A variety of functional extensions of OCT technologies have been developed in the past, of which Doppler OCT, for measuring the blood flow velocity,
77 78 79 80 and polarization sensitive OCT, for imaging depth-resolved tissue birefringence,
81 82 83 have been the most developed and successfully applied in retinal imaging. Electrophysiology remains the gold standard for the quantification of retinal activity. This method is invasive and time intensive and has no depth resolution and poor transverse resolution. Noncontact, optical probing of retinal responses to visual stimulation with 10-μm spatial resolution, achieved using functional UHR OCT has recently been demonstrated for the first time.
22 This method relies on the observation that physiological changes in dark-adapted retinas caused by light stimulation can result in local variations in tissue reflectivity. This functional extension of OCT can be considered as an optical analog to electrophysiology and has therefore been called optophysiology. Optophysiology can be used for noncontact, high-resolution, spatially resolved probing of the physiological responses in light-stimulated retinas.
22 To determine the sensitivity of optophysiology for the detection of changes in retinal reflectivity triggered by light stimulation, a dark-adapted, living in vitro rabbit retina was exposed to a single flash of white light, and optophysiology data were acquired synchronously with electroretinogram (ERG) recordings. For in vitro experiments, the system was interfaced to a state-of-the-art fiber laser, with an emission spectrum centered at 1250 nm and a spectral bandwidth of 150 nm. A light source with longer central wavelength was chosen for these experiments to avoid prestimulation of the dark-adapted retinas during the optical recordings. Throughout the functional experiments the isolated retinas were stimulated with single, 200-ms white light flashes. A morphologic B-scan was first taken from the measurement location
(Fig. 8A) . Multiple UHR OCT depth reflectivity profiles (A-scans) were then acquired at one transverse location in the retina
(Fig. 8B)synchronously with ERG recordings
(Fig. 8C) . The UHR OCT A-scans were combined to form 2D raw data M-tomograms presenting the retina reflectivity profile as a function of time
(Fig. 8B) . The optical data were processed by using a cross-correlation algorithm to account for any movement of the retina caused by the solution flow and for calculation of the optical background (average over the prestimulation A-scans of each M-tomogram) and generation of differential M-tomograms from the raw data M-tomograms
(Fig. 8D) . Optophysiological signals could be extracted from various retinal layers, so that depth-resolved optical backscattering changes that resulted from physiological processes induced by the optical stimulus could be detected
(Fig. 8E) .
Figure 9Ashows an OCT retinal image of the rabbit retina, demonstrating that UHR OCT is capable of distinguishing all major retinal layers. This comparison is essential in establishing the morphologic and the physiological origins of any changes in the recorded optical signal, observed in the differential M-scan.
Figure 9Eshows a representative differential M-tomogram arising from a single-flash stimulus. As expected, in the nonstimulated retina
(Figs. 9B 9C 9D)the optical reflectivity of the PR layer did not change significantly with time. When the retina was exposed to the light stimulus (yellow box), changes were seen in optical backscattering at locations corresponding to the IS
(Fig. 9F)and OS
(Fig. 9G)PR layer, which correlated with changes in the corresponding ERG
(Fig. 9H) . Optical backscattering increased significantly after the light flash and then returned slowly to baseline. When KCl was applied to the retinal sample to inhibit photoreceptor function
(Figs. 9I 9J 9K 9L) , the optical changes observed in the IS and OS PR were close to the optical background level and showed no correlation to the onset of the light stimulus. Depolarization of the cell membranes can occur during conduction of an action potential which could be detected by UHR OCT, but also by detection of spatially resolved change in backscattering over time. The exact origin of the detected optophysiologic signals is unclear but may be related to the dipole reorientation (and therefore refractive index changes) at the photoreceptor membrane. Alternatively, they could arise from light-induced isomerization of rhodopsin in the OS PR or metabolic changes in the mitochondria of the IS PR. Noninvasive in vivo functional optical imaging of the intact rat retina has recently been demonstrated using high-speed UHR OCT. Imaging was performed with 2.8-μm resolution at a rate of 24,000 axial scans per second.