When examined at CEI at age 6.5 years, the VA was 20/200 in each eye at distance, and 20/50, J5 size letters, in the right eye, and 20/100, J10 size letters, in the left, at near. Examination disclosed normal pupillary responses, no nystagmus, and 0.25 diopters of myopia. Fundus examination showed bilateral waxy, full optic discs with buried drusen, mildly attenuated retinal vessels, normal foveal reflexes, and mild desaturation of the fundus coloration but minimal, if any, discernible pigmentary disturbance (
Fig. 2). There was an isolated area of chorioretinal thinning nasally in the right eye (
Fig. 2). An ERG, performed using intravenous (IV) propofol sedation, disclosed no detectable responses of rods and severely subnormal but clearly detectable, delayed responses of cones to single flash and 30 Hz flicker (
Fig. 3). A diagnosis of SECORD was made. At age 7 years 8 months, with a myopic correction of −1.75 + 0.50 × 90° in both eyes, his VA was 20/60 in the right eye and 20/50− in the left at distance, and 20/200 and 20/70, respectively, at near. At 8 years 3 months, the VA was 20/60 in the right eye and 20/50 in the left at distance, and 20/80 and 20/40, respectively, at near. At age 8 years 9 months, the VA (without correction) was 20/100+ in the right eye, 20/125 in the left at distance, and J7 in each eye at near. With the Titmus test, he achieved 140 seconds of arc of stereopsis (fly, 3/3 animals, 4/9 circles).