The purpose of this study was to further elucidate the biophysical origins of intrinsic optical signals in the retina. Specifically, the results suggest that hemodynamic changes in response to visual stimulation contribute to the reflectance signals observed. The experiments targeted the optical absorption of blood, providing more functional contrast when modulations in blood volume are present. Indeed, systemic injection of these agents increased signal strength by more than 36% after nigrosin injection and 38% after ICG infusion. This implies that the benign contrast agents are modulating the same mechanism of action despite having different optical absorption spectra. Moreover, the results did not show a decrease in signal strength. Such a finding might have raised concerns that the dyes somehow compromised the health of the retina. Instead, signals were enhanced, showing at the very least that the mechanism driving these signals was left intact. When considering ICG in particular, it is reported to be tightly bound to plasma albumin and globulins suspended in the blood plasma
30,31 ; therefore, there is a low probability of extravasation and staining the surrounding retinal tissue.
When nigrosin and ICG were injected, infusion into the systemic circulation was confirmed by observing a decrease in overall retinal reflectance (
Fig. 2) and by observing trace amounts of the agents in extracted blood samples (
Fig. 7C). Interestingly, the retinal changes we observed after nigrosin injections (14% decrease in reflectance) were similar to those of a study using nigrosin in the neocortex that showed a 17% increase in absorption.
20 Several studies have looked at the effect of blood contrast agents on the intrinsic signals of the cortex.
18 –20 Each of those studies concluded that blood volume changes underlie a component of intrinsic signals. Particularly, in the Fukuda et al.
20 study, the authors found that nigrosin injections increased the magnitude of optical signals in the cortex. Additionally, they found the postinjection time course matched the intrinsic signal time course at an isosbestic wavelength, indicating changes dominated by blood volume modulations.
In relation to the signals in the retina, we found an appreciable signal at an isosbestic wavelength (800 nm). Our findings are consistent with those of a study by Crittin and Riva
25 that showed evidence of a blood volume-related signal in the optic disc and peripapillary region at 569 nm, an alternative isosbestic wavelength. The presence of an optical signal at an isosbestic wavelength implies the signal cannot be driven exclusively by the spectral contrast of oxyhemoglobin and deoxyhemoglobin.
The proposal of a blood volume component provides one plausible explanation for the signal persistence at an isosbestic wavelength and, furthermore, for why the signal does not flip polarities at wavelengths longer than 800 nm.
4 The results show that both nigrosin and ICG modulate signal strength with the same time course as that of the normal signal at the 800-nm isosbestic wavelength (
Fig. 6). In fact, all wavelengths between 700 and 900 nm in the retina show a temporal signature that appears to differ only in magnitude (
Fig. 6). It is also noteworthy that the results do not show the emergence of new peaks or troughs in the time course. Taken together, the unchanged time course suggests that blood volume changes may have a dominant biophysical origin since a variety of cellular
32 and other hemodynamic origins are known to have drastically different temporal signatures.
Regarding the change in spectral dependency, we found the modulation of signal mirrored the absorption spectra of the injected dye in
Figure 7. This result is consistent with the idea that the highest blood-bound absorption provides the most functional contrast when linked to blood volume changes. Since these agents effectively increased the absorption at all our imaged wavelengths, we also saw general increases across all wavelengths (
Figs. 5,
Our proposal of an underlying blood volume origin complements studies using different methodologies that also show neurovascular coupling in response to visual stimulation. Riva and colleagues
24,33,34 have demonstrated through the use of LDF that the retinal circulation is sensitive to visual stimulation.
24,33,34 Flicker stimulation increased blood flow in the vessels emanating from the optic nerve head. Perceptual measures of macular blood flow using the blue-field entopic technique have also shown that visual stimulation increases flow.
Most of the stimulus-evoked LDF studies report blood flow changes in the retinal circulation, the vessels that lie on the surface of the retina, whereas our technique images both the retinal circulation and the deeper choroidal circulation pool. This is because of the increased transmission of NIR light through the optically dense retinal pigment epithelium, which acts as an optical barrier for visible wavelengths. We can see evidence of the choroidal imaging capability by the striated pattern in
Figure 2B and the retinal circulation, seen with the vessel contrast of the fundus images (
Fig. 2B, arrow). At present, we are unable to tease apart the choroidal or retinal circulation components contributing to the NIR intrinsic signals, but it is worth mentioning that there is a notable consistency between the slow rise time of the signals we report (
Figs. 3,
6) and the time course of blood volume signals measured with LDF.
