purpose. Three membrane-associated mucins (MAMs)—MUC1, MUC4, and MUC16—are expressed at the ocular surface epithelium. Soluble forms of MAMs are detected in human tears, but the mechanisms of their release from the apical cells are unknown. The purpose of this study was to identify physiologic agents that induce ocular surface MAM release.
methods. An immortalized human corneal-limbal epithelial cell line (HCLE) expressing the same MAMs as native tissue was used. An antibody specific to the MUC16 cytoplasmic tail was developed to confirm that only the extracellular domain is released into the tear fluid or culture media. Effects of agents that have been shown to be present in tears or are implicated in the release or shedding of MAMs in other epithelia (neutrophil elastase, tumor necrosis factor [TNF]), TNF-α-converting enzyme, and matrix metalloproteinase-7 and -9) were assessed on HCLE cells. HCLE cell surface proteins were biotinylated to measure the efficiency of induced MAM release and surface restoration. Effects of induced release on surface barrier function were measured by rose bengal dye penetrance.
results. MUC16 in tears and in HCLE-conditioned medium lacked the cytoplasmic tail. TNF induced the release of MUC1, MUC4, and MUC16 from the HCLE surface. Matrix metalloproteinase-7 and neutrophil elastase induced the release of MUC16 but not of MUC1 or MUC4. Neutrophil elastase removed 68% of MUC16, 78% of which was restored to the HCLE cell surface 24 hours after release. Neutrophil elastase-treated HCLE cells showed significantly reduced rose bengal dye exclusion.
conclusions. Results suggest that the extracellular domains of MUC1, MUC4, and MUC16 can be released from the ocular surface by agents in tears. Neutrophil elastase and TNF, present in higher amounts in the tears of patients with dry eye, may cause MAM release, allowing rose bengal staining.
Mucins are present on the apical surfaces of all wet-surfaced epithelia in either secreted or membrane-associated forms.
1 They are a class of high-molecular weight glycoproteins that contain tandem repeats of amino acids rich in serine and threonine, which serve as sites for O-glycosylation. Secreted mucins have no transmembrane-spanning domains and are produced by goblet cells and specialized epithelial glands.
2 Membrane-associated mucins (MAMs) have a single transmembrane domain, a short cytoplasmic tail, and a large, heavily glycosylated extracellular domain and are found in the glycocalyx of apical membranes of wet-surfaced epithelia.
1 They may extend as much as 500 nm from the apical epithelial surface.
3 4
To date, 10 MAMs have been identified (MUCs 1, 3A, 3B, 4, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, and 20).
1 5 Most of the wet-surfaced epithelia express several MAMs, but each may have different functions because of differences in cytoplasmic tail sequence, intracellular signaling capability, or presence of binding domains. For example, MUC1, MUC4, and MUC16 are expressed at the ocular surface.
6 7 8 9 All three of these MAMs are hypothesized to protect, hydrate, and lubricate the ocular surface through their heavily glycosylated extracellular domains; however, each of the ocular surface MAMs may have additional and unique functions. For example, the MUC1 cytoplasmic tail is capable of signaling and interacting with intracellular molecules such as β-catenin.
10 MUC4 signals through its epidermal growth factor-like domains in its extracellular domain,
11 and the cytoplasmic tail of MUC16 associates with the actin cytoskeleton and has potential sites of phosphorylation.
Soluble forms of MUC1, MUC4, and MUC16 (previously known as CA125 antigen) are constituitively released from the apical surfaces of epithelial cells into luminal fluids in vivo, but little is known about the mechanisms of shedding.
13 14 At least three possible mechanisms for release are possible. First, constituitive steady release (shedding) may be brought about by an endogenous protease present normally in either the cell membrane or the extracellular fluids.
1 Second, splice variants of the mucins lacking the transmembrane and cytoplasmic domain may be released from the apical surfaces.
15 Although splice variants have been reported for MUC1 and MUC4, such variants have not been reported for MUC16. Third, proteases or other inflammatory agents in body fluids as a result of disease may induce aberrant “release” of MAMs from the surfaces of affected epithelia. It is the latter aberrant release of MAMs that is the subject of research reported herein.
Soluble forms of MUC1, MUC4, and MUC16 have been detected in samples of normal human tear fluid, indicating their shedding from the ocular surface epithelium.
16 The mechanism and site of proteolytic cleavage in the extracellular domain of MUC1 has been studied in uterine epithelium in vitro, where its constituitive shedding is induced by agents such as tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF), TNF-α-converting enzyme (TACE), phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA), and membrane-type matrix metalloproteinase 1 (MT1-MMP).
