After at least 16 hours of dark adaptation, the rat was prepared for recording. Under dim red illumination, a Burian-Allen electrode (Hansen Laboratories, Coralville, IA) was placed on the left cornea. The ground electrode was placed on the tail. A heating pad was used to maintain body temperature. When performed in the same session with fundus images, ERGs were recorded first.
As previously described,
20 30 31 ERG responses to a range of brief (<1 ms), white flashes were recorded. The stimuli (Novatron, Dallas, TX) were delivered through a 41-cm integrating sphere and were controlled in intensity by calibrated neutral-density filters (Wratten filters; Eastman-Kodak, Rochester, NY). The stimuli were increased in 0.3-log-unit steps, from dim flashes that evoked a small b-wave (<15 μV), to those that saturated the a-wave amplitude. The records were amplified, digitized, and stored (UTAS-E 2000 system; LKC, Inc., Gaithersburg, MD). Stimuli were delivered at a rate that did not attenuate subsequent response amplitudes.
The unattenuated flash, measured at the position of the rat’s eye using an integrating radiometer (model S350; United Detector Technology, Orlando, FL) produced 4.6 log μW/cm
2. Based on the absorbance of the ocular media and the outer segment length and end-on collecting area of the normal adult rat rod,
32 this flash was estimated to produce approximately 135,000 photoisomerizations of rhodopsin per rod (R*). This value was used throughout this study.
The characteristics of the activation of the rod photoresponse were calculated by fitting the Hood and Birch
33 formulation of the Lamb and Pugh
34 35 model of the activation of phototransduction to the a-wave of the ERG. The model is summarized as
\[R(i,t)\ {=}\ {\{}1\ {-}\ \mathrm{exp}{[}{-}{\frac{1}{2}}\ {\cdot}\ i\ {\cdot}\ S\ {\cdot}\ (t\ {-}\ t_{\mathrm{d}})^{2}{]}{\}}\ {\cdot}\ Rm_{P3}\ \mathrm{for}\ t\ {>}\ t_{d}\]
i is the stimulus intensity (R*),
S is a sensitivity parameter (R*
−1 · s
−2) based on the time constants involved in the activation of phototransduction,
t d is a brief delay (in seconds), and
Rm P3 is the saturated rod photoresponse amplitude (in microvolts).
Rm P3 is proportional to the number of channels in the outer segment membrane available for closure by light. A least-squares minimization procedure (fmins; MATLAB, The MathWorks, Natick, MA) was used to find the values of
Rm P3, and
t d in the equation that best fit the data. Fitting was restricted to the leading edge of the a-wave response, before obvious intrusion of the b-wave or to a maximum of 20 ms after the stimulus.
The b-wave amplitude was measured from the trough of the a-wave to the peak of the b-wave or, in the case of young ROP rats, to a maximum of 160 ms after the stimulus. The stimulus-response function
\[V(i)\ {=}\ {[}i/(i\ {+}\ {\varsigma}){]}\ {\cdot}\ V_{\mathrm{max}}\]
was fit to the b-wave amplitudes by using an iterative procedure that minimized the mean square deviation of the data from the equation. All parameters were free to vary. In this equation,
V is the amplitude of the b-wave (in microvolts),
V max is the saturated amplitude of the b-wave (in microvolts),
i is the stimulus intensity (R*), and ς is the stimulus intensity (R*) that evokes a b-wave of half-maximum amplitude. Thus, 1/ς provides a measure of b-wave sensitivity. Responses to high flash intensities, at which a-wave intrusion occurred, were not included in the fit.