24 Recent reports have revealed a functional NIR signal using OCT
12 –14 and AOSLO.
11 Thus far, these technologies have identified cellular origins of the intrinsic signals of the retina. Given the results of the present report, the depth resolution offered by these techniques may also provide the means to discern which circulation pool or pools contribute to a blood-volume related signal. However, it is still uncertain to what extent the fundus camera–captured signals represent the same intrinsic signals viewed with OCT (Suzuki W, et al.
IOVS. 2010;51:ARVO E-Abstract 1034).
New advances in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) may prove to be an important tool for making comparisons and distinctions in vascular pools underlying hemodynamics in the retina. Advances in blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) fMRI have recently demonstrated sufficient resolution to image stimulus-driven changes in oxygen concentrations in the retina.
36 BOLD imaging is also sensitive to total hemoglobin concentration (i.e., blood volume), and detailed analyses of new fMRI data may provide information regarding the relative contributions of the retinal and choroidal circulation to stimulus-driven changes in blood volume. A comparison of all these emerging technologies will likely add to our understanding of the active mechanisms regulating stimulus-evoked hemodynamics in the retina.
An exception is that fMRI and LDF studies show dynamic stimuli tend to yield stronger signals than static stimuli.
24,36 In contrast, intrinsic signal imaging has shown that static stimuli produce indistinguishable signals from counter-flickering stimuli of equal time-averaged luminance.
4 It is likely, however, that the intrinsic signals we report are more sensitive to an outer retinal component than a ganglion cell component. This is based on the observation that the application of tetrodotoxin and other inner retinal blocking drugs has little effect on signal strength.
5 This perhaps leads to an unreconciled finding if it is presumed the signals originate from hemodynamics responding to photoreceptor activity. The current dogma of photoreceptor metabolism (especially that of rods, which dominate throughout the cat retina
37 ) is that it is highest in dark-adapted and lowest in light-adapted states.
38 –40 If blood volume responds to photoreceptor metabolic demand, it might be expected that blood volume would decrease in response to a luminance increment. Yet the averaged intrinsic signals observed in the present study suggest more blood flow in response to stimulation. This experimental finding may be reconciled considering reports of increased choroidal blood flow in response to light state.
41 The results (from a human study) provide a description of a mechanism by which stimulus-evoked increases in blood volume can be observed in response to a luminance step, as is seen with our paradigm. It is also worth considering that the suppressed inner retina studies
5 might have left the active vasodilation mechanism linked to the inner retina metabolism intact. This hypothesis requires a more detailed investigation and may provide important evidence, helping to unravel the active mechanisms of neurovascular coupling in the retina.
The results of this study highlight a hemodynamic origin that is absent in similar studies performed in vitro.
2 Establishing the presence of a neurovascular component provides for a more complete understanding of the signal origins in an emerging field of noninvasive functional imaging of the retina. In particular, the close colocalization of the stimulus-response characteristics
1,4,5,10,11 suggests there exists a local mechanism for the observed response. If indeed hemodynamics are the dominant biophysical origin of the signals, these findings instill a greater appreciation for the neurovascular coupling specificity in the retina. Intrinsic signal imaging may be well suited to complement existing techniques, if not fill a new niche for functional assessment of the retina in vivo.
In conclusion, we have demonstrated that systemic injections of blood contrast agents increase stimulus-evoked reflectance signals. Signals remain spatially colocalized to the stimulated region of the retina with a time course that is not appreciably shifted. Additionally, the change in spectral dependence of the stimulus-evoked signal mirrored the absorption spectra of the contrast agent that was injected. Collectively, these findings add further support to the hypothesis that visual stimulus-evoked blood flow modulations underlie a component of intrinsic signals of the retina.
Supported by National Institutes of Health Grant EB002843/1035464.