupil size from the dark to the light was used for the analysis. Because the video capture rate is high (the default rate is 5 msec), there were many identical images during the video capture. As we could not pinpoint where the changes occur in the image series, rather than using the approach of systematic sampling, we examined all the images to prevent skipping and missing potentially useful images showing changes in pupil size and angle configuration. Each image series was reviewed in the video editing software frame by frame, beginning from a fully dilated to a constricted pupil. Since the images were sequentially reviewed in the same viewing window, any subtle change in the images, including change in pupil size, could be detected easily by flipping the images back and forth. In other words, if there is no change in the angle configuration or pupil size, the images would appear as “static” despite changing the frames. During the video capture, any microsaccade or eye movement can be detected, both in the real-time camera and in the OCT panel, as movement of the whole eyeball, and not just the iris tip. Therefore, one can easily differentiate whether it is the movement of the iris tip or the whole eyeball. If there is microsaccade and eye tremor observed during the video capture, the capture was repeated. Since the duration for the pupil to change from a dilated to a constricted state was only a few seconds, it is not difficult for subjects to have steady fixation during this short period.