To identify whether static and dynamic aspects of accommodation other than accuracy are deficient in individuals with Down syndrome (DS) and whether poor accommodation is related to sensory or motor pathway deficits.
Static aspects of accommodation (maximum accommodative response and lag) were measured with an autorefractor for both proximal and minus lens demands. Dynamic aspects of accommodation (latency, peak velocity, microfluctuations) were recorded at 30 Hz with a custom-built photorefractor as subjects viewed a movie switching between 11 m and 50, 33, 25, or 20 cm. Thirty-six subjects with DS were recruited (age 3 to 39 years), and 24 (67%) had useable responses for at least one study measurement for comparison with 140 controls (3 to 40 years) from a previously published cohort.
DS subjects had lower maximum accommodative responses (mean = 2.52 ± 1.66 D) and higher lags (1.81 ± 1.30 D for 33 cm demand) than controls for both proximal and minus lens stimuli. DS subjects had greater microfluctuations (one-way ANCOVA, P < 0.001), and a small percentage of the total number of latency measurements (17% accommodative and 16% disaccommodative) were longer than controls. Peak velocities of accommodation and disaccommodation were not different between groups (one-way ANCOVA, P = 0.143).
Peak velocities of accommodation and disaccommodation (primarily motor aspects) did not differ between controls and DS subjects; however, latencies (primarily sensory) and microfluctuations (combined motor and sensory) were poorer in DS subjects. These results suggest that poor accommodative accuracy in individuals with DS may be predominantly related to sensory deficits.
Poor accommodative accuracy is a common finding in individuals with Down syndrome (DS).
1,2 Several studies have used dynamic retinoscopy to measure accommodative lag in subjects with DS,
2 –10 and bifocal prescriptions have been evaluated as a treatment option.
11 –13 However, the cause of poor accommodative accuracy is still unknown. One possible explanation is that poor accommodative accuracy is related to a mechanical deficit of the eye in which the accommodative mechanism is limited in its ability, such as with presbyopia. Another possibility is that deficits in the sensory pathway fail to detect changes in blur, such as would be seen in individuals with an increased depth of field.
1,5 A recent study supports the explanation of sensory deficits based on observed improvements of accommodative accuracy in young subjects with DS after a period of bifocal wear.
13 The authors of that study suggested that the improvement would not have occurred if accommodation were limited by mechanical deficits.
Knowledge of accommodative dysfunction in individuals with DS is limited to lag. One previous study attempted to measure accommodative amplitudes in these subjects,
2 but a later publication by the same laboratory acknowledged that this goal may not have been met.
5 The purpose of the present study was to objectively measure both static (maximum accommodative response and lag) and dynamic (latencies, peak velocities, microfluctuations) aspects of accommodation in individuals with DS to enable a more complete assessment of accommodative function. Prior studies of accommodative deficiencies in subjects with DS have not included dynamic aspects of accommodation. Measurements of dynamic accommodation will address whether increased accommodative lag is related to a sensory or motor deficit by comparing measures that are assumed to be primarily reflexive and sensory driven (latencies) versus those that are primarily motor driven (peak velocities) to measurements from normal controls.
Of the 35 subjects with DS, 9 had strabismus and 5 had nystagmus, one of whom had both. Best corrected visual acuities for the tested eye averaged 20/45 at distance (range = 20/25 to 20/100) and was similar in the fellow eye. Near visual acuities were measured in 29 subjects and averaged 20/60 at 40 cm through the habitual distance correction (range = 20/25 to 20/125). Control subjects had best corrected monocular distance acuities of 20/20 or better, except for a few of the youngest subjects who were testable only to 20/25, which is within the expected range for typical young children.
The distribution of refractive errors for subjects with DS was 22 (63%) with hyperopia (mean = +3.54 D ± 1.81, range = +1.25 to +8.50 D), 5 (14%) with myopia (mean = −6.90 D ± 3.61, range = −3.00 to −11.50 D), 4 (11.5%) with mixed astigmatism, and 4 (11.5%) with emmetropia (−0.16 to +0.37 D). Mean astigmatism was 1.72 D (range = 0.25 to 5.00 D). All nonemmetropes wore spectacles except for one 36-year-old subject whose myopia had been corrected with LASIK.
