To the best of our knowledge, there are no reports on femtosecond laser-assisted multilayer intrastromal ablation in the midperiphery of the cornea and no demonstration of the morphologic and histopathologic characteristics of a cornea with uninjured epithelium.
Many studies have shown that the femtosecond laser, as used for LASIK, significantly reduces the complications that have plagued mechanical microkeratome technology.
15 16 17 18 19 20 Because of its rare incidence of flap-related complications, the femtosecond laser is becoming recognized as a safer method of flap creation.
21 Its excellent efficiency and predictability and its reduced incidence of inducing surgical astigmatism and higher-order aberration make it a beneficial tool in refractive surgery.
19 However, femtosecond laser-assisted LASIK and other currently performed corneal refractive surgery procedures inevitably injure the corneal epithelium. It is also well accepted that complications and clinical outcomes of the current corneal refractive surgical techniques are primarily subject to flap creation or subsequent corneal wound healing.
22 23 The key to reducing the complications and producing better clinical outcomes could be to avoid flap creation, thus keeping the corneal epithelium intact.
The 60-kHz femtosecond laser permits the energy per spot down to the submicrojoule level, thereby reducing the dimensions of the gas bubbles.
24 Using the previous version of the femtosecond laser at a repetition of the 3- to 5-kHz rate produced a cavitation bubble with a diameter of 3 to 15 μm and a shock wave with a range of approximately 20 μm.
9 Although reports on the 60-kHz femtosecond laser used in this study are not available, this laser permits a spot/line separation as low as 4 × 4 μm and a pulse energy less than 1 μJ to create a superior stromal bed.
25 As is suggested by previous results,
26 corneal tissue is removed because of the effect of the laser plasma, and the most efficient tissue removal can be achieved by placing the approximately spherical microplasms adjacent to each other. Therefore, we can infer that the gas microbubble observed in this study would be less than or equal to approximately 4 μm in diameter. If it were larger, the microbubble would substantially affect the beam path of the next laser pulse. As a result, the 10-μm spot/line separation and 45-μm layer separation settings in our experiment would make the femtosecond laser generate thousands of microcavitations that separate from each other within and among the three different lamellar layers. The shock wave with which the plasma expands is not sufficient to dissect the lamella. Even the corneal tissue removal caused by microbubble generation is negligible because the unconnected microbubbles serve to disrupt the integrity of the midperipheral cornea and relax it. The greatest strength of the cornea lies within the anterior stroma
27 and in the periphery, where the lamellae are more tightly packed. Accordingly, ablation of the anterior stromal layer would lead to the midperipheral cornea relaxing to some extent and the cornea flattening under the intraocular pressure. Additionally, because corneal keratocytes are connected by functional gap junctions,
28 disruptions of the communication with posterior keratocytes may affect the integrity of the anterior keratocyte layer.
29 Further studies are necessary to investigate how the changes in corneal integrity affect corneal biomechanical properties and whether the biomechanical effects of intrastromal ablation contribute to corneal relaxation.
Femtec (Heidelberg, Germany), a laser company, has introduced an approach termed
presbycor by which circumferential side cut-only ablations are made within the human cornea to create central ectasia (Luiz Ruiz, unpublished data, 2007). The reported outcome sounds contradictory to ours; however, the theory behind this approach and the study conducted by Ratkay-Traub et al.
9 is based on corneal tissue removal, whereas ours is based on tissue relaxation. When the midperipheral corneal tissue is relaxed by intrastromal ablation, the cornea flattens under intraocular pressure.
Gas bubbles occasionally appear in the anterior chamber during corneal flap creation with a femtosecond laser, and it is believed that pressure from the suction device and docking system forces bubbles under the flap to subsequently escape through the peripheral corneal stroma and trabecular meshwork into the anterior chamber.
30 Less energy, which is the advantage of the 60-kHz system, is needed to cause the photodisruption, leading to an expected absence of anterior chamber gas bubbles. It was also noted in our experiment that the cornea was highly transparent again approximately 30 minutes after surgery. Although there is no uniform agreement regarding how the bubbles were absorbed, it is speculated that the cavitation bubbles, consisting of water and carbon dioxide, are ultimately absorbed through the corneal endothelium
23 or, alternatively, by means of the trabecular meshwork in the peripheral cornea.
Netto et al.
