purpose. To investigate the relationship between visual function, measured by standard automated perimetry (SAP), and retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thickness, measured by optical coherence tomography (OCT), in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS).
methods. SAP and RNFL thickness were measured in patients with MS in 28 eyes with the last optic neuritis (ON) ≥6 months prior (ON group) and 33 eyes without ON history (non-ON group). Abnormal overall or quadrant RNFL thickness was defined by measured values below 5% of the norm. A whole visual field or a sector of the field was classified as abnormal by using cluster criteria on total-deviation plots. Agreement between SAP and OCT results in classifying eyes/sectors was presented as a percentage of observed agreement, along with the AC1 statistic, which corrects for chance agreement. Regression analyses were performed relating several SAP parameters and RNFL thickness in the ON group.
results. ON eyes showed more loss of visual sensitivity (MD, P = 0.02) and more loss of RNFL thickness (P < 0.0001) than did non-ON eyes. SAP and OCT agreed in 86% (AC1 = 0.78) of eyes and 69% (AC1 = 0.38) of sectors in the ON group and 61% (AC1 = 0.33) of eyes and 66% (AC1 = 0.48) of sectors in the non-ON group. Overall RNFL thickness was related to MD (dB) by a simple exponential function (R 2 = 0.48), supporting a linear relationship between these measures when both are expressed on linear scales. Absolute Pearson correlation coefficients for overall RNFL thickness and several SAP parameters ranged from 0.51 to 0.69.
conclusions. Good agreement between SAP and OCT was found in ON eyes but not in non-ON eyes or in individual sectors in either group. The findings in this study provide further support for the utility of combining structural and functional testing in clinical research on patients with MS, as well as in future neuroprotection trials for which the anterior visual pathways in patients with MS and optic neuritis may be used as a model.
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory demyelinating disease of the central nervous system that often involves the optic nerve. More than 50% of patients with MS have optic neuritis (ON) at some time during the disease. After recovery from an acute ON attack, subjective visual complaints, and abnormal visual functions frequently remain even in the presence of apparently normal visual acuities.
1 2 3 4
The current understanding of the pathogenesis of MS suggests that persistent visual disability after recovery of ON is attributed to axonal damage in the optic nerve.
5 6 In fact, retinal ganglion cell (RGC) axonal loss in ON was reported decades ago, based on careful funduscopic examination,
7 8 and demonstrated by direct axonal counting in postmortem tissue.
9 Recent developments in optical imaging devices have allowed noninvasive quantitative measurements of RGC axons (i.e., the retinal nerve fiber layer [RNFL]) in patients with ON and MS.
10 11 12 13 In particular, optical coherence tomography (OCT), which provides cross-sectional measurements of RNFL thickness that are close to anatomic resolution,
14 has been used in several recent studies of patients with ON/MS.
15 16 17 18 19 OCT has revealed significant thinning of the RNFL, within 3 to 6 months after an acute episode of ON, in as many as three quarters of patients tested.
15 20 The RGC axonal damage revealed by OCT appeared to be more prevalent and extensive than the residual functional deficits reported in patients with ON.
21 22 This finding raises the question of whether structural tests such as OCT are more advantageous than functional tests such as standard automated perimetry (SAP), in measuring optic nerve damage in ON/MS.
23 A good understanding of the structural and functional relationship of RGCs is not only fundamental in the study of the underlying visual mechanisms, but is also important for selecting an appropriate strategy to monitor disease progression and evaluate the efficacy of treatments in the clinic.
Structural and functional relationships have been extensively studied in glaucoma and, despite the ongoing controversies and debates, in general, a concordance between SAP and RGCs/RNFL was demonstrated when appropriate scales were applied for comparison.
