Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is induced by hypoxia and drives developmental vascularization of the retina as well as the pathologic retinal vascularization characteristic of ROP.
57 58 59 60 In addition, amacrine cell progenitors are directed to their cell fate by a number of cues, including activation of the VEGF receptor flk-1.
61 In murine retina, amacrine cells, including the interplexiform cell, are still differentiating at P0 but are fully differentiated at P7.
54 Thus, the number and type of postreceptoral cells may be at least partially dependent on the status of retinal oxygenation. We found that the tortuous vasculature characteristic of ROP remodeled (that is, became more normal) remarkably after P20 in the 50/10 model rats, but only slightly in the 75 model rats.
28 Since the OPs are susceptible to disturbances of retinal circulation,
62 their function may be related to the severity of retinal vascular abnormality in ROP. However, the data did little to affirm this. There was no significant correlation between vascular abnormality and
E or log
i 1/2 at P20, P30, or P60. As in the ROP rats, the adult human subjects with a history of ROP had lower energy in their OPs than the adult controls. However, the ROP infants’ OPs contained more energy than those in term-born infants. Developing retinal circuitry must underpin the maturation of the OPs. Both infant groups were age-matched postterm, but the ROP infants had, on average, been using their eyes for more than twice the duration of the term-born infants (∼3 extra months). If use of vision promotes the development of the inner retinal circuitry that generate the OPs, then the ROP infants’ additional early visual experience may have more than offset the negative effects of mild ROP
30 and resulted in the observed increase in their OP energy. Evidence from the sweep visual evoked potential indicated that prematurely born infants, both with
63 and without
64 ROP, have better acuity than term-born infants, though behavioral acuity tests at ∼6 months found that the advantage has vanished if not reversed.
65 The visual experience of the rats did not vary with group.