31 demonstrated that without side cut or injury to the epithelium, intrastromal ablation with the 30-kHz femtosecond laser produced necrosis identified by typical randomly disrupted cellular morphology without the characteristics of apoptosis. In their experiment, the necrotic debris that was presumably a direct energy-related effect of the laser was observed at 24 hours after ablation with a higher than normal energy of 2.7 μJ. This was confirmed by our study in which the intrastromal ablation produced necrotic debris identified morphologically by in vivo confocal microscopy on postoperative day 3. Although necrotic debris is a far greater stimulus to inflammatory cell infiltration than apoptotic bodies and other remnants of apoptotic cells, Netto et al.
31 did not report inflammatory cell infiltration in the cornea with the epithelium intact. This correlates well with our observations on light microscopy throughout the follow-up. Netto et al.
31 also observed that monocytes would infiltrate the cornea when the epithelium was damaged, regardless of whether a 15-kHz, 30-kHz, or 60-kHz femtosecond laser (Intralase; Advanced Medical Optics, Santa Ana, CA) was applied to create the corneal flap. These findings support the finding that corneal repair reaction to intrastromal ablation with epithelium intact, as in our approach, is different from currently performed refractive procedures with injured epithelium. According to light microscopy and confocal microscopy, the endothelium appeared to be normal at all examination times. TEM revealed that the collagen fibrils were still well organized after femtosecond laser ablation. Overall, ablation had little visible effect on the collagen fibrils, indicating that the femtosecond laser offers safe ablation.
On confocal microscopy, the keratocytes of the ablated area appeared as hyperreflective objects with visible cytoplasmic processes; these are the same characteristics that have been ascribed to activated keratocytes.
28 32 On TEM, myofibroblasts with actin microfilament bundles were not observed, presumably because of the absence of some of the cytokines necessary to activate the quiescent keratocyte and to differentiate fibroblasts into myofibroblasts. This assumption is supported by the evidence that the persistence of myofibroblasts over time requires cytokine input from the epithelium and disappearance of the transient α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA)-positive cells found in the periphery, near the flap-stroma interface, in corneas treated with LASIK.
33 Although it is difficult to distinguish these cells from myofibroblasts without immunocytochemical detection of α-SMA when TEM does not reveal that the myofibroblasts have elevated amounts of RER, the good correlation between the present histopathologic findings and the clinically observed absence of haze formation throughout the follow-up suggests that the cornea heals differently when it is ablated in the stroma without injury to the epithelium. When the corneal stroma is ablated with the epithelium intact, quiescent keratocytes are activated and proliferate, whereas the transformation of fibroblasts to myofibroblasts is inhibited by the absence of necessary cytokines.
Refractive regression, which limits the predictability of all currently performed corneal refractive surgical procedures, is attributable to epithelial hyperplasia and stromal remodeling.
34 35 Our study demonstrated that there was no significant difference between postoperative week 1 and month 1 in the MCP, suggesting that no regression occurs. Although we did not perform ultrasound biomicroscopy or optical coherence tomography, which has the capacity to measure the thickness of each layer within the cornea, to document the thickness of the epithelium, light microscopy examinations showed no epithelial hyperplasia. In addition, if epithelial hyperplasia occurred despite the absence of some cytokines modulating the epithelial-stromal wound repair interaction, its thickening in the proximity of the midperipheral cornea would cause it to flatten. Although there was a significant decrease in MCP between month 1 and month 3, we did not attribute this to a thickening of the cornea because of epithelial hyperplasia but rather to the flattening of the corneal curvature as a rabbit grows.
36 After LASIK, the hyperplasia may resolve over a period of months to years.
37 Because the duration of follow-up observation for this study was 3 months, further investigation is warranted to rule out late-onset regression.
Multilayer intrastromal ablation using the femtosecond laser with intact epithelium in the midperipheral corneal stroma can flatten the cornea without causing haze formation or refractive regression. In addition, the cornea heals differently when the epithelium is not injured. Further studies are warranted to verify the feasibility, safety, and reproducibility of the results in primate animals or humans. Refining the femtolaser ablation procedure to optimize the parameters of pulse energy and spot/line separation and layer separation is also desirable. Immunohistochemical analysis may be used to determine the mechanism by which the cornea heals when the epithelium is intact.
The authors thank Chen Min and Wang Lin for their valuable suggestions concerning this manuscript.