The results from this study demonstrate that OGTA can diffuse through the sclera and accumulate in the vitreous in rabbit eyes after a subtenon injection. All the ex vivo experiments in this study also indicated that OGTA can diffuse across rabbit sclera with a permeability constant of 1.12 ± 0.08 × 10
−7 cm/s, with the maximum diffusion of OGTA occurring at 10 hours.
(Fig. 1) . In the scleral washout, the amount of OGTA that diffused from the tissue increased with exposure time and had a
t [ 1/2 ] of 1.5 hours. With fluorescence microscopy, OGTA stained the whole sclera after 24 hours. In vivo experiments using ocular fluorophotometry also showed not only that OGTA can diffuse across the sclera, but it can also diffuse into the vitreous after a subtenon injection.
The dose of 1 mg OGTA used for in vivo transscleral penetration in our study was smaller than that used in rabbit experiments by Robinson et al.,
12 who used 20 mg TA. In human studies, Inoue et al.
10 found that 5 mg or less of TA injected subtenon resulted in no detectable vitreous drug levels for a median of 5.5 days after injection in most of the patients. Thomas et al.
21 found that 4 weeks after a subtenon injection of 40 mg of TA, intravitreal TA concentration varied considerably, from 0 to 4.93 μg/mL. Robinson et al.
12 encountered no detectable vitreous drug concentration using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) after a 10-mg subtenon injection of TA. This result suggested that the tissues themselves (i.e., sclera, choroid, and retina) and other factors, such as conjunctival lymph and blood flow may play an inhibitory role in transscleral drug delivery to the vitreous.
12 However, in this study, even 1 mg of OGTA could diffuse across the sclera and be detected in the vitreous. The current results may be related to the difference in measurement method between HPLC and ocular fluorophotometry, but also a difference in the drug itself. Transscleral drug delivery can also be affected by molecular weight, sclera binding, lipid and water solubility, and molecular radius.
There is evidence that the transscleral permeability constant (
K trans) is inversely related to the molecular weight of a drug.
22 Of the molecules used in previous transscleral delivery studies, dexamethasone, and dexamethasone-fluorescein are comparable to TA and OGTA in nature and molecular weight. The permeability constant (
K trans) of dexamethasone-fluorescein in rabbit sclera is 1.64 ± 0.17 × 10
−6 cm/s with a weight of 841 g/mol. The
K trans is 20% that of dexamethasone in human sclera at 8.94 ± 1.5 × 10
−6 cm/s with a weight of 392 g/mol.
23 Rabbit sclera is 65% thinner than human sclera, and that could account for why a twofold larger molecule can penetrate the rabbit sclera five times faster than it penetrates the human sclera. Mora et al.
11 found that the permeability constant of TA (weight, 434.5 g/mol) in human sclera is 1.47 ± 0.17 × 10
−5 cm/s, and its penetration of the sclera is approximately 100-fold faster than that (1.12 ± 0.08 × 10
−7 cm/s) of OGTA, which has greater weight (828.8 g/mol). The reason for this difference can be explained by molecular weight. Other factors such as the molecular radius, scleral affinity, the drug’s partition coefficient, and charge interaction with the sclera are also involved.
22 23
OG is a fluorinated analogue of fluorescein. Two hydrogens were substituted for 2 fluorines at the 2′ and 7′ positions of fluorescein (2′,7′-difluorofluorescein). OG is less pH sensitive than fluorescein and more photostable. Thus, the OG conjugates and the results from its conjugates may also be more stable. The molecular weight of NaF (376.27 g/mol) is slightly higher than but nearly the same as OG (368.29 g/mol), and the absorption and emission spectra of both are very similar.
We found that OGTA can diffuse into the sclera after subtenon injection. Although the dose was low (1 mg), the vitreous concentration was still measurable by ocular fluorophotometry. Once the OGTA has diffused into the choroid, it has to cross the blood–retinal barrier to the vitreous. The OGTA levels in the midvitreous and anterior segment were observed to peak at 3 to 4 hours after subtenon injection in live rabbits, immediately after the retina/choroid peaks
(Figs. 4 5) . This finding suggests that the vitreous and anterior segment concentration of OGTA are closely and quickly affected by the retina/choroid concentration.
Lymph and blood clearance may also affect transscleral drug delivery. The posterior subtenon space is isolated from the orbital vessels and lymphatics compared with the sub conjunctiva. Slower clearance and enhanced transscleral drug delivery occur from the depot in the posterior subtenon. However, it was clear in the present study that euthanatization influenced the rapid and massive transscleral movement into the vitreous. Transscleral diffusion was also enhanced in a previous study in which hydrophilic contrast agents and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were used after euthanatization, which stopped lymph and blood clearance. Studies by Kim et al.
