The techniques for identification and isolation of retinal microvessels have been described previously.
25 26 In brief, the anterior segment and vitreous body were removed carefully under a dissection microscope. The posterior segment, or eye cup, was placed in a cooled dissection chamber (∼8°C) containing a physiological salt solution (PSS; in mM: NaCl 145.0, KCl 4.7, CaCl
2 2.0, MgSO
4 1.17, NaH
4 1.2, glucose 5.0, pyruvate 2.0, EDTA 0.02, and MOPS [3-(
N-morpholino)propanesulfonic acid] 3.0) with 1% albumin (USB, Cleveland, OH). Single second-order retinal arterioles (in the range of 90–130 μm in internal diameter in situ, 0.6–1.0 mm in length) were carefully dissected with a pair of Dumont microdissection forceps (Fine Science Tools, Foster City, CA) with the aid of a stereomicroscope (model SZX12; Olympus, Melville, NY). After careful removal of any remaining neural and connective tissues, the arteriole was then transferred for cannulation to a Lucite vessel chamber containing PSS-albumin solution equilibrated with room air at ambient temperature. One end of the arteriole was cannulated by using a glass micropipette (tip outer diameter, 30–40 μm) filled with PSS-albumin solution, and the outside of the arteriole was securely tied to the pipette with 11-0 ophthalmic sutures (Alcon, Fort Worth, TX). The other end of the vessel was cannulated with a second micropipette and also secured with sutures. After cannulation, the vessel and pipettes were transferred to the stage of an inverted microscope (model CKX41; Olympus) coupled to a video camera (Sony DXC-190; Labtek, Campbell, CA), video micrometer (Cardiovascular Research Institute, Texas A&M System Health Science Center, College Station, TX), and data acquisition system (PowerLab; ADInstruments, Colorado Springs, CO) for continuous measurement and recording of the internal diameter throughout the experiment.
25 The micropipettes were connected to independent pressure reservoirs (i.e., 30-mL glass syringes). By adjusting the height of the reservoirs, we pressurized the vessel to 55 cmH
2 O (40 mm Hg) intraluminal pressure without flow. This level of pressure was used based on pressure ranges that have been documented in retinal arterioles in vivo
27 and in the isolated, perfused retinal microcirculation,
28 and was consistent with the estimated ocular perfusion pressure in humans as reported previously.
21 Because the size (2.5 cm in diameter) and volume (10-mL PSS) of the reservoir is overwhelmingly larger than the microvessel (approximately 80 μm in diameter, 1.0 mm in length, and 5 nL in luminal volume), the changes in vessel diameter, and thus in volume, would not cause a significant change in the height of the PSS in the reservoir. Therefore, pressure in the vessel can be kept constant throughout the experiment. Preparations with side branches and leaks were excluded from further study.