24 25 26 27 In optic neuritis, a detailed comparison between visual sensitivity loss and RNFL loss in ON is clearly needed as well. In this study, a topographic comparison was made between SAP and OCT RNFL thickness measurements in eyes of patients with MS, with and without a history of optic neuritis. Regression analyses were performed on data from ON eyes between RNFL thickness and several SAP parameters in logarithmic or linear scales. To allow sufficient time for retrograde degeneration in the RNFL, only eyes with at least a 6-month recovery time from the last episode of ON were studied.
15 18 28 29
Thirty-six patients with MS (9 men, 27 women) were enrolled in the study. Thirty-four had relapsing–remitting (RR) MS and two had secondary progressive MS. The duration of the disease ranged from newly diagnosed to 21 years with a median of 5 years. The age range was 21 to 56 years with a mean of 39 ± 9 SD years.
All patients went through comprehensive neuro-ophthalmic examinations, and all related medical records were carefully reviewed. The diagnosis of ON was based on clinical criteria.
30 The patients had no concomitant ocular diseases or systemic conditions that could affect the visual system.
Procedures adhered to the tenets of Declaration of Helsinki, and the protocol was approved by the University of Houston committee for the protection of human subjects. All patients gave informed consent to participate in the study.
SAP and OCT showed good agreement (86%, AC1 = 0.78) in classifying the ON eyes as abnormal or not. In contrast, the two tests did not agree as well in classifying the non-ON eyes or individual sectors of both ON and non-ON groups.
Many factors can contribute to disagreement between tests. An obvious reason for disagreements between SAP and OCT is the uncertainty of either one or both tests in detecting abnormalities near threshold, which is related to the sensitivity and specificity of each test. In other words, the strength of agreement between two tests depends on the severity of the deficits in the data sampled (see
Table 5 ; ON eyes with MD < −3 dB versus those with MD ≥ −3 dB). A weaker agreement in our non-ON group is expected as a result of the mild deficits involved. Similarly, Costello et al.
15 found a significant correlation between MD and RNFL thickness only among ON eyes with more severe damage. Quantitative analysis between SAP and RNFL thickness also showed no correlation in patients with preperimetric glaucoma,
41 42 or relatively poor correlation when glaucomatous damage was mild.
Another cause of disagreement is the inherent limitations of each test itself. The two outliers in the non-ON group (subject 26) show one such example. The normal mfVEP findings in this patient, obtained in related, concurrent studies, suggest that the disagreement between RNFL thickness and SAP is most likely due to limitations of subjective perimetry, although defects beyond the primary visual cortex cannot be ruled out completely.
44 This patient had secondary progressive MS. MS patients, especially those with severe disease, may have cognitive dysfunction or slowed reaction times, which can interfere with decision-making during the subjective field testing. In such cases, objective perimetry such as can be achieved via the mfVEP approach can be useful for measuring functional deficits (Laron M et al.
IOVS 2007;48:ARVO E-Abstract 3761). Of course, OCT RNFL measurements may also be technically limited by, for example, how well the measurements are centered around the optic disc.
Agreement between SAP and OCT in MS patients is further limited by the fact that the former measures the function of the entire visual pathways, whereas the latter measures the RGC axonal integrity, and MS may involve central visual pathways and mechanisms not leading to retrograde degeneration in RNFL. This may also explain the higher prevalence of field abnormalities, compared with RNFL defects, detected in our non-ON eyes.
One explanation for the weaker agreement observed between sectors than the whole field is related to whether defects are “diffuse” or localized. In contrast to the common belief that the temporal sector of the optic disc is more affected in ON (probably due to the frequently observed temporal “pallor” in ON eyes), our results clearly showed that all sectors of the optic nerve was similarly affected. The average loss of RNFL for different sectors varied from 20% to 30%
(Table 7) . However, as the temporal RNFL thickness is thin to begin with (see average quadrant RNFL thickness in normal population in Ref.
