After weaning, rd/rd (n = 7), Rpe65 rd12 (n = 7), and wild-type (n = 8) mice were housed in cages with wheels, as described earlier. After 3 days of acclimatization to the cages, the mice were treated alternately with bright or dim pulses of light in the repeating 3-day protocol. Behavioral responses were recorded between postnatal day (P)28 and P135 and were segregated into defined age groups (P34, 28–39 days after birth; P46, 40–51; P58, 52–63; P76, 64–87; P100, 88–111; and P124, 112–135). Age groupings reflect the expected rate of degenerative change. Typically more than one test for an individual fell within an age group. In this case, 2.3% of treatments were excluded (wild-type, 1 of 273 tests; rd/rd, 6 of 227; Rpe65 rd12 , 10/227).
Comparison of underlying levels of wheel running during the 3-hour baseline periods revealed differences in activity with age. Therefore, both percentage of baseline and difference from baseline calculations were used to describe response magnitude. For the difference method the number of revolutions in the baseline was subtracted from the corresponding treatment period. For each light condition, age group, and genotype, the mean of responses for each animal was used.