Corneal response to epithelial abrasion in CD18
−/− mice. After the removal of a 2-mm diameter area of epithelium, corneas were collected for analysis at 6-hour intervals up to 48 hours. (
Top: shows the wound-closure kinetics comparing the matched wild-type with the CD18
−/− mice. *
P < 0.01. Wholemount preparations were stained with anti-Gr-1-FITC and DAPI, to allow analysis of neutrophil emigration. Neutrophils were counted in zones 1 through 5 (see
Fig. 2 ) in four quadrants of each cornea, and the sum of these counts was plotted against the time after wounding (
bottom). (
B) Basal epithelial cell density determined across the mid diameter of the cornea 24 and 96 hours after wounding. The data compare wild-type (
filled diamonds) and CD18
−/− (
open squares) mice showing significant delays in the recovery of epithelial density in the CD18
−/− mice in all regions of the cornea (**
P < 0.01). In addition, the
top graph includes data from CD18
−/− mice into which wild-type leukocytes have been transferred (
stippled triangle; **
P < 0.01). (
C) CXC chemokines extracted from CD18
−/− corneas after epithelial abrasion. The plot of neutrophils is the same data set as in (
A) and in contrast to the plots in (
A), the total neutrophil counts in zones 1 to 5 are given. Note that CXCL1 (KC) exhibited a major peak of 1114 pg per cornea at 6 hours before the peak of neutrophil influx at 30 hours, whereas CXCL5 (LIX) had a single wave peaking at 300 pg per cornea and coincident with the wave of neutrophils at 30 hours. (
D) Leukocyte influx into corneas of CD18
−/− mice after intravenous transfer of wild-type leukocytes. CD18
−/− mice received three tail vein injections of wild-type leukocytes at 4-hour intervals beginning immediately after corneal abrasion. Corneas were collected at 18 hours after wounding and wholemounts were processed for analysis of Gr-1- and CD11b-positive cells by microscopic analysis of immunofluorescence. Neutrophils were counted in zones 1 to 5 (see
Fig. 2 ) in four quadrants of each cornea, and the sum of these counts was plotted. Results compare CD18
−/− mice receiving neutrophils with the control (wild-type and CD18
−/−) mice.