The difference in final BCVA between the group with and the one without clinical findings was examined in 47 eyes that were observed for more than 6 months. Analyzed categories are follows: reduced-IR-AF, diffuse hyper-IR-AF, granular hyper-IR-AF, granular hypo-IR-AF, mixed IR-AF, diffuse hypo-IR-AF, reduced-SW-AF, diffuse hyper-SW-AF, granular hyper-SW-AF, granular hypo-SW-AF, mixed SW-AF, diffuse hypo-SW-AF, deposits, fibrin, SRD, PED, deposits on the outer retina, and deposits on the RPE. Final BCVA decreased significantly in the eyes showing granular hypo-IR-AF (P = 0.035) by the Mann-Whitney test. BCVAs of the eyes with deposits on fundus photograph and PED in OCT were worse than in eyes without the findings; however, the difference was not statistically significant (deposit; P = 0.09, PED; P = 0.09).