purpose. This study was designed to elucidate potential age-related changes in the concentration, structure, and assembly pattern of ferritin chains in lens fiber cells.
methods. Canine and human lens fiber cell homogenate proteins were separated by one-dimensional and two-dimensional SDS-PAGE. Ferritin chains were immunodetected and quantitated with ferritin chain-specific antibodies. Total ferritin concentration was measured by ELISA. Binding of iron was determined in vitro with 59Fe.
results. Ferritin H- and L-chains in canine and human fiber cells of healthy lenses were extensively modified. The H-chain in both species was truncated, and its concentration increased with age. Canine L-chain was approximately 11 kDa larger than standard canine L-chain, whereas human L-chain was of the proper size. Two-dimensional separation revealed age-related polymorphism of human and canine lens fiber cell L-chains and human H-chains. Normal size ferritin chains were not identified in canine fiber cells, but a small amount of fully assembled ferritin was detected, and its concentration decreased with age.
conclusions. Such significantly altered ferritin chains are not likely to form functional ferritin capable of storing iron. Therefore, lens fiber cells, particularly from older lenses, may have limited ability to protect themselves against iron-catalyzed oxidative damage.
Long-lived postmitotic cells such as neurons, cardiac myocytes, and differentiated lens fiber cells generate and accumulate altered proteins as they age. The alterations may result from erroneous biosynthesis or changes in protein structure resulting from posttranslational modifications or oxidative damage. The increase in oxidative modification of proteins has been associated with aging and age-related conditions such as Alzheimer disease, Parkinson disease,
1 2 and cataractogenesis.
3 Oxidation of proteins can be exacerbated by iron because of its capacity to generate free radicals.
4 Most cellular iron is associated with proteins. However, there is also a minor iron pool (3%–5%) called the “free” or labile iron pool (LIP) of chelatable and highly reactive iron.
5 LIP size is controlled by ferritin, an iron storage protein consisting of 24 subunits of two types, H (heavy) and L (light).
6 These subunits are assembled in tissue-specific ratios and have different roles in iron sequestration and storage. Changes in ferritin concentration and/or subunit makeup can diminish the capacity of the protein to safely store iron and thereby increase the availability of this element for catalysis of oxidative reactions.
7 Evidence indicates that iron accumulates in tissues as a function of age,
8 9 10 and recent studies of aging human brain tissue have shown that the cellular content of ferritin also increases with age.
9 However, information about the structure and subunit composition of ferritin in these aging tissues is limited.
It is generally agreed that oxidative damage to the lens proteins is a major contributor to cataract formation.
11 12 Aging, cataractous human lenses contain increased amounts of redox-active iron,
13 14 and lenses with nuclear cataracts generate more hydroxyl radicals than noncataractous lenses in vitro.
15 16 Although ferritin is present throughout the whole lens
13 and the subunit ratio and amount of this protein in lens epithelial cells has been characterized,
17 18 19 little is known about the properties of ferritin in lens fiber cells. In aging, cataractous lenses, more ferritin is found in a fraction of insoluble proteins located in the nucleus of the lens, whereas in healthy lenses the protein is distributed more evenly between the cortex and the nucleus and is primarily found in the soluble protein fraction.
13 These findings suggest that ferritin may undergo structural changes during the process of cataractogenesis. However, the nature of these changes has not been determined. Structural modifications could significantly alter the iron-binding properties of the protein and could lower the resistance of aging fiber cells to oxidative stress and make them more susceptible to age-related cataractogenesis. In addition, evidence indicates that if ferritin is significantly altered and/or improperly assembled, it may form insoluble aggregates.
20 Indeed, intracellular aggregates of L-rich ferritin were found in humans with hereditary hyperferritinemia cataract syndrome, a disease caused by the overexpression of L-chain resulting from point mutations within the regulatory sequence of L-chain mRNA.