20 ), loss of RNFL in this region may lead to easier recognition of pallor than in other sectors, which have thicker baseline RNFL. Similarly, abnormal clusters on visual fields are not localized to one sector. In 22 of the 23 eyes that showed abnormal clusters, the clusters crossed the boundaries of at least two sectors of the field. Compared with glaucoma in which arcuate nerve bundles are more susceptible to damage, defects in ON seemed more diffuse, in the sense that they cover field locations corresponding to two or more quadrants of the OCT RNFL. It is possible that dividing a diffuse defect into sectors may increase the “miss” rate of a defect, especially the mild ones, by one test, and lead to less robust agreement between tests. For this reason, sectoral agreement in ON eyes with more severe defects (MD worse than −3 dB) is fairly good except for the nasal sector
(Table 5) . Of course, any topographic correlation between structure and function is limited by the lack of an optimal structure-to-function map and the large individual variability in such maps.
31 45 46
The quantitative relationship between visual sensitivity and RNFL thickness depends on the scale used for sensitivity measurement.
42 47 48 When a logarithmic scale is used for visual sensitivity, the overall RNFL thickness in ON eyes is a simple exponential function of the MD in decibels (
Fig. 2 ,
R 2 = 0.48).
27 This exponential relationship has two clinical implications. First, it means that a large amount of RNFL reduction is needed for a small sensitivity loss in decibels. In this study, an RNFL thickness of 75 μm (∼25 μm [25%] reduction of RNFL assuming a normal thickness around 100 μm
20 ) corresponds to a 3 dB (50%) loss of MD, which is consistent with the postmortem histology findings in glaucoma.
49 50 Second, when functional loss is worse than −10 dB, it is better to use MD for monitoring disease progression, because the RNFL loss has almost reached a plateau
(Fig. 2) . It is also interesting to note that the overall RNFL thickness in our sample “bottoms out” around 60 μm, higher than those reported in glaucoma.
27 Whether this represents data variability or a different disease mechanism involving glial tissues needs further study.
A more straightforward representation of the relationship between structure and function in ON eyes is to express both measurements in linear scales
(Fig. 3) . The absolute Pearson correlation coefficients between overall RNFL thickness and the whole field’s SS, the percentage of abnormal points, the unlogged deviation, or the linear VS (1/L) range from 0.65 to 0.69. The linear correlation is generally weaker in individual sectors, especially sector N.
51 A poor correlation in sector N may be attributed to only three points being measured, all of them located on the rim of the 24-2 field test.
A limitation of the present study is that we selected only visual fields based on the closest time to the date of OCT test (mostly the same day) instead of those with repeatable visual fields. Since patients with resolved optic neuritis tend to have large long- and short-term variability in SAP,
40 future study design may involve repeated SAPs or an objective perimetry, such as mfVEP for confirmation of functional defects. Similarly, repeated OCT RNFL thickness measurements should also be beneficial.
Clinically, it will be helpful to establish baseline RNFL thickness and functional measurements in all MS patients at the time of MS diagnosis. Change in RNFL thickness and/or visual function over time is likely the best approach in monitoring the disease progression.
Lastly, despite possible topographical differences and etiologies, it is important to point out that the structural and functional relationship found in optic neuritis is, in general, very similar to that in glaucoma. Cell death, regardless of the causes and mechanisms involved, is essentially responsible for permanent functional loss. This supports the idea that axonal loss is the anatomic substrate for irreversible functional disability in patients with ON/MS.
5 6
In conclusion, comparison between abnormalities detected by SAP and RNFL measurements showed good agreement in ON eyes. Regression analyses between several SAP parameters and RNFL thickness support a linear relationship between structural and functional measurements when both are expressed in linear scales. Combining information from structural and functional tests and following individuals longitudinally is probably the best strategy for assessing and monitoring the optic nerve involvement in patients with MS.
Supported by the National Multiple Sclerosis Society Pilot Grant, the University of Houston GEAR grant, and National Eye Institute Grant P30EY007551.
Submitted for publication June 17, 2007; revised August 19, 2007; accepted October 24, 2007.
