The effect of corneal stiffness in the pressure-volume relationship of the eye was investigated. This study demonstrated that corneal modulus may affect the characteristics of IOP elevations in response to rapid volume changes. Our study showed that stiffened corneas induced substantially higher IOP elevations when all other geometric and material properties of the eye remained essentially the same.
The level of IOP elevation was correlated with the extent of corneal stiffening, as measured by the secant modulus of the corneal strips at 5% strain. The average secant modulus for the fresh porcine corneas was 0.46 ± 0.24 MPa in our study. This value is comparable to that reported in the literature. Spoerl et al.
11 tested fresh porcine corneal strips and obtained the stress-strain relationship (0%–8% strain). The mean secant modulus at 5% strain was estimated from their reported stress-strain curve, which showed a value of approximately 1 MPa. Pierscionek et al.
12 reported a smaller range of corneal elastic moduli (0.07–0.29 MPa) measured from inflation tests on whole porcine globes. Their calculations of the elastic moduli were based on equations applicable to thin-walled pressure vessels (strain levels were not specified). Elsheikh et al.
9 compared inflation tests (on dissected porcine corneal buttons) and strip tests and concluded that strip tests could considerably overestimate corneal modulus because of the various assumptions used. They reported the stress-strain relationship obtained from strip tests on fresh porcine corneas, and secant modulus at 5% stain was approximately 0.8 MPa (estimated from their reported stress-strain curve). Kampmeier et al.
10 reported a secant modulus of 0.4 MPa at 2% strain for their strip tests on porcine corneas. They also reported the stress-strain curve (0%–8% strain) from which one can obtain an estimated secant modulus of approximately 0.5 MPa at 5% strain. These data suggest that the strip test results in our study are comparable to what is reported in the literature.
Our study found that corneal stiffness differed about five to six times (0.48–2.78 MPa) before and after glutaraldehyde treatment. The reported values for human corneal modulus had a wide span in the literature, where they were obtained under wide-ranging experimental conditions.
13 14 15 Elsheikh et al.
16 measured cadaveric buttons using inflation tests for subjects between 50 to 64 and 80 to 95 years of age. Under the same experimental conditions, they measured a mean value at 0.5 MPa (4% strain) for the 50- to 64-year-old group and 2.0 MPa (4% strain) for the 80- to 95-year-old group (modulus values were estimated from their reported stress-strain curves). Hamilton and Pye
17 reported a range from 0.13 to 0.43 MPa in healthy young subjects (18–30 years of age). They calculated Young’s modulus from theoretical models of tonometry measurement, and no strain rate was specified. The comparison within the same studies should more or less reflect the biological variability. Although in vivo population data are not available, the literature suggests that corneal modulus could vary significantly across human subjects, and the variance in corneal stiffness induced in our experimental model (through glutaraldehyde treatment) could be relevant for understanding its potential effects in human eyes.
Ocular rigidity was also increased after corneal cross-linking. The values of ocular rigidity for the control eyes in this study were higher than (but of the same order of magnitude as) the range reported in the literature for fresh porcine eyes.
12 The values were significantly smaller than those reported for cadaveric
2 or in vivo
18 human eyes. Higher ocular rigidity would predict greater IOP elevations in human eyes for the volume changes simulated in our study.
Our data from corneal strip testing confirmed the changes in corneal modulus after cross-linking and demonstrated the relationship between corneal stiffness and IOP elevation resulting from rapid volume change. Johnson et al.
19 studied the pressure-volume relationship of dissected human cadaveric corneas. They found considerable variability in the range of IOP elevations with inflation of corneal buttons clamped to an artificial anterior chamber. They postulated that IOP elevation was affected by the distensibility of the cornea and that a more distensible cornea may protect the eye from sudden pressure spikes caused by volume changes. This is consistent with our finding and provides evidence that the innate variability in human corneal stiffness could be substantial.
Results from this study showed that the same amount of intraocular volume change may result in different levels of IOP elevation, depending on corneal properties. Similarly, different volume changes may be tolerated before the eye reaches the same elevated IOP. More compliant corneas may dampen the fluctuations in the inflow or the outflow, and thus the eyes experience a more stable and smooth profile of IOP. On the other hand, stiffer corneas may be associated with rapid and higher-magnitude IOP fluctuations because small variations of aqueous flow may significantly affect the momentary IOP. Our results showed that the IOP elevations were significantly higher in the stiffened eye even at small volume changes (i.e., 50 μL).
Although the clinical significance of IOP fluctuations are unknown, experimental studies have demonstrated damaging effects of brief IOP spikes on retinal ganglion cells (RGCs).