21 The structure of ferritin in the aggregates is unknown.
The purpose of the current investigation was to determine whether age-related changes occur in the concentration, structure, and ratio of assembled ferritin subunits of lens fiber cells. Results of these studies may help to assess ferritin modification with a view to determining the iron storage capability of this protein in aging lenses.
Eyes were obtained from mixed-breed dogs (age range, approximately 3 months–10 years) after they were humanely killed at the Johnston County Animal Shelter in North Carolina. Lenses were divided into four categories according to age: 3 to 6 months, 1 to 2 years, 3 to 7 years, and 8 to 10 years. Only lenses without visible opacities were dissected. The anterior capsule of each lens with adherent epithelial cells was removed and the remaining part, which consisted mainly of lens fibers, was frozen and kept at −80°C. After they were thawed, tissues were sonicated in 10 mM Tris/HCl buffer, pH 7.4, containing protease inhibitor mixture, with or without 2% SDS. Human lenses without visible opacities were obtained frozen from The North Carolina Eye Bank (Winston-Salem, NC) and were homogenized as described. Protein concentration of the lens fiber homogenates was determined by assay (BCA Protein Assay Kit; Pierce, Rockford, IL).
Anti-canine ferritin chain antibodies, which preferentially detect unassembled chains, were used in both steps (immunoprecipitation and immunodetection) of the procedure. In some experiments, goat anti–horse ferritin antibodies (Bethyl Laboratories Inc., Montgomery, TX) were used to immunoprecipitate ferritin because they preferentially react with assembled protein. Ferritin immunoprecipitated from the lens fiber homogenates (2–3 mg protein/sample) was compared with ferritin obtained from lens epithelial cell lysates that had been lysed in 10 mM Tris/HCl buffer, pH 7.4, and concentrated to 0.5 to 1.0 mg protein/sample using ultrafiltration filters (Centricon-10; Millipore Corp., Billerica, MA). Ferritin-antibody complexes produced with the chain-specific antibodies were separated using anti-rabbit immunoglobulin IP beads (TrueBlot; eBioscience), whereas ferritin-antibody complexes produced with goat anti–horse ferritin antibodies (Bethyl Laboratories Inc.) were separated using agarose (Protein A/G Plus; Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Santa Cruz, CA). Ferritin chains were separated on 15% SDS-PAGE, transferred to nitrocellulose membranes, and immunodetected and quantitated as described above.
Immunodetection of Ferritin Chains in Canine and Human Lens Fiber Homogenates Separated by Two-Dimensional Electrophoresis
Canine and human lens fibers were sonicated in 8 M urea containing 2% CHAPS, 50 mM dithiothreitol (DTT), and 0.4% ampholytes. Isoelectric focusing of samples containing 0.1 to 0.2 mg protein was conducted using immobilized pH gradient (IPG) gel strips (11 cm, pH 4–7; Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA), according to the manufacturer's protocol and was followed by separation on 15% SDS-PAGE. Gels were stained with SYPRO Ruby gel stain (Bio-Rad) or were used for Western blotting transfer. Proteins were transferred to nitrocellulose membranes (Hydrobond ECL; Amersham Biosciences, Freiburg, Germany) by semidry blotting at 20 V for 45 minutes. Immunoreactivity of the ferritin chains was determined as described. Nitrocellulose blots were subsequently stained (MemCode protein stain; Pierce) to facilitate protein identification.
Immunoprecipitation and Immunoblotting of Ferritin Chains from the Homogenates of Canine Lens Fibers
Quantitation of Ferritin in Canine Fiber Cell Homogenates of Lenses from Dogs of Different Ages
Age-Related Changes in Concentration of Modified L-Chain (30-kDa) and H-Chain (12-kDa) Ferritin Chains
Two-Dimensional Electrophoresis/Western Blot Identification of Ferritin Chains from Canine Lens Fiber Cells and Analysis of Age-Related Modifications
Parallel Investigation of Ferritin Chains in Fiber Cells of Human Lenses of Different Age