H. Cheng, None;
M. Laron, None;
J.S. Schiffman, None;
R.A. Tang, None;
L.J. Frishman, None
The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge payment. This article must therefore be marked “
advertisement” in accordance with 18 U.S.C. §1734 solely to indicate this fact.
Corresponding author: Han Cheng, College of Optometry, University of Houston, 505 J. Davis Armistead Building, Houston, TX 77204-2020;
Table 1. Distribution of n Subjects by Tests and Their Classification
Table 1. Distribution of n Subjects by Tests and Their Classification
| | Test A | | Total |
| | Yes | No | |
Test B | Yes | a | b | B + = a + b |
| No | c | d | B − = c+ d |
| Total | A + = a+ c | A − = b+ d | n = a+ b+ c+ d |
Table 2. Demographic and Clinical Data
Table 2. Demographic and Clinical Data
A. The ON Group | | | | | | | | |
Subject | Age/Sex | MS Type | Eye | Total Number of ON Attacks | Months from Last ON Attack | VA | MD (dB) | Overall RNFL (μm) |
1 | 42/F | RR | R | 4 | 10 | 20/50+1 | −18.28 | 72.51 |
2 | 33/M | RR | R | 1 | 20 | 20/15 | −1.59 | 72.22 |
2 | 33/M | RR | L | 1 | 20 | 20/20+1 | −7.35 | 52.08 |
3 | 32/F | RR | R | 1 | 84 | 20/20 | −2.22 | 71.54 |
4 | 52/F | 2nd progressive | R | 2 | 48 | 20/25 | −24.91 | 67.94 |
4 | 52/F | 2nd progressive | L | 2 | 48 | 20/25 | −28.54 | 60.69 |
5 | 47/F | RR | R | 1 | 192 | 20/20−3 | −1.89 | 85.79 |
5 | 47/F | RR | L | 1 | 192 | 20/40−1 | −2.44 | 74.81 |
6 | 28/F | RR | R | 1 | 12 | 20/30 | −6.05 | 73.61 |
7 | 55/M | RR | L | 2 | 11 | 20/15−2 | −2.69 | 78.66 |
8 | 38/F | RR | L | 1 | 48 | 20/30+2 | −2.15 | 76.34 |
9 | 38/F | RR | L | 1 | 180 | 20/25 | −8.99 | 52.94 |
10 | 48/F | RR | R | 1 | 360 | 20/25 | −7.79 | 66.3 |
11 | 51/F | RR | L | 2 | 6 | 20/20−2 | −0.77 | 95.79 |
12 | 23/F | RR | R | 1 | 18 | 20/20−1 | −3.00 | 97.24 |
13 | 35/F | RR | R | 1 | 6 | 20/15 | −1.01 | 101.22 |
14 | 39/M | RR | R | 2 | 24 | 20/40 | −20.06 | 56.28 |
14 | 39/M | RR | L | 2 | 24 | 20/60 | −23.95 | 65.01 |
15 | 49/F | RR | R | 2 | 12 | 20/20−1 | −2.47 | 54.96 |
16 | 31/F | RR | R | 1 | 120 | 20/15 | −2.10 | 80.67 |
17 | 44/F | RR | R | Many | 132 | 20/20 | −5.17 | 63.27 |
17 | 44/F | RR | L | Many | 24 | 20/20 | −2.48 | 102.5 |
18 | 37/F | RR | L | 1 | 36 | 20/20 | −1.87 | 101.77 |
19 | 30/F | RR | R | 1 | 66 | 20/25−3 | −3.54 | 81.95 |
19 | 30/F | RR | L | 1 | 24 | 20/25−1 | −3.73 | 72.37 |
20 | 56/F | RR | L | 1 | 144 | 20/15 | −2.50 | 78.13 |
21 | 26/M | RR | R | 1 | 9 | 20/15 | −1.80 | 92.83 |