24 using serial MRI and gadolinium (Gd)-DTPA20 or Mn21 have shown that transscleral diffusion is increased after euthanatization.
Robinson et al.
12 evaluated the vitreous levels in a rabbit model 3 hours after a subtenon injection of TA. A conjunctival window was used to negate the effect of conjunctival vessels and lymphatics. Cryotherapy was used to negate the effect of choroidal blood flow, and euthanatization was implemented to eliminate both. Their results show that the conjunctival blood vessels/lymphatics are more important barriers to transscleral drug delivery than the choroid. They also found no detectable vitreous TA after subtenon injection of 10 mg of TA; however, in a 10-mg injection with immediate euthanatization, TA was detected in the vitreous at a concentration of 7.13 μg/mL.
The sclera is considered to be a major barrier to ocular drug delivery. However, conjunctival, lymphatic, and choroidal vessels have also been shown to be barriers to drug delivery. Euthanatization can stop the conjunctival and choroidal circulation and increases drug diffusion through the sclera.
11 12 22 23 In the present study, the peak choroid/retinal concentration of OGTA with euthanatization was approximately 3 times greater than that of OGTA without euthanatization, and the vitreous concentration with euthanatization was 12 times greater than that of OGTA without euthanatization
(Tables 1 and 2) . These results also indicate more than 3 times the amount of OGTA that entered the retina is cleared by conjunctival and choroidal clearance, and approximately 12 times the amount of OGTA that could enter the vitreous is cleared by conjunctival, choroidal, and retinal clearance. This clearance results in a reduction in vitreous drug concentration as well. In the present study, without immediate euthanatization, the vitreous TA concentration returned to baseline after 24 hours. An explanation for this rapid reduction in vitreous drug concentration is that the subtenon depot becomes smaller over time, and the drug release rate from the depot is not fast enough to overcome the clearance mechanisms. Mason et al.
25 found that after a single intravitreal injection of 4 mg TA in humans, a vitreous concentration of TA was detectable for up to 2.75 months. Chin et al.
26 found that after an intravitreal injection of 0.3 mg of TA in rabbits, vitreous TA concentration decreased more slowly in the nonvitrectomized eye than in the vitrectomized eye, and the half-life of TA was 2.89 days in the nonvitrectomized eye. The rapid reduction in vitreous drug concentration in the present study is related to the drug release rate from a small depot. Based on these results, it is important to develop a unidirectional delivery device to protect the TA from the conjunctival circulation and lymphatics and thus allow unidirectional diffusion into the sclera.
Mora et al.
11 found that ex vivo sclera penetration equilibrium of TA was achieved on the fourth day and the diffusion rate of the first day was 30% of the fourth day in human sclera. In our in vivo study, the penetration equilibrium of TA was achieved at 7 hours, and the OGTA levels in the choroid/retina increased linearly after half an hour in rabbit eyes. It took approximately 1 hour for the OGTA to diffuse into the choroid across the sclera from the periocular depot site. In live rabbits, the OGTA in the choroid/retina paralleled the concentration in the contralateral control choroid/retina for 30 minutes and then increased above that in the contralateral control eye. However, the contralateral control eye did not show any specific changes after 30 minutes. This suggests that this amount of drug in a subtenon depot does not affect the contralateral vitreous concentration, and thus, does not enter the systemic circulation for hematogenous dissemination, which is another possible route for steroids to enter the vitreous and recirculate back into the eye.
15 27 28
The rabbit model is commonly used in ocular drug delivery, even though there are some differences between rabbit and human eyes. Compared with that of the human eye, the rabbit sclera is 65% thinner, has 50% the vitreous volume, and higher choroidal flow rates.
29 30 However, the scleral permeability, anatomy, and physiology of the lymphatic system is similar to that of humans.
31 32
Fluorophotometry is a method for tracing a drug in the living eye and was found to be safe and noninvasive to the animal. Without the fluorescent label, the movement of TA in the retina and vitreous could not be traced. TA concentration cannot be measured by extrapolation from fluorescent concentrations; however, pharmacokinetics of a drug diffused into the vitreous after subtenon injection can be determined.
When subtenon injection is performed, the depot is near the equator, and the highest concentration of drug anywhere in the retina is likely to be adjacent to the depot. The fluorophotometer gives drug levels in the AP direction. Although
Figure 4shows a maximum concentration in the retina of 25 ng/mL, this is not necessarily the highest drug concentration that exists in the retina. In what may be a limitation of the technique, the fluorophotometer gives gradients only in 1 dimension and only AP. Nevertheless, fluorophotometry does allow for a continued measurement in the vitreous and retina without the need to kill animals at each time point. Using this in vivo fluorometry, meaningful pharmacokinetic data can be obtained and potentially reduce the number of animals and costs associated with conducting pharmacokinetic studies to determine drug distribution in ocular tissues.