17 18 Agents that have been suggested to induce aberrant MAM release include neutrophil elastase
19 and
20 Release of the extracellular domains of MAMs appears to be independent of the intracellular cleavage and reassociation that occurs in MAMs after protein synthesis in the endoplasmic reticulum during processing and assembly of the full-size protein.
21 22 There is a lack of information on the specific mechanisms of constituitive extracellular domain shedding, or induced release of MAMs, at the ocular surface.
Modification of MAM structure and function is hypothesized to be a contributing factor in dry eye.
2 In vitro alteration of MUC16 glycosylation
23 or expression knockdown
12 results in a loss of protection to corneal epithelial cells from rose bengal penetrance, suggesting that, in dry eye, rose bengal staining could be a result of either loss of expression or altered glycosylation of MUC16. MUC16 localization is altered on the conjunctival epithelium of patients with non-Sjögren dry eye syndrome, as shown by binding of the H185 antibody that recognizes a carbohydrate epitope on MUC16.
8 24 It is unknown whether the alteration in H185 binding is caused by the decreased expression of MUC16, the altered glycosylation of the mucin, or the increased rate of release of its extracellular domain (which carries the H185 epitope) into the tear film. Because MAMs are proposed to function in lubrication, hydration, and protection of the ocular surface, understanding the mechanism of their ectodomain release may help to better clarify the etiology of dry eye syndrome.
The purpose of this study was to determine physiologically relevant agents that induce the release of MAMs on the ocular surface and to determine the possible effects of induced release. As a model for the ocular surface, we used an immortalized human corneal-limbal epithelial cell line (HCLE) optimized to express high levels of the ocular surface MAMs MUC1, MUC4, and MUC16.
25 We identified agents, present in the tear film of patients with dry or inflamed eyes, that induced the release of the extracellular domains of MUC1, MUC4, and MUC16 from HCLE cells, suggesting areas of further study in the pathogenesis and treatment of dry eye.
Membrane-Associated Mucins in the Tear Film and HCLE Culture Media Lack the Cytoplasmic Tail
In this report, we have demonstrated that several physiologically relevant agents—neutrophil elastase, TNF, and MMP-7—induce the release of the extracellular domains of MAMs on HCLE cells, a model for the native corneal epithelium. We have demonstrated that, after the induction of MUC16 extracellular domain release in HCLE cells by one of these agents, neutrophil elastase, MUC16 is restored to the cell surface from cytoplasmic stores within 24 hours without increased gene expression. We have also presented data showing that the induction of MUC16 release by neutrophil elastase results in a loss of barrier protection from rose bengal penetrance.
As noted, when HCLE cells were treated with neutrophil elastase, release of the MUC16 extracellular domain was observed, but MUC1 and MUC4 were not affected. During inflammation or infection, numerous neutrophils are present in the tear film.
45 Degranulation of neutrophils could cause local release of neutrophil elastase onto cells and into the tear film, directly affecting the release of MUC16 on the ocular surface. In this study, biotinylation of HCLE surface proteins after neutrophil elastase treatment showed that the majority of surface MUC16 was released but returned to the surface after 24 hours. This effect was seen in spite of the fact that the mucin message did not increase in the 24 hours after the induction of release, suggesting that MUC16 returns to the surface through intracellular stores during this time. Similarly, TNF, an inflammatory cytokine elevated in tears of patients with dry eye,
46 induced the release of MUC1, MUC4, and MUC16. However, release was only observed after a 24-hour exposure, suggesting the activation of other pathways downstream of TNF binding to its receptors.
The question arises as to whether the levels of neutrophil elastase, TNF, and MMP-7 used in the assays reported here are comparable with those found in tear fluid. With regard to neutrophil elastase, given that neutrophils act locally and release their enzymes locally, it is difficult to define physically relevant concentrations. The concentration of neutrophil elastase in the sera of normal subjects ranges from 1.3 to 9.35 μg/mL,
47 and these levels increase with diseases such as pneumonia and bronchitis.
48 49 Although neutrophil elastase is present in closed-eye tears,
50 to our knowledge the amounts of the enzyme per unit of tear volume are unavailable. In our experiments, neutrophil elastase was used at 5 μg/mL media, which is comparable to serum levels, particularly in lung diseases.
We used 1 ng/mL TNF levels based on previous studies that used 1, 10, 25, and 100 ng TNF to study MUC1 shedding in uterine epithelial cells.
