In this study, we assessed the potential usefulness of 3D,SD-OCT imaging of the macular RNFL for detecting RNFL defects in the diagnosis of glaucoma. A large number of studies have been performed to examine TD-OCT measurement of cpRNFL thickness as a tool for glaucoma diagnosis, but TD-OCT is too slow for effective 3D imaging, and even the fast macular thickness mode on the Stratus (TD)-OCT provided too few sampling points to clearly visualize the shape of RNFL defects. Our study showed, however, that high-speed 3D raster scanning using 3D,SD-OCT provided excellent images of the macular RNFL, with several advantages compared with TD-OCT and fundus photography.
First, we found that on 3D,SD-OCT images of macular RNFL, RNFL defects in the macular region could be identified more effectively than on color fundus photographs, especially in eyes with tessellated fundi and as effectively as on red-free fundus photographs. The identification of RNFL defects on color fundus photographs has been one of the major diagnostic indicators of glaucoma. However, RNFL defects can be difficult or impossible to detect on photographs of tessellated fundi and may be difficult to detect in photographs of eyes with diffuse RNFL thinning. In contrast, we clearly saw macular RNFL defects in the 3D volume images and thickness maps of macular RNFLs in our study, even in images from eyes with tessellated fundi and diffuse RNFL thinning. This advantage of macular RNFL imaging using SD-OCT appears to result from the difference in imaging principals between OCT and photography. On OCT images, the RNFL appears as a line of high reflectivity, distinct from the reflectivity representing other retinal and subretinal tissues, whereas on photographs, light reflected from the RNFL is mixed with light reflected from other retinal and subretinal tissues, and so RNFL defects, which appear in color fundus photographs as localized reductions in light reflected from the RNFL, may be masked by reflections from deeper tissues such as the choroid and retinal pigment epithelium. Red-free processing can decrease the reflections from these deeper tissues.
Because the Stratus OCT (TD-OCT) software (Carl Zeiss Meditec, Inc.) does not allow automated segmentation of macular RNFL thickness, researchers developed a new segmentation algorithm for RNFL segmentation on Stratus OCT images.
19,20 The maps of macular RNFL thickness in these studies did not clearly depict macular RNFL defects, probably because of the conventional scanning protocol they used—six radial linear scans with 6-mm scan length, centered at the fovea—which limits the number of sampling lines (the number of sampling lines of each scan is 256) and leaves large areas unsampled. This limitation in scanning density stems from the slow scanning speed (400 A-scans/s) of the Stratus OCT. In this study, we used 65,536 A-scans for 3D imaging of the macular RNFL, approximately 85 times the six radial linear scans in TD-OCT. In addition, our 3D,SD-OCT protocol allowed even distribution of a much higher density of A-scans over the macula.
The 3D,SD-OCT scans in our study showed the severity of RNFL atrophy, whereas the severity of RNFL atrophy cannot be determined from color or red-free fundus photographs. Our serial vertical B-scan images and color-coded macular RNFL thickness maps clearly showed whether each RNFL defect in color or red-free fundus photographs involved complete loss or just thinning of the RNFL. Thus, the 3D macular RNFL imaging using SD-OCT has advantages over fundus photography for RNFL imaging.
Although RNFL thinning was more severe than total retinal thinning in the eyes with glaucoma in our study, mean macular RNFL thickness was not a significantly better indicator of glaucoma than mean macular thickness measured with SD-OCT. This result is consistent with studies by Ishikawa et al.
19 and Leung et al.
21 The outer retinal layers are hardly affected in glaucoma, whereas the ganglion cell layer (GCL) and inner plexiform layer (IPL) of the retina are affected in glaucoma as well as the RNFL.
20,22 The ganglion cell layer (GCL) in the macula, which has between two and seven layers of ganglion cell bodies, may especially be affected.
23 Recent studies showed that the mean thickness of the innermost three or four retinal layers, which include the RNFL, GCL, and IPL, is better than the mean macular thickness and comparable to mean cpRNFL thickness in discriminating whether glaucoma is present.
19,20 In addition, it was shown that measurements of the RNFL layer have relatively low repeatability compared with measurements of combined inner retinal layers and of the total retina, which is in agreement with our results.
Many studies have shown that Stratus (TD) OCT measurements of mean cpRNFL thickness are the best means of discriminating between glaucomatous and normal eyes,
7–13 but Stratus OCT cpRNFL thickness profiles and significance maps are not sensitive indicators of RNFL defects.
24,25 In our study, we found that localized RNFL defects were more often detected on Stratus OCT cpRNFL thickness profiles and significance maps when macular RNFL defects included complete loss of RNFL reflectivity. In contrast, when macular RNFL defects did not include complete loss of RNFL reflectivity (only RNFL thinning), half or more of the RNFL defects were not detected on Stratus OCT cpRNFL thickness profiles and significance maps. These findings suggest that conventional cpRNFL thickness analyses may fail to reveal less severe RNFL atrophy, which could help to explain why RNFL defects are not sensitively detected by Stratus OCT measurements of cpRNFL thickness.
In the present study, the correlation with MD of macular RNFL thickness measured using SD-OCT as a visual function was higher than that of other macular parameters. However, the correlation of all the macular parameters with MD was lower than that of cpRNFL from TD-OCT. The difference in the coverage area between the two scanning patterns might be responsible for the highest correlation of the cpRNFL parameter with the MD parameter; a macular 6-mm2 scan only covers the area corresponding to HFA 10-2, whereas cpRNFL thickness globally reflects the changes from the whole retinal area. We used the MD parameter from HFA 24-2, which covers changes from areas much larger than the macula.
There are some limitations to the usefulness of 3D,SD-OCT imaging in detecting macular RNFL defects for early diagnosis of glaucoma. One is that the scanning area is limited to 6 mm2, and among our study patients, 5.9% and 11.8% of RNFL defects on color and red-free fundus photographs, respectively, were not within the macular scan area. It may be desirable to try to widen the scanning area for detection of RNFL defects. Another limitation is that the axial resolution of commercially available SD-OCT systems, which is 5 to 6 μm, may not be adequate for automated segmentation of thin RNFLs in the vicinity of the central fovea and temporal raphe, even in healthy eyes, although it is unknown whether examining the RNFL in these regions is important. It is also uncertain whether the axial resolution of 5 to 6 μm is adequate for automated segmentation of atrophic RNFLs in eyes with glaucoma. The axial resolution on 3D,SD-OCT may account, at least in part, for the lower reproducibility of macular RNFL thickness measurements compared with total macular retinal thickness measurements. Despite this limitation, however, it was possible to effectively identify RNFL defects from color-coded 3D,SD-OCT maps of RNFL thickness.
In our subjects, normal eyes and those with glaucoma differed significantly in refractive error. This difference in ocular magnification may not have an influence on the qualitative assessment of RNFL defects on 3D,SD-OCT images but may be a factor on the macular RNFL and macular thickness estimates in the normal versus glaucomatous eyes. In future work, the effects of ocular magnification correction on these macular thickness parameters should be investigated.
In conclusion, our study showed that 3D,SD-OCT imaging of macular RNFL has advantages and shows promise for early detection of macular RNFL defects due to glaucoma. The current minor limitations of this approach to early glaucoma diagnosis could be overcome by advances in SD-OCT technology to allow a wider scanning area and higher axial resolution.