21 | 26/M | RR | L | 1 | 9 | 20/15 | −2.37 | 82.01 |
B. The Non-ON Group | | | | | | |
Subject | Age/Sex | MS Type | Eye | VA | MD (dB) | Overall RNFL (μm) |
1 | 42/F | RR | L | 20/20−1 | −1.85 | 85.31 |
3 | 32/F | RR | R | 20/20 | −1.29 | 79.58 |
6 | 28/F | RR | L | 20/15 | −7.07 | 86.58 |
8 | 38/F | RR | R | 20/20 | −2.15 | 113.10 |
9 | 38/F | RR | R | 20/20 | −1.95 | 74.94 |
10 | 48/F | RR | L | 20/15 | −2.41 | 109.04 |
12 | 23/F | RR | L | 20/20 | −3.32 | 114.73 |
13 | 35/F | RR | L | 20/15 | −0.59 | 101.80 |
16 | 31/F | RR | L | 20/15 | −2.78 | 78.16 |
18 | 37/F | RR | R | 20/20 | −0.94 | 104.90 |
20 | 56/F | RR | R | 20/20+1 | −2.41 | 80.29 |
22 | 40/F | RR | L | 20/20 | 0.26 | 104.41 |
23 | 37/M | RR | R | 20/20 | 0.01 | 107.20 |
23 | 37/M | RR | L | 20/20 | 0.15 | 105.29 |
24 | 33/M | RR | L | 20/15 | −0.12 | 89.38 |
25 | 41/F | RR | L | 20/20 | −0.95 | 94.22 |
26 | 41/F | 2nd progressive | R | 20/20+1 | −17.8 | 107.49 |
26 | 41/F | 2nd progressive | L | 20/20+1 | −19.74 | 106.33 |
27 | 50/M | RR | R | 20/15 | 0.10 | 92.08 |
27 | 50/M | RR | L | 20/20 | 0.66 | 88.70 |
28 | 26/F | RR | L | 20/25−2 | −0.60 | 88.10 |
29 | 21/F | RR | L | 20/15 | −1.50 | 100.02 |
30 | 38/M | RR | L | 20/15 | −1.05 | 111.80 |
31 | 39/F | RR | R | 20/25−2 | −4.28 | 93.58 |
31 | 39/F | RR | L | 20/25−2 | −2.26 | 98.55 |
32 | 41/F | RR | R | 20/20 | −0.70 | 84.25 |
32 | 41/F | RR | L | 20/20 | 0.88 | 82.29 |
33 | 34/F | RR | L | 20/15 | −0.20 | 91.42 |
34 | 40/F | RR | R | 20/15−2 | −3.57 | 101.86 |
34 | 40/F | RR | L | 20/15−3 | −3.84 | 117.58 |
35 | 47/F | RR | L | 20/15 | −1.75 | 92.56 |
36 | 46/M | RR | R | 20/40−1 | −2.51 | 89.95 |
36 | 46/M | RR | L | 20/20 | −2.35 | 107.49 |
Table 3. MD and Overall RNFL Thickness in the Study Groups
Table 3. MD and Overall RNFL Thickness in the Study Groups
| SAP MD (dB) | Overall RNFL Thickness (μm) |
ON eyes (n = 28) | −6.85 ± 8.15 | 76.12 ± 14.92 |
VA >20/25 (n = 16) | −2.58 ± 1.60 | 81.92 ± 16.22 |
VA 20/25–20/60 (n = 12) | −12.54 ± 9.88 | 68.40 ± 8.58 |
Non-ON eyes (n = 33) | −2.66 ± 4.47 | 96.45 ± 11.73 |
Table 4. Eyes and Sectors in the ON Group Classified as Abnormal by SAP Cluster Criteria or RNFL Thickness
Table 4. Eyes and Sectors in the ON Group Classified as Abnormal by SAP Cluster Criteria or RNFL Thickness
| ON Eyes (n = 28) | | ON Sectors (n = 112) | |
| Abnormal RNFL | Normal RNFL | Abnormal RNFL | Normal RNFL |
Abnormal SAP | 20 (71%) | 3 (11%) | 42 (38%) | 15 (13%) |
