It is important to recognize that the terms
free water and
bound water in biological terms are not absolute. For example, there are likely to be populations of tightly bound and less tightly bound water molecules.
24 25 Nevertheless, methods such as those used in this study can provide information on changes that take place over time. TGA and DSC data indicated that the content of free water in the center of the lenses increases linearly with age.
Analysis of changes in free water by TGA has not, to our knowledge, been previously attempted. This method was complicated by the fact that it was sometimes difficult to clearly separate the two apparent populations of water in the trace. Based on this method, younger lenses (younger than 40 years) had lower free water values (approximately 35%–45% of total water), and this value increased with age in the older lenses (older than 60 years) to approximately 55% to 65% free water.
Although these values were a little lower than those found using a standard method for determination of free water (DSC), the same trend with age was observed. Using DSC, free water content in the lens nucleus also showed a progressive increase with age. In younger lenses, approximately 50% of the water in the lens was composed of free water. By age of 70 to 80, however, free water content had increased to approximately 65%. This appears to be a relatively small increase, but it equates to a shift from a ratio of 1:1 (free/bound) in young lenses to approximately 2:1 in older lenses. Because the total water content does not change, this significant shift in water ratios would indicate that less of the total water hydrates proteins in older lenses.
Our DSC results are in broad agreement with other DSC data
26 27 but differ quantitatively from those using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR).
28 As suggested,
26 one reason for this difference is that the DSC measurements are based on using a value for pure water to calculate the free water content.
13 26 27 It is likely that the value for 1 g free water undergoing a phase change in tissues will be lower than that of pure water because ions are present. Taking this factor into consideration will make them agree more closely with those gained by NMR analysis. Most studies in the literature have used the value for pure water.
13 26 27 We evaluated this factor by comparing DSC measurements of distilled water with those of PBS. The following data were obtained: for distilled water, 332.7 ± 1.0 J/g (
n = 3); for PBS, 289.7 ± 2.9 J/g (
n = 3). If the value for PBS is substituted for that of pure water, all the values shown in the graph
(Fig. 6)will be moved upward by 14.9%.
Most lenses analyzed for DSC had been frozen for a short period (less than 2 weeks). Freezing was necessary to allow easier sectioning of the lenses and to facilitate access to instruments. Freezing did not appear to affect the ratio of free and bound water because no significant changes to the free water content of porcine lenses, which had been stored for a period of up to 4 weeks at −80°C, was observed
(Fig. 7) .
Initially, we hypothesized that the changes we observed in lens free water with age might simply have reflected the major protein changes demonstrated in the human lens during this time period. For example, large-scale aggregation of proteins in lenses with age
12 29 30 and an increase in insoluble protein
12 31 32 could reduce the amount of water that can bind because of a reduction in the net surface area of proteins exposed to the solvent. We examined this with a model system involving porcine lenses. When intact lenses were incubated at 50°C, there was marked conversion of soluble protein into high molecular weight aggregates and insoluble protein. However, when such lenses were analyzed for the content of free and bound water, there were no detectable changes
(Fig. 11) . On this basis we conclude that the age-dependent conversion of bound to free water in the human lens is unlikely to be simply a consequence of protein aggregation.
Given that the increase in insoluble protein with age in humans, and in model systems in which lenses are exposed to heat, does correlate with increased lens stiffness,
12 we conclude that the conversion of bound to free water may not be directly responsible for the marked changes in lens stiffness that appear to be responsible for presbyopia.
There may be a circulation pathway within the lens to aid the movement of small molecules, though the model
33 needs significant revision because experimental data have indicated that molecules enter the lens at the germinative zone
34 and move inward toward the lens center in the direction opposite that predicted by the model. Such equatorial movement is consistent with the distribution of square arrays, which contain aquaporin 0 and which facilitate water diffusion, and with gap junctions, which permit passage of small molecules such as glutathione. Both types of cellular pores are concentrated in the lens equator.
35 36 Each of these membrane pores permits the flow of water molecules within the lens, so any impairment of their function in a particular region may lead to changes in the state of water in parts of the lens that are internal to that zone. We have postulated that the lens barrier, which develops in human lenses at middle age,
20 21 involves a decrease in the permeability of the gap junctions and aquaporins. Such a process could, therefore, affect the state of water in the inner and core regions, as we have documented in this article. In addition, the progressive increase in posttranslational modification of the long-lived crystallins with age, the most abundant of which are deamidation of Gln and Asn residues,
37 38 may also lead to a decrease in hydration of these macromolecules. At present, the reason for the age-related decrease in bound water in the center of the human lens is unknown.
In summary, although the total water content of the human lens nucleus does not change with age, the state of the water does alter significantly. Over time there appears to be a steady transformation of bound water molecules to free water. Such changes do not appear to result simply from protein aggregation/insolubilization. Age-related nuclear cataractous lenses do not differ substantially from normal aged lenses in terms of free water content; however, the centers of advanced nuclear cataractous lenses appear to be more dehydrated than comparable age-matched normal lenses.
The authors thank Raj Devasahayam (Sydney Lions Eye Bank) for providing the normal human lenses and Sudha Awasthi Patney for enabling the collection of cataractous lenses.