It was important to determine the local depleting effect of Cl
2MDP on macrophages and myeloid DCs in tumor-bearing mice. Accordingly, the tumor-bearing eyes were enucleated, and the submandibular LNs were resected in untreated animals and in mice locally or systemically treated with Cl
2MDP or PBS liposome injections. Tissue was examined for the presence of macrophages by using the monoclonal antibody F4/80, a marker present on the cell surface of most macrophages and many myeloid DCs.
18 Figure 3shows that no F4/80
+ cells were visible in the intraocular tumor of a mouse injected with Cl
2MDP liposomes subconjunctivally. In contrast, F4/80 immunoreactive cells were observed in the deteriorating tumor of a nontreated animal. In fact, at any time point, F4/80
+ cells were detected in the intraocular tumors of mice either treated sc or iv with clodronate liposomes, as in the tumors of mice treated scj, sc, or iv with PBS liposomes. Moreover, harvested submandibular LNs showed F4/80-immunoreactive cells in all groups, even in the mice treated with scj Cl
2MDP liposomes (data not shown). Thus, subconjunctival Cl
2MDP liposome injections suppressed macrophages and/or myeloid DCs in the tumor-bearing eye resulting in very few, if any, F4/80
+ cells at each time point examined. In addition, the macrophage or myeloid DC content was not affected in the submandibular LN, the tumor-DLNs.
21 In conclusion, the absence of or presence of very few F4/80
+ cells detected in mice treated with subconjunctival Cl
2MDP injections correlated strongly with the observed progressive intraocular tumor growth.