20 Resta et al.
20 showed that a 1-minute IOP spike at 50 mm Hg induced the loss of membrane integrity in 29% of RGCs in vitro. Furthermore, it was shown that the damage induced by transient pressure was cumulative. A sequence of seven 1-minute pressure spikes at 50 mm Hg (separated by 1-minute resting pressure time periods) induced considerably more RGC damage (loss of membrane integrity in 74% of RGCs). Interestingly, it was also demonstrated that a slowly rising pressure (a slow 50-mm Hg insult that lasted for the same period as the seven spikes) damaged none of the cells, indicating that rapid pressure fluctuations can significantly affect RGCs.
Aging has been shown to be associated with increased stiffness in cornea,
16 lamina cribrosa,
21 and sclera
22 (Girard MJA, et al.
IOVS 2008;49:ARVO E-Abstract 4058). This study indicates a potential mechanism underlying age-associated risk for glaucoma. The increased stiffness in the aged eye may lead to larger short-term IOP fluctuations if we assume the intraocular volume changes remain more or less the same during the course of aging. Conversely, to maintain a similar magnitude of IOP fluctuations as the eye ages, smaller intraocular volume changes would be expected because of increased tissue stiffness. The reduced intraocular volume change may not be desirable if we consider the pulsatile ocular blood flow by which an intraocular volume change (caused by blood entering the eye) and an IOP change are coupled. If we assume the older, stiffer eye and the younger, more compliant eye have similar ocular perfusion pressure, the stiffer eye would likely experience smaller intraocular volume change for similar pulse amplitude (i.e., the maximum IOP change during the cardiac cycle). This may indicate reduced pulsatile blood flow in the stiffer eye. These age-related IOP and blood flow changes, if present, could contribute to glaucoma risk. The physiological conditions are likely more complicated, and further modeling and experimental studies are needed to understand the role of ocular biomechanics in age-associated glaucoma risk.
Our study is limited by several considerations. First, we only investigated the effect of corneal stiffness, whereas several other parameters may have significant influence on the biomechanical responses of the eye. Corneal thickness may also play a role. Although efforts were made to keep corneal thickness unaltered in this study, it is possible that it could have changed during glutaraldehyde treatment. In that case, what we observed were the combined effects of the changes in thickness and stiffness. Furthermore, finite element modeling studies suggested a significant influence of scleral stiffness in the stress and deformation status at the optic nerve head in response to acute changes in IOP.
23 It is likely that scleral biomechanical properties are also influential in sudden IOP elevation. The cornea is generally more expandable than the sclera because it is thinner and has a lower modulus.
15 This would indicate that the cornea may have a substantial role in rapid volume changes, but we also must take into consideration that the total volume the cornea occupies is smaller than that of the sclera. Thorough theoretical modeling and experimental validation are needed to understand the relative roles the cornea and sclera play in IOP and volume changes. Potential correlation between the properties of cornea and sclera may also warrant further investigation because they are both collagenous tissue and may be subject to biomechanical alterations caused by aging or disease.
Second, because of the limited availability of donor eyes, our experiments were performed on porcine globes. Judging from reports in the literature
10 24 and our tensile test results, the porcine cornea appears to have a smaller modulus than the human cornea. Our results showed that a higher corneal modulus predicts larger IOP elevation in human globes at the same volume change simulated in this study. This prediction is consistent with the findings reported for in vivo human eyes. Pallikaris et al.
18 reported that a 70-μL saline infusion into the anterior chamber induced an IOP elevation of approximately 50 mm Hg in vivo in human subjects. Kotliar et al.
5 reported an IOP elevation of 40.6 mm Hg on intravitreal injection of 100 μL fluid during therapeutic intervention in humans. Our measurements on porcine eyes (with or without corneal cross-linking) yielded a range of 15 to 25 mm Hg IOP elevation at 200-μL injections. These data indicate that the effect of corneal stiffness could be consequential for smaller volume changes in human eyes. More accurate prediction about the response of living human eyes will require knowledge of the distribution and range of in vivo corneal and scleral stiffness, which are not yet available.
Third, the nonlinear and viscoelastic responses of the ocular tissue were not considered. Because corneal tissue has nonlinear mechanical properties, stiffness is dependent on the strain level. Future studies are needed to understand how nonlinearity could affect IOP elevation in response to rapid volume changes. Furthermore, during the infusion tests in this study, tissue relaxation could lower the IOP. Because the time frame for our study was short, the viscoelastic effects were likely not significant,
25 but future studies are needed for a full understanding of this aspect. In the larger time scale, cells in the living eye are known to respond biochemically to longer term mechanical stimuli, and tissue remodeling may occur. Future studies are needed to characterize the longer-term biomechanical properties of the cornea and how these factors may affect IOP elevation.
In summary, our study showed that corneal stiffness, though not affecting steady state value, may play a role in determining the characteristics of IOP fluctuations. Increased corneal stiffness may predispose the eye to the damaging effects of IOP fluctuations when there are disturbances to the steady state.
The authors thank Xueliang (Jeff) Pan for assistance with the statistical analysis and Paul A. Weber and Mark A. Bullimore for discussions concerning the clinical relevance of the study.