An earlier study found that discrimination of the direction of peripheral movement has a higher cutoff frequency than does resolution and, under defocus, more closely resembles the behavior of a detection task than that of a sampling-limited resolution task.
31 In addition, Artal et al.
10 found an absence of motion reversal in the peripheral field, suggesting that resolution of drifting gratings may not be sampling-limited. Therefore, it was hypothesized that the movement direction cue would improve the performance of resolution tasks, even at high contrast. However, contrary to expectations, the benefit of having gratings drifting was limited to low-contrast tasks at high amounts of defocus. Conversely, detection acuity for well-corrected, high-contrast gratings had the drift, whereas in other visual tasks, the acuity for drifting and stationary gratings was identical. One explanation of why our results differ is that previous studies reporting an improvement for drifting targets have had them stimulating a larger retinal area than the corresponding stationary target, and stimulation of a larger retinal area will improve acuity.
32 Another possible explanation is that the important parameter is not the absolute velocity in degrees per second but rather the velocity relative to the grating frequency in cycles per second. For well-corrected, high-contrast detection, the grating frequency was high, and the speed in cycles per second so fast that temporal summation of the eye might be difficult. Assuming a temporal summation of 10 to 50 ms,
33 a drift of 2° per second corresponds to a movement of 0.02° to 0.1°. As logMAR 0.4 is equivalent to a line width of 0.04°, the faster-than-summation drift could explain the worse acuity. Finally, very large targets seemed to benefit from the drifting. There are two possible explanations for this: Either, a slow drift is beneficial when the drift speed is approximately 2 to 2.5 cycles per second, or the restrictions applied by the Gaussian apodization are too severe on stationary targets at such low spatial frequencies.