The VOR velocity axis was modeled using a two-stage vector summation approach. In the first stage, individual canal contributions are considered as a sensory contribution. In the second and presumably motor stage, the resulting VOR axis is influenced by orbital eye position
(Fig. 9) . The idea of modeling the VOR based on transforming the head velocity into canal coordinates originated with Robinson.
24 The Robinson model used matrices that can be multiplied by head or canal-velocity vectors to demonstrate the effects of isolated canal lesions. The current model is in one respect a simplification of the Robinson model, since the current model does not represent the ocular motor plant as a separate matrix, or attempt to describe effects of plasticity. The Robinson vector and matrix approach does not model nonlinear phenomena such as canal saturation in UVD. The current model implements nonlinearity by saturations on components of the canal-velocity vector, and incorporates an effect of eye position on VOR velocity axis. Central and peripheral nonlinearities in the steady state yaw VOR have elsewhere been modeled in one dimension.
Components of head velocity rotated by nonlinearities in individual semicircular canals were computed as described in the Methods section, to derive reported 3-D head velocity. Because yaw rotation was delivered, most of the stimulus was sensed by the horizontal canal (HC). Thus, the HC was most susceptible to inhibitory saturation predicted by Ewald’s second law,
3 whereas less intensely stimulated vertical canals were more likely to encode their head velocity components accurately. Labyrinth orientation was not determined in the current subjects, but in normal subjects, the HC is tilted posteriorly with respect to Frankfort’s plane by 20 ± 7°.
25 When an HC reaches the inhibitory cutoff, the resultant VOR-velocity vector is predicted to be hypometric (low gain) and tilted anteriorly
(Fig. 9) .
The vector addition model can predict the VOR axis. Inhibitory cutoff of the human labyrinth is probably not a hard-velocity saturation, and while the precise nonlinearity is unknown, there is clearly an inhibitory asymmetry.
2 3 In the present study, control VOR gain tightly clustered around 0.87 without asymmetry. In subjects with UVD, ipsilesional gain averaged 0.30 with a broader range. Ipsilesional gain was 43% ± 22% (mean ± SD, range 12%–67%) of contralesional gain. This implies that the labyrinth encodes an average of 43% of velocity in the inhibitory direction that it can in the excitatory direction
(Fig. 10) .
Vestibular physiology is more complex than modeled. The model assumes that the three canals of each labyrinth are mutually orthogonal and that the superior canal (SC) and posterior canal (PC) are oriented at a 45° angle from the midsagittal plane such that the ipsilateral SC is coplanar with the contralateral PC. Normative radiographic data from a large sample of humans supports these assumptions.
25 The model also assumes that inhibitory nonlinearities for the SC and PC are similar to that of the HC, that ideal VOR gain is unity and that gain is measured in the direction of eye motion rather than in a head- or space-fixed coordinate system. Subunity gain was observed in both control subjects and subjects with UVD. To account for this, gains were compared with model predictions using the ratio of ipsi- to contralesional gain. The basis of VOR axis dependency on eye position is unknown, but single-unit recordings in alert monkeys suggest that it is not mediated by commands to cyclovertical extraocular muscles carried by oculomotor and trochlear motoneurons.
33 There must be some neural mediation, however, since the VOR’s TAR of approximately 0.25 is different from that of 0.50 for pursuit and saccades. The model implements VOR axis on orbital eye position as a presumably motor phenomenon downstream of the sensory effect of canal components. The eye position effect is modeled by a rotation of the canal estimate of the head velocity axis by the product of eccentric eye position and the TAR.
The model makes emergent predictions about the VOR in UVD. First, in primary gaze when the horizontal canal (HC) is perpendicular to the head-velocity axis, the VOR axis can be perfectly aligned to the head axis, albeit at minimal VOR gain, because of absence of stimulus velocity in the SC and PC planes that would otherwise be informative that head velocity exceeds that reported by the saturated HC
(Fig. 10) . As the head velocity axis becomes oblique to the HC plane, the model initially predicts both increased VOR gain, and VOR axis misalignment from the head axis. These effects are predicted to increase until the SC and PC ultimately also saturate
(Fig. 10) . For four of five subjects with UVD (GP, MU, VK, and KM), the model fits best for an HC orientation near 30°, similar to the orientation found radiographically in humans.
25 In the remaining subject with UVD (PL), the VOR axis was closely aligned with the head despite a significant directional asymmetry in gain. An HC plane lying nearly perpendicular to the head velocity axis may explain this. Although the three semicircular canals within individual labyrinths are consistently orthogonal, recent magnetic resonance imaging indicates that labyrinth orientation may vary up to 25° from the plane of the horizontal rectus extraocular muscles in individual subjects.
26 Although it seems reasonable that the subject’s head positioning relative to the rotator axis may introduce a further 10° in labyrinth orientation relative to the head velocity axis, additional factors including limitations in actuation of ocular torsion,
34 may also contribute to VOR axis direction.
The second stage of the model (
Fig. 9 , right side) accounts for the effect of eye position on VOR axis direction and thus the TAR. During the first 50 ms of the VOR slow phase, the TAR was similar for ipsi- versus contralesional rotation
(Fig. 8B) , and did not differ significantly between control subjects and subjects with UVD. Thus, a simple summation effect of eccentric eye position multiplied by the TAR explains the final VOR axis. This idea is consistent with the suggestion that the VOR TAR of <0.5 is due to relatively low torsional VOR gain.
The vector model explains the major findings of the present study: The VOR axis during ipsilesional rotation is rotated forward and gain is decreased. The model explains how the range of ipsilesional VOR gain and axis orientation may be related by labyrinth orientation and variation in physiology. Other investigators have reported minimal early VOR axis tilt, but very large later tilts, not observed here, approaching 80°.
8 Tilts exceeding 45° are inconsistent with the current model, because the tilt is limited by canal saturation. Nearly orthogonal tilts reported elsewhere are most likely due to nonlinear effects not predicted by the model, such as quick phases, or artifacts due to difficulty controlling or determining axes during manual head-on-body rotation.
Although the experiment used yaw rotation, the physiological principles underlying the model should be applicable to head rotation about any axis in UVD, including pitch and roll. In each case, inhibitory rotation in the maximum sensitivity direction of a unilaterally intact labyrinth’s semicircular canal is predicted to evoke relatively low VOR gain but with axis aligned to the head except for quarter-angle dependency on orbital eye position. Inhibitory rotation up to 45° oblique to the labyrinth’s maximum sensitivity directions is predicted to increase VOR gain at the expense of introducing error in axis direction.
The VOR’s goal can be considered twofold: appropriate magnitude of compensatory eye movement (gain) during rotation about an axis closely aligned with that of the head. The normal VOR attains both goals, probably due to constant VOR gain adjustment. After UVD, these goals may be unattainable due to inhibitory saturation of individual semicircular canals encoding directional components of head rotation. The vector model demonstrates that VOR axis alignment to the stimulus in UVD comes at the expense of VOR gain. One compensatory strategy is limitation of voluntary head motion to subsaturation velocity.
14 However, a low-velocity strategy is impossible during externally imposed motion. During human ambulation, the highest-frequency head rotation occurs in pitch, with a lower frequency but significant amplitude in yaw.
14 20 Labyrinth orientation itself may be compensatory, because the pitch axis is reflected nearly equally by the PC and SC, whereas the HC is oriented 20° on average behind the yaw axis relative to Frankfort’s plane.
25 Thus, labyrinth misalignment with the head-rotation axes most common during ambulation may serve as a compromise to increase VOR gain at the expense of VOR axis accuracy in labyrinthine disease.