Normal SAP | 1 (4%) | 4 (14%) | 20 (18%) | 35 (31%) |
Table 5. Observed Agreement between SAP and OCT and the AC1 Statistics
Table 5. Observed Agreement between SAP and OCT and the AC1 Statistics
| ON Group | | | | | | Non-ON Group (n = 33) | |
| All Eyes (n = 28) | | Eyes with MD < −3 dB (n = 12) | | Eyes with MD ≥ −3 dB (n = 16) | | | |
| Agreement (%) | AC1 | Agreement (%) | AC1 | Agreement (%) | AC1 | Agreement (%) | AC1 |
Eyes | 86 | 0.78 | 100 | 1.00 | 75 | 0.53 | 61 | 0.33 |
Sector I | 71 | 0.44 | 83 | 0.80 | 63 | 0.34 | 67 | 0.49 |
Sector T | 71 | 0.43 | 83 | 0.77 | 63 | 0.34 | 70 | 0.59 |
Sector S | 61 | 0.32 | 92 | 0.91 | 38 | −0.25 | 58 | 0.21 |
Sector N | 71 | 0.49 | 67 | 0.35 | 75 | 0.68 | 70 | 0.59 |
All sectors | 69 | 0.38 | 81 | 0.74 | 59 | 0.29 | 66 | 0.48 |
Table 6. Eyes and Sectors in the Non-ON Group Classified as Abnormal by SAP Cluster Criteria or RNFL Thickness
Table 6. Eyes and Sectors in the Non-ON Group Classified as Abnormal by SAP Cluster Criteria or RNFL Thickness
| Non-ON Eyes (n = 33) | | Non-ON Sectors (n = 132) | |
| Abnormal RNFL | Normal RNFL | Abnormal RNFL | Normal RNFL |
Abnormal SAP | 3 (9%) | 13 (39%) | 7 (5%) | 32 (24%) |
Normal SAP | 0 (0%) | 17 (52%) | 13 (10%) | 80 (61%) |
Table 7. The ON Group: Pearson’s Correlation Coefficients and Probabilities for SAP Parameters and RNFL Thickness
Table 7. The ON Group: Pearson’s Correlation Coefficients and Probabilities for SAP Parameters and RNFL Thickness
| SS vs. RNFL | % Abn Points vs. RNFL | MD (dB) vs. RNFL | Unlogged Deviation vs. RNFL | VS (dB) vs. RNFL | VS (dB) vs. log RNFL | VS (1/L) vs. RNFL | Average RNFL ± SD (%norm*) |
Whole eyes | −0.65 (0.0001) | −0.66 (0.0001) | 0.51 (0.005) | 0.69 (0.0001) | 0.52 (0.005) | 0.52 (0.005) | 0.66 (0.0001) | 76 ± 15 (76%) |
Sector I | −0.67 (0.0001) | −0.67 (0.0001) | 0.47 (0.012) | 0.54 (0.003) | 0.47 (0.012) | 0.45 (0.017) | 0.62 (0.0001) | 101 ± 20 (80%) |
Sector T | −0.55 (0.002) | −0.53 (0.004) | 0.51 (0.005) | 0.51 (0.006) | 0.53 (0.004) | 0.59 (0.001) | 0.61 (0.001) | 53 ± 17 (77%) |
Sector S | −0.45 (0.017) | −0.46 (0.015) | 0.20 (0.315) | 0.34 (0.079) | 0.31 (0.112) | 0.29 (0.142) | 0.44 (0.019) | 93 ± 18 (75%) |
Sector N | −0.32 (0.100) | −0.28 (0.157) | 0.21 (0.281) | 0.23 (0.245) | 0.22 (0.262) | 0.22 (0.258) | 0.28 (0.148) | 57 ± 21 (70%) |
The authors thank Ying-Sheng Hu for helpful discussions on statistical analyses.
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