17 Serum levels of TNF in normal subjects is 13.78 ± 7.52 pg/mL, with a doubling in disease.
51 Reports of tear levels of TNF vary widely, ranging from less than 0.5 to 286 pg/mL in normal subjects, with increases in dry eye and allergic eye disease.
46 52 In any event, the amount of TNF used in tissue culture experiments appears to be 100- to 1000-fold higher than in body fluids and should be taken into account when considering the data. Levels of MMP-7 in tear film have, to our knowledge, not been reported.
The effect of induced MAM release in epithelial cells appears to be tissue specific. For example, neutrophil elastase induced the release of the extracellular domain of MUC16 in HCLE cells but not of MUC1. These results contrast with previous reports of the induced release and degradation of Muc1 in hamster airway epithelia by neutrophil elastase.
19 Variations in response to induced release may be explained by differential glycosylation in different epithelia. For example, the glycosylation states of MUC1 vary between epithelial and tumor cell lines.
53 Differences in the degree and nature of glycosylation of the MAM extracellular domains could result in altered accessibility of sheddases to the protease cleavage sites.
We investigated the possibility that the hyperosmolarity observed in tear fluid of patients with dry eye
43 contributes to MAM release at the ocular surface. Increased osmolarity in culture medium of corneal epithelial cells increases MMP expression through specific signaling pathways known to be induced under cellular stress.
34 We report here that the hyperosmolarity of the culture medium alone did not induce the release of MAMs in HCLE cells to a greater extent than constituitive levels of MAM release, even after 24 hours of exposure, suggesting that mucin release on the ocular surface is caused by specific agents of release, not by pathways activated on ionic changes in tear film. However, if the hyperosmolarity of the tear film induces inflammation in vivo, this may lead to the expression of agents that induce MAM release.
MAMs are components of the ocular surface glycocalyx and have been hypothesized to participate in providing a barrier to the epithelial surface. Given that the extracellular domain of MUC16 was specifically cleaved from the cell surface by neutrophil elastase, we chose to examine the result of this effect on the epithelial barrier using rose bengal, a dye that is believed to penetrate regions of the ocular surface epithelium in which protection has been compromised.
44 Previously, the production of glycosylated MUC16 by stratified HCLE cells was hypothesized to provide protection to the epithelial surface from rose bengal penetrance.
23 The fact that release of the extracellular domain of MUC16 from HCLE cells reduces rose bengal protection further supports the hypothesis that MUC16 is a component of the protective barrier to the epithelial surface and that enhanced release may be detrimental to the ocular surface. This correlates with previously reported data that altered MUC16 glycosylation and reduced MUC16 expression result in increased rose bengal penetrance.
12 23
Some limitations exist that may affect the interpretation of the results in this study. The agents that induced specific MAM release in HCLE cells may induce the release of other membrane-bound proteins on the apical surface, though the sizes of these molecules are likely to be much smaller and not to play as important a role in creating a barrier to the cell surface. In addition, sheddases of MAMs in HCLE cells do not completely remove the extracellular domains of every MUC16 molecule, as shown here by biotinylation of surface proteins after neutrophil elastase treatment. Another concern is that although HCLE cells express the same MAMs found in native ocular surface epithelia (MUC1, MUC4, and MUC16), expression is not uniform throughout the culture. Islands of protection from rose bengal penetration expressing MUC16, rather than complete surface exclusion as seen in intact native ocular surface epithelium, are observed.
23 Although there are limitations to the culture model, there is sufficient similarity to native epithelium to test our hypothesis on the alteration of barrier function by MAM release.
This article presents the first direct evidence that physiologic agents in tear film involved in inflammation induce MAM release at the ocular surface epithelia. We also report neutrophil elastase as the first specific inducer of MUC16 release on the corneal epithelial surface. These data suggest that dry eye symptoms may result from the release of MAMs through an increase in the presence or activity of sheddase. To further understand the function of the MAMs on the ocular surface, the effects of release on cytoplasmic tail phosphorylation and intracellular signaling must be studied. Based on these results, agents that block the action of MAM release may be a possible therapeutic treatment for dry eye.
Supported by National Institutes of Health/National Eye Institute Grants F32 EY016937 (TDB) and R01 EY03306 (IKG).
Submitted for publication August 17, 2007; revised December 14, 2007, and January 29, 2008; accepted March 26, 2008.
T.D. Blalock, None;
S.J. Spurr-Michaud, None;
A.S. Tisdale, None;
I.K. Gipson, None
The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge payment. This article must therefore be marked “
advertisement” in accordance with 18 U.S.C. §1734 solely to indicate this fact.
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