This study was designed to evaluate whether subfoveal choroid blood flow is altered in RP patients with relatively preserved visual acuity, and whether there is an association between this flow abnormality and the losses in central cone–mediated function, the latter assessed objectively by FERG. The results showed that subfoveal
ChBF was significantly altered in RP patients, mainly because of a reduction of
ChBVel. ChBF and
ChBVol tended to be more reduced in patients with more advanced total visual field loss. The DC values in RP patients were significantly increased on average compared with control values. This is consistent with a general increase in the reflectance of the photoreceptors/retinal pigment epithelium/choriocapillaris complex, an effect that is probably due to the microanatomic retinal changes previously described in human RP retinas.
20,21 The increase in DC values found in RP patients is not expected to affect the flowmetric results; however, because no correlation was found between DC and
ChBVel and
ChBF values.
ChBVel and
ChBF values in patients were significantly correlated with the corresponding FERG phases and
ChBVol with FERG amplitudes, which suggests that retinal functional deficits are associated with an abnormal circulation in the superficial layers of the choroid.
Although previous studies (see the introduction) have suggested that choroid hemodynamic is altered in RP, none of these studies investigated subfoveal choroidal blood flow. In this study, we used confocal LDF to assess this flow.
12 This technique has shown adequate reproducibility
22 and has been successfully used in several physiological
23,24 and clinical studies (i.e., age-related macular degeneration
25 –27 and glaucoma
28,29 ). In our patients, confocal LDF provided reliable results, as shown by the good intratest reproducibility.
ChBVol was found to be similar to control values, whereas
ChBVel showed a significant reduction. This finding may be the consequence of the well-described histopathologic changes involving the choroid both in animal models of RP (see the introduction) and in human donor RP eyes,
20,21 consisting mainly of a reduction in the number of capillaries. In addition, given the tight relationship between retinal pigment epithelium and choriocapillaris,
30,31 even a dysfunction of retinal pigment epithelial cells might result in anatomic and physiological changes of choriocapillaris. Indeed, the selection of our RP patients with relatively preserved visual acuity does not necessarily means selection of patients with healthy subfoveal retinal pigment epithelium. It may be that, in our patients, the small vessels of the subfoveal choriocapillaris were either reduced in number or significantly attenuated in their lumen. It should be stressed, however, that RP has a complex pathophysiology. The causal genes of some patients are specific for retinal pigment epithelium, while in some others photoreceptor apoptosis is caused by oxidative stress. It may well be that the gene-specific disease mechanisms influence the role of choroidal hemodynamic in the sequence of events leading to central retina dysfunction and degeneration. In the present study, choroid hemodynamic was assessed in relation to cone-mediated function. It is unknown whether hemodynamic changes are even better correlated with rod-mediated function. None of the patients included in our study population had detectable rod function in the central retina. To address these issues, we are planning to test selected patients with known genotypes and detectable central and pericentral rod function.
It was important in our study to attempt to establish how the observed circulatory changes were related to the abnormalities of central retinal function in RP patients. In this regard, a brief reappraisal of the physiological abnormalities of central retinal function in RP, as detected by FERG, may help in the interpretation of the present findings. Since the original work by Seiple et al.,
19 abnormalities of the FERG in RP patients have been reported by several studies (see, e.g., Refs.
32 for a review). FERG has been used to quantify temporal responsiveness of the central retina in various disease stages. It has been shown that FERG measurements reliably reflect the loss in the number and sensitivity of photoreceptors and bipolar cells, which are the main generators underlying the responses.
14 The latter are well correlated with perimetric central and paracentral sensitivity, assessed by Humphrey automated perimetry,
13 and show different degrees of abnormality according to the severity of visual acuity loss.
A well-described FERG abnormality in RP is represented by the FERG response delay.
13,16,18,19,33,34 Although in our patients the FERG phase was not, on average, significantly different from that of controls, in some patients the FERG phase tended to be delayed or showed substantial delays beyond the normal 95% confidence limits (see
Fig. 2). Similar to the delay found for the Ganzfeld full-field ERGs (both flicker and single flash),
35 FERG phase delay may not be fully accounted for by a loss in sensitivity of photoreceptors, but it may reflect an abnormality at or beyond the synapse of photoreceptors with bipolar cells. Therefore, FERG delays in RP are thought to reflect either photoreceptor (sensitivity loss) or post-photoreceptoral abnormalities (synaptic malfunction/inner retinal abnormalities). Based on these considerations, it is reasonable to suggest that the correlations between
ChBVel and FERG phase delays found in the present study reflect a pathologic process where a deficit in the choroidal circulation, in addition to the well-described intraretinal vascular changes,
20 results in a malfunction at the level of cone/bipolar synapse, leading to a severe delay in the FERG response.
The prognostic value of the current findings is unclear. It may be worthwhile to investigate, in a longitudinal study, whether alterations of the choroidal circulation, which appear to be correlated with those in the macular FERG, are predictive of a faster deterioration of the clinical picture, or, alternatively, their relative sparing can predict a better long-term prognosis for visual function. Future longitudinal studies, employing clinical, electrophysiologic, and flowmetric measurements, will address these relevant questions.
Supported by a grant from Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio in Bologna, Italy, to the Department of Ophthalmology (ECC and CER) and a grant from Ministero della Ricerca, Fondi di Ateneo ex 60% (BF).