We first present the theoretical calculations of the probability distribution functions. Let the random variables
v 1, … ,
vn represent
n repeated measurements of visual acuity. Assume each measurement
vi is a random selection from a normal distribution (representing the normal variability in repeat testing of visual acuity). For simplicity, assume the mean and SD are 0 and 1, respectively. The probability distribution function (pdf) for
vi , defined as
pi , is defined as:
Then the probability that any given
vi is less than or equal to some value
x, denoted
Pi (
x), is defined as the cumulative distribution function. Thus
Pi (
x) is given by
Now consider
V max, the maximum of the
n acuity measurements. The probability that
V max ≤
x, denotes
P max(
x), is the probability that
vi is less than
x for every
vi . If the individual
vi values are distributed independently, then it is the product of the probabilities that each individual
vi is less than
x. Because they are distributed identically, it is equivalent to this probability for any
vi raised to the
nth power. That is,
Pmax is the cumulative distribution function for
Vmax, the maximum of
n acuity measurements. We are interested in the probability distribution function for
Vmax, denoted
pmax. This function is simply the derivative of
Pmax with respect to
x. That is,
By the fundamental theorem of calculus, we have:
x) was numerically integrated to calculate its mean and SD.
To verify these theoretical results, we performed Monte Carlo simulations of the experiment just described. In a Monte Carlo simulation, a computer uses a random-number generator to simulate running a large number of independent iterations of an experiment. The results are then tallied to measure the frequency of various outcomes. To run these simulations, we used a commercial software package (MatLab; MathWorks, Natick, MA). Vision was considered a continuous variable, and the distribution of test–retest error was assumed to be normally distributed with mean and SD of 0 and 1, respectively. For each iteration, a random value was drawn from the test–retest distribution and assigned as the baseline vision. We then simulated taking the best of 2, 3, or 4 subsequent independent vision measures, using the same normal distribution for test–retest variation. For each experiment, we ran 10 million iterations; from these results, we could form a numerical estimate of p max(x), and calculate its mean and SD. This estimate was then compared to the theoretical calculation of p max(x).