Surgery, radiotherapy, and pharmacotherapy constitute the present therapeutic armamentarium for the management of pituitary adenoma. Surgery, which includes transfrontal craniotomy and transsphenoidal surgery, allows removal of the adenoma or reduction of the tumoral mass and is considered the first-line therapy for nonfunctioning adenoma and acromegaly. Several studies have reported recovery of visual function after transsphenoidal surgery.
19,21–23 The present study for the first time revealed that transsphenoidal surgery for pituitary adenoma can improve not only visual dysfunction but also deteriorated VR-QOL (
Tables 2,
3). Thus far, the improvement in VR-QOL after surgical interventions for macular hole, epiretinal membrane, and age-related macular degeneration has been evaluated.
8,12–14,24 Compared with that reported in these previous studies, the VR-QOL in the patients in this study improved to a greater degree after transsphenoidal surgery for pituitary adenoma. Because most pituitary tumors are benign and rarely infiltrate the optic nerve or chiasm, transsphenoidal surgery usually enables the removal of the pituitary tumors without wounding the optic nerve or chiasm.
25 Therefore, visual dysfunction of pituitary tumors, which is caused, not by infiltration but by mass effects, may be easily improved by transsphenoidal surgery.
When the VFQ-25 scores at 3 months after surgery were compared with those of normal controls, a statistically significant difference was not observed in the VFQ-25 composite score and scores of all subscales except the general health subscales (
Table 3). This result indicated that transsphenoidal surgery for pituitary adenoma restores the VR-QOL to nearly the normal level by 3 months after surgery. However, on the general health subscale, a significant difference was observed, not between the pre- and postoperative scores, but between the postoperative scores and those of normal control subjects. This finding indicates that the effect of surgery on the general health subscale was limited. This subscale partially reflects the health-related QOL, and it is influenced by various factors that are absent in the cases of microprolactinomas, such as mass effects of pituitary macroadenomas, hypopituitarism, and the effects of surgery and/or radiotherapy. Indeed, in previous studies, health-related QOL did not recover in patients after treatment for acromegaly, Cushing's disease, or nonfunctioning adenoma.
17,26–31 Exposure to excessive amounts of endogenous growth hormone and glucocorticoids in acromegaly and Cushing's disease, respectively, can cause irreversible signs and symptoms, that persist despite long-term treatment for the disease.
26,27 Moreover, in patients reported to have nonfunctioning adenomas, the presence of multiple pituitary deficiencies is a predominant postoperative predictor of decreased health-related QOL.
28 Thus, health-related QOL, which is indicated by the general health subscale, is affected by various factors, and surgical intervention alone may not improve it significantly.
Using the SF-36, Johnson et al. demonstrated that there were differences in health-related QOL among patients with different types of pituitary adenomas; patients with Cushing's disease were the most severely affected.
16 In contrast, there were no significant differences in the preoperative VFQ-25 composite score among patients who had one of five types of pituitary adenoma in the present study. The nonsignificance of differences among the types of adenoma may indicate that VR-QOL is not affected by psychiatric changes that accompany changes in various endocrine hormone, but that it is affected more by mass effects.
Considering the predictive factors of therapeutic effectiveness is very important for neurosurgeons and ophthalmologists when discussing the risks and benefits of a surgical intervention with patients. Investigators in other studies have reported several predictive factors: shorter duration of symptoms, younger age, less damage of preoperative visual acuity, and a smaller deficit in preoperative visual fields. However, these assessments were qualitative or semiquantitative and thus were not highly precise. Our results quantitatively revealed that the preoperative VFQ-25 composite score and the preoperative MD and CPSD in the better-seeing eye were the most relevant factors for predicting VR-QOL status after transsphenoidal surgery and thus should be carefully considered (
Fig. 1,
3). For example, pituitary adenoma patients with low preoperative visual field status (low MD and CPSD scores) in the better-seeing eye should not expect significant improvements in VR-QOL with transsphenoidal surgery. In an earlier study, we found that the degree of visual field defect in the better-seeing eye was significantly related to the decline in VR-QOL before surgery in patients with pituitary adenoma.
32 Therefore, the present results reveal that visual field status in the better-seeing eye affects not only preoperative but also postoperative VR-QOL.
We quantitatively examined the recovery of visual field defects in patients with pituitary adenoma with static retinal perimetry (Humphrey Field Analyzer; Humphrey Instruments). The perimeter not only provides a complete quantitative assessment of the visual field, but also incorporates tests for patient reliability and adjustments for changes in the visual field caused by increasing age, the presence of cataracts, and small pupils. In addition, the system is automated and thus is less prone to examiner bias than other nonautomated methods used for assessing the visual field.
One of the limitations of our present study is that the patients were examined at 3 months after surgery. Although a previous study has reported that the recovery of visual field progresses over several years and that most of the recovery (>50%) occurs in the first 3 to 6 months after surgery, the time course of visual function recovery after transsphenoidal surgery for pituitary adenomas is unclear.
16 As expected from the results of previous reports, examination at a later stage may lead to a better outcome of VR-QOL. Another potential limitation of our study is that we evaluated visual field defects on the basis of the visual field of each eye separately and used static perimetry (Humphrey Field Analyzer; Humphrey Instruments). The visual field of each eye may not always provide an accurate description of the binocular visual field. We assessed the static visual field and not the kinetic visual field with emphasis on quantitative evaluation, because no standardized method is available for the quantitative assessment of kinetic perimetry. However, static perimetry (30-2 test) does not assess the complete visual field including the periphery.
In conclusion, the VR-QOL as well as visual function in patients with pituitary adenoma dramatically improved after transsphenoidal surgery. Indeed, the levels achieved were nearly equal to those in normal control subjects. The preoperative VFQ-25 composite score and extent of visual field defects (as assessed by CPSD and MD scores) in the better-seeing eye are particularly important predictors of VR-QOL after transsphenoidal surgery.