Control subjects included 65 (46.5%) with myopia (mean = −3.54 D ± 2.10, range = −0.75 to −10.25 D), 3 (2%) with hyperopia (mean = +1.08 D ± 0.14, range = +1.00 to +1.25 D), 68 (48.5%) with emmetropia (−0.50 to +0.50 D), and 4 (3%) with mixed astigmatism. Nonemmetropes were corrected with spectacles or contact lenses, except five myopic adult subjects who had been corrected with LASIK.
Measurements were attempted on 30 subjects with DS, and 19 completed the measures. There was a statistically significant difference in age between subjects who could and could not complete the measurements (t (26) = 3.10, P < 0.01). Subjects who could cooperate were older (mean = 17.6 years, range = 9 to 39) than subjects who could not (mean = 7 years, range = 3 to 14), and age equivalents also differed significantly (mean = 7 years versus 4 years, t (26) = 2.16, P = 0.02).
Mean maximum accommodative response to minus lens blur was 2.52 ± 1.66 D in these 19 subjects with DS. No significant relationships between maximum accommodative response and age, age-equivalent, or distance visual acuity were found (
P ≥ 0.19). Minus lens–stimulated maximum accommodative response for subjects with DS and controls are shown in
Figure 2. Only one subject with DS falls along the mean curve of the control subjects (age = 26, max response = 5.94 D). All remaining 18 subjects fall below the mean predicted curve with only 5 (26%) falling within −2 standard deviations of the mean. The mean actual age of the 5 subjects who fell within −2 standard deviations was similar to the actual age of the other 14 subjects with DS (
t (17) = 1.21,
P = 0.2); however, these subjects had mean age equivalents significantly greater than the rest of the subjects with DS (mean age equivalent = 11.0 vs. 5.8 years,
t (17) = 3.99,
P < 0.01), suggesting they were more advanced cognitively.
In addition to the reduced accommodative accuracy shown previously in individuals with DS,
1 –5 this study identifies multiple deficits in accommodative function that can now be further evaluated to identify the likely etiology of the deficits. One new finding reported here is that a large portion of the subjects with DS had atypical accommodative responses to the dynamic step stimulus (
Fig. 4). Many subjects had initial responses that were not sustained, while others showed no response. Particularly for the latter case, this may suggest a lack of sensory pathway signaling for an accommodative response to the near stimulus.
The reduced maximum accommodative responses in subjects with DS could support the hypothesis of a mechanical deficit. Studies of in vivo lens biometrics reported thinner lenses (3.27 mm vs. 3.49 mm) with greater optical density and weaker calculated power (17.70 D vs. 19.48 D) in subjects with DS, which could account for reduced maximum accommodative responses.
8 Despite this logical prediction, no relationship was observed between crystalline lens properties and accommodative accuracy as measured with dynamic retinoscopy for subjects with DS in the previous study, which suggests that these structural differences do not impact accommodative function.
8 One caution about these conclusions is that accommodative accuracy was limited to a categorization of “weak” versus “accurate” rather than a quantitative measure in that study.
Conversely, reduced maximum accommodative responses could be due to sensory pathway deficits. Reduced responses are observed in amblyopic subjects, a population with reduced visual acuity due to sensory deficits. Accommodative responses were reduced by >2 D in the amblyopic eye (VA range of 20/25 to 20/137), with improvement when response was measured consensually while stimulating the nonamblyopic eye.
32 In addition, increased depth of field secondary to decreased visual acuity has been proposed to result in increased accommodative lags in amblyopes.
33 Measurements of accommodation and subjective depth of field in individual amblyopic subjects support this model.
Decreased visual acuity is often present in individuals with DS
34 and could contribute to lower accommodative responses and increased lags, much as in amblyopes without DS. The average best corrected visual acuities in this study were 20/45 (range = 20/25 to 20/100) and are in agreement with previous studies.
3,34 As shown in amblyopes, even a visual acuity reduction to 20/25 (comparable to the best acuity in these subjects with DS) may be enough to impact accommodative performance.
