Free-floating, fibroblast-seeded, three-dimensional collagen matrices were prepared according to a previously described method.
22 In brief, a collagen gel solution was prepared with 830 μL of rat tail type I collagen in acetic acid (2.1 mg/mL in 0.6% acetic acid, cat. no. 60-30-810; First Link, Birmingham, UK) to which 160 μL of concentrated medium (made up from 3.5 mL 10× DMEM [Sigma-Aldrich]; 150 μL
l-glutamine, cat. no. 25030 [Invitrogen-Gibco]; and 900 μL sodium bicarbonate 7.5% S8761 [Sigma-Aldrich]) were added. The collagen solution was then rapidly adjusted to pH 7.0 with NAOH, to induce collagen polymerization. A variety of different cell concentrations (at passages 3–4) were used to determine which concentration would allow the sensitivity of the test to differentiate best between diseased and control cell lines. A cell suspension containing the desired number of cells (1 × 10
5) was centrifuged at 1400 rpm for 4 minutes. Supernatant was aspirated and the cell pellet resuspended in serum. The cell suspension was then added to the collagen solution and gently mixed. The cell-seeded collagen suspensions were then cast into the shape of 150-μL buttons of 14 mm diameter, using the central well of a 35-mm glass-bottomed culture dish (MatTek Corp., Ashland, MI) as a mold. The buttons were then placed in a tissue culture incubator. After 30 minutes of polymerization at 37°C, the buttons were manually detached from the central well by scoring the circumference of the well with a needle. The nascent gels were then floated in medium and placed in the incubator. Whole matrix contraction was measured by using digital photography immediately after the release of the polymerized matrix (
t 0) and then every 24 hours for 7 days (
tx ). Images were imported onto ImageJ 1.40g software (developed by Wayne Rasband, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD; available at Gel surface area was normalized to the area calculated at
t 0 by the following formula:
tx ) = 100 − (100
rtx 2/
rt 0 2) where
A is the percentage of initial gel surface area, and
r is the radius. Matrix-contraction assays were conducted in all cell lines in triplicate. A set of acellular gels was cast for the control experiments. Cell viability was assessed in gels containing conjunctival and TFs by using trypan blue staining at days 1 and 6.