To determine whether high glucose–induced downregulation of Cx43 expression contributes to accelerated cell death, Western blot analysis was performed to determine Cx43 protein level; DNA laddering, TUNEL, and differential staining assays were performed to identify apoptotic cells. In line with our previous findings,
8 9 RMECs grown in high-glucose medium showed significant reduction in Cx43 protein expression compared to cells grown in normal medium (59.4% ± 26% of control,
P = 0.001,
n = 9;
Fig. 1A ). Western blot analysis performed with protein from the cytosolic or the membrane-bound fraction showed a significant reduction in Cx43 protein level in HG cells compared to that of normal cells for both fractions (40% ± 8% of normal,
P < 0.001 in the cytosolic fraction; 43.5% ± 7% of normal,
P < 0.002 in the membrane-bound fraction). Analysis of genomic DNA fragmentation assay revealed increased band intensity in the DNA ladder, indicating increased apoptosis in cells grown in high-glucose medium compared to cells grown in normal medium (151.6% ± 19% of control,
P = 0.003,
n = 5;
Figs. 1B 1C ). Differential staining indicated a significantly higher percentage of cells with condensed chromatin or fragmented DNA (206% ± 27% of control,
P < 0.001,
n = 5;
Fig. 1D ), and TUNEL assay indicated a significantly higher number of TUNEL-positive cells when cells were grown in high-glucose medium (7.3 ± 1.6 vs. 3.7 ± 1.4,
P = 0.004;
n = 4)
(Fig. 1E) . The intensity change in DNA “ladder” was evident much before morphologic evidence of cell death was seen by microscopy. In addition, we observed that cells exhibiting very low levels of Cx43, as determined from Cx43 immunostaining, were not only apoptotic but appeared to be surrounded by cells with diminished levels of Cx43 immunoreactivity indicative of reduced GJIC activity
(Fig. 2C) . Taken together, the results suggest high glucose–induced inhibition of Cx43 expression is closely associated with increased apoptosis in RMECs.