32 For subjects with DS, there was not a significant relationship between level of acuity and accommodative measures. However, a limitation of this analysis is that visual acuity measures were obtained using a variety of tests (dependent on the cognitive ability of the subject), and thus analysis combining these different measures cannot be used to determine definitely if acuity impacted accommodation in the present study.
The results from the dynamic measurements also suggest that the primary deficit lies in the sensory pathway rather than the motor pathway. Both accommodative and disaccommodative peak velocities, which are driven by dynamic changes of the ciliary muscle, crystalline lens, and zonular fibers, did not differ between subjects with and without DS (
Fig. 6). One limitation to this interpretation is that these observations may be biased by the sample, as perhaps those subjects whose responses were adequate for analysis were also the subjects who had better overall accommodative function. It should be noted, however, that accommodative microfluctuations were significantly elevated in these same subjects (
Fig. 7). Increased accommodative microfluctuations could be suggestive of a more flexible crystalline lens in subjects with DS, although previous studies suggest the opposite.
8 Haugen et al.
8 report greater optical density in the crystalline lens of subjects with DS and suggest this could indicate decreased lens flexibility, although the relationship between optical density and lens stiffness is unclear. Conversely, increased accommodative microfluctuations may indicate that subjects have an increased depth of field. An increased depth of field is consistent with sensory pathway deficits and thus consistent with the lack of motor deficits as evidenced by normal peak velocities.
These findings of accommodative function suggest that accommodative inaccuracy is primarily related to a sensory pathway deficit in individuals with DS. However, the source of this deficit is still in question, especially given the large variability in accommodative performance between individual subjects with DS. One major source of variability between subjects may be refractive error and binocular status. Greater accommodative inaccuracy has been reported in subjects with DS with large amounts of hyperopia or strabismus,
10 whereas more accurate accommodative responses were found in subjects with DS with stable, low amounts of hyperopia.
7 The number of subjects in the present study is smaller than these previous studies, which may have masked significant differences related to refractive error or strabismus. However, subjects in this study with large amounts of hyperopia (exceeding +3.00 DS) and strabismus were among those who demonstrated adequate maximum accommodative responses (
Table 1).
Refractive error and binocular status also differed between subjects with DS and the controls. These differences represent a potential limitation to this study. Subjects with DS had a similar range of myopic refractive error compared with controls, but a much greater range of hyperopia. In addition, 40% of subjects with DS had strabismus, nystagmus, or both. These differences between the two populations may contribute to some of the differences in accommodative measures observed in this study, although as noted above, some subjects with strabismus were among those with maximum accommodative responses similar to controls.
Another source of variability in the subjects with DS is their level of cognitive functioning. Cognitive functioning may be suggestive of the overall level of neural deficits and thus linked to accommodative function. The subjects with adequate accommodative responses in this study (
n = 5) had significantly higher age equivalent scores, despite there being no difference in mean actual age from the subjects with poor responses. Several of these 5 subjects also had lower lags of accommodation and were among the few individuals to have at least one typical accommodative response. Only one previous study of accommodative function in individuals with DS known to the authors looked at the relationship of developmental ability with accommodative performance. That study did not find a relationship between accommodative accuracy and developmental quotient, but the developmental test used was intended for assessing mental and motor development in infants between the ages of 1 and 30 months.
4 Use of this test in subjects older than the intended age range (actual age range of subjects = 4.7 to 84.7 months) may have created a ceiling effect that limited the maximum score the subjects could attain, thereby creating an age equivalent range too small to observe differences in developmental ability among the subjects.
Further study is needed to identify the sensory deficits that may account for the large variability in accommodative function observed among subjects with DS. It would be useful to conduct future studies with more hyperopic controls as well as controls with strabismus, nystagmus, and amblyopia so that the effects of binocular vision anomalies on accommodation can be isolated from the cognitive impairment associated with DS.
Supported by Grants NEI T32 EY07024 and NEI P30 EY07551, AOF Ezell Fellowship, and Grant R01EY017076–02 (AG).
H.A. Anderson, None;
R.E. Manny, None;
A. Glasser, None;
K.K. Stuebing, None
The authors thank Hope Queener, Chris Kuether, and Sanjeev Kasthurirangan for assistance with computer programming and experimental setup, and the Down Syndrome Association of Houston for their support in the completion of this work.