Our surprising findings reinforce the need for extraordinary rigor in siRNA experimentation using, for example, the benchmark standards for siRNA experimentation advanced by the Horizon Symposium on RNA
54 and other colloquia.
55 Our observations also highlight unexpected functions for dsRNAs in modulating cell survival and vascular growth that can be exploited for therapeutic benefit in both atrophic and neovascular AMD.
Supported by the National Institutes of Health Office of the Director, the National Eye Institute, an unrestricted departmental grant from Research to Prevent Blindness (RPB), an RPB Senior Scientific Investigator Award, an RPB Lew R. Wasserman Merit Award, an RPB Physician Scientist Award, the Doris Duke Distinguished Clinical Scientist Award, the Burroughs Wellcome Fund Clinical Scientist Award in Translational Research, the Dr. E. Vernon Smith and Eloise C. Smith Macular Degeneration Endowed Chair, the American Health Assistance Foundation, the International Retinal Research Foundation, the Macula Vision Research Foundation, the E. Matilda Ziegler Foundation for the Blind, the the Jahnigen Career Development Award, and a University of Kentucky Physician Scientist Award.
I am profoundly grateful to my many mentors including Anthony Adamis, Donald D'Amico, George Bresnick, the late M. Judah Folkman, Evangelos Gragoudas, Matthew LaVail, Joan Miller, and James Rosenbaum. I have been blessed with numerous outstanding fellows and students in my group, as well as collaborators worldwide, most notably my brother Balamurali Ambati. I also thank for their constant support my parents Ambati M. Rao and Gomathi S. Rao, my wife Kameshwari, and my daughters Meena and Divya.