The surgical procedure was conducted under sterile conditions. Patients' eyes were anesthetized with proparacaine hydrochloride 0.5% (Alcaine; Alcon, Fort Worth, TX). The epithelium was removed at the beginning of the procedure with a rotating brush. A solid-state laser with a wavelength of 213 nm (Pulzar Z1; CustomVis, Perth, WA) was used for the customized PRK procedure. System software allows use of a percentage of customization from 0% to 100%. Using 0% would be equivalent to a conventional laser treatment, and using 100% would be equivalent to full customized treatment. In cases of extreme irregular astigmatism, lowering this percentage could lower the maximum depth of tissue removed. In our patients we adjusted the customization and the spherocylindrical attempted correction to achieve a total ablation depth of <50 μm.
Immediately after the PRK procedure, riboflavin 0.1% solution was instilled repeatedly for approximately 30 minutes. Penetration of the cornea and presence of riboflavin in the anterior chamber (riboflavin shielding) was monitored by slit lamp examination. UVA irradiation was performed using an optical system (UV-X; Peschke Meditrade, GmbH, Huenenberg, Switzerland) with a light source consisting of an array of UV diodes (365 nm) in conjunction with a potentiometer to allow intensity regulation. Irradiance was performed for 30 minutes. During treatment, riboflavin solution was applied every 5 minutes to saturate the cornea with riboflavin. After the treatment, a silicon-hydrogel bandage contact lens (Lotrafilcon B; Air Optix; Ciba Vision, Atlanta, GA; 14.0-mm diameter, 8.6 base curvature, Dk = 140 barrers) was applied until reepithelialization occurred. Topical antibiotic-corticosteroid drops (tobramycin 0.3%, dexamethasone 0.1%; TobraDex; Alcon Laboratories, Inc., Fort Worth, TX) were used four times daily for 15 days.
All eyes were examined daily until the epithelium had completely healed. Contact lenses were removed at the fifth postoperative day, and no signs of edema or inflammation were noted by slit lamp biomicroscopy.