In all highly myopic eyes (right eyes in P2 and P3), we found a consistent reduction of the thickness of the inferior oblique muscle.
Figure 2shows the results in P2: In the affected eye, the thickness of the inferior oblique was reduced to 0.9 mm
(Fig. 2b) , in contrast to that of the healthy eye (2.3 mm;
Fig. 2a ). The same pattern was observed in P3
(Figs. 3a 3b) . We also found the rectus muscle displacements that have previously been observed by other groups.
7 The thickness of the rectus muscles, as well as of the superior oblique, was within the normal range
15 (Fig. 2c) . In both MRI studies, we found a length difference of 12 to 16 mm between the lengths of the medial and lateral rectus muscles, compared with the normal difference of 4 mm. In P3, this is shown in
Figure 3c . As the cross-sectional area of the inferior oblique can be path dependent, we measured the cross-section at different locations, and used the largest value. We ascertained that we had a correct orientation of the image plane by tracking the muscle center in adjacent image slices. Since the location of the muscle remains approximately unchanged, we are confident of